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Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Printable Version

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RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Nako Vesh - 06-09-2015

(06-09-2015, 07:14 PM)Addison Wrote: ESO, in general, is a passable MMO.

As a TES game, however, it sorely misses the mark. And that's my biggest disappointment.

That and the PvP, which was hyped to be 'revolutionary.'

This is exactly how I felt about it. If it had been other IP, I might view it more favorably, but I'm not sure that TES can be translated to MMO format and still be TES.

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - TheLastCandle - 06-09-2015

My main complaint is the forced trinity of factions. The Nords allying with the Dunmer is one big headscratcher. Don't even get me started with the Argonians. Ebonheart is the most unlikely alliance in the game.

Also I still don't quite understand the decision to put the emphasis on poorly implemented PvP/a race to the (hilariously short-lived) crown of Emperor. Still, it's been a fun game to explore. I enjoyed revisiting Morrowind and especially High Rock, Daggerfall having been my entry point to the series.

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Leomoon - 06-09-2015

(06-09-2015, 06:37 PM)Casden Reeves Wrote:
(06-09-2015, 05:50 PM)Leomoon Wrote:
(06-09-2015, 05:28 PM)Aaron Wrote: Good thing I followed instinct when the original ESO was announced. 

I was like "10 bucks this game will be shit. I have no evidence,  I just feel it."
On Pc I bet its much better but when I played it simply having no text chat in a MMO yanks my chain in a wrong way.

You'd be sadly mistaken, it's quite medicore by others standards on a PC, and downright atrocious by mine.
Well I am deprest...

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Leomoon - 06-09-2015

(06-09-2015, 07:50 PM)Graeham Wrote: I had high hopes for ESO yet it ended up being a major disappointment for me. Despite the wealth of intriguing lore available to exploit the developers saw fit to create incredibly dull factions that didn't make a whole lot of sense and were designed purely for the sake of poorly justifying PvP.

It was the perfect opportunity to get a faction in an MMO that wasn't a human circle jerk. We could have had a wonderfully gritty faction dominated by the Dunmer or Altmer - but instead the Dunmer were shunned in favour of Nords (understandably to appease those who only got into the franchise with Skyrim) and the Altmer...had everything unique about them stripped away by the developers making the stereotypical Altmer into villains and putting a twenty something human-with-long-ears in charge of what was marketed as the 'elven' faction.

My partner and I almost gave up on MMO's altogether as a result. Thankfully FFXIV has proven worthwhile and keeps us both happy.

It does have redeeming qualities and I enjoyed some of the quests but...it doesn't help that it was ridiculously hard to organise role-play and we never got the promised filter to help us locate other role-players without adding them to our list of in-game friends.
At lest in Guild wars people did try to RP, the ESO the more I play the more I feel likes its a fooling around MO. Guess when I get a fully working Pc I will be heading up wildstare for a different MMO.

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - TheLastCandle - 06-09-2015

Wildstar is worth a try to see if you like it. The beta didn't grab me, but I have a lot of friends who played it and immediately preordered. Be advised, though, it's going F2P this fall, so you may want to wait for that.

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Nako Vesh - 06-09-2015

(06-09-2015, 08:21 PM)TheLastCandle Wrote: Wildstar is worth a try to see if you like it. The beta didn't grab me, but I have a lot of friends who played it and immediately preordered. Be advised, though, it's going F2P this fall, so you may want to wait for that.

If you like getting creative, it's almost worth it just for the housing system. The housing system is super robust and almost as good as Rift's was. I can't wait for F2P just so I can tour people's houses and see the incredibly creative things people have done with it, but at this point I'm not really interested in playing the actual game. lol

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - ArmachiA - 06-09-2015

I wanted to like Wildstar, I really did.

I just didn't like most anything it did. Housing was top notch though

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Cato - 06-09-2015

Wildstar had a lot of potential. I quite liked the quirky humour and the lore surrounding the Eldan. I liked the Cassians too - especially their architecture - and the housing system was wonderful.

Yet it just didn't grip me like FFXIV did. I blame the lack of consistent and meaningful content updates and the rather bizarre decision to make dungeons and raids 'hardcore' and not easily accessible to the average player. I like a challenge but tedious grinds/mandatory timed dungeon runs aren't my cup of tea at all.

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Zyrusticae - 06-09-2015

ESO turned me off from the get-go just because their armor models are awful. It ain't no Souls game, that's for sure.

Wildstar turned me off because of their really lame character creation. Well, that, and of their racial options, precisely zero appealed to me in particular. Aurin would have gotten close if the character creation were actually worth a damn, but nope. Nopenopenope!

I'm REALLY picky about my character models, man. I just can't get past a game that doesn't let me make a character that looks the way I want them to look.

Now, Blade & Soul, on the other hand...! Mmm, so good. I have so little to complain about with that game, it's kind of silly. Even after leveling 3 characters to the cap (two of them of the exact same class) and dealing with horrible foreigner latency and language barriers, I still love the damn game. Lyn especially appeal to me, as they're like a perfect balance between Miqo'te and Lalafell (or rather, what I wish Lalafell actually were). My favorite race in gaming thus far.

I'll freely admit I am jumping ship as soon as the NA version is released. I have absolutely no qualms about that. HOWEVER, if XCOM 2 releases around the same time...

Well, I'll probably die of happiness overload.

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Cato - 06-09-2015

I took a look at Blade & Soul to see what all the fuss was about and...I can't say I'm very keen on the art style/armour design. It seems like another MMO where the 'women' look underage but have massive knockers and give the impression that they're liable to burst out of their costumes at any given moment.

I may be wrong but that's what Google images is showing me...I'll cut it a bit of slack if it at least gives men some alluring clothing options and doesn't give them the anatomy of a Ken doll.

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - ArmachiA - 06-09-2015

^ 90% of Korean MMOs look identical. B&S even have an Elin race from TERA. Anime Waifus in tiny tiny clothing is the norm there

There's no MMO in the future right now on the Horizon at all that interests me, which is the first time for me in awhile.

I am looking at Black Desert, it looks like it could be good, but I'm wary on Korean MMOs

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - TheLastCandle - 06-10-2015

Black Desert looks pretty, but rance or gender-locked classes suck. Can't do it; I already hate the gameplay based on that alone. And I agree with Graeham on B&S's aesthetics. Waaaaay too fanciful for my liking, it's like ArcheAge to the 10th power.

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Cato - 06-10-2015

(06-09-2015, 11:50 PM)ArmachiA Wrote: ^ 90% of Korean MMOs look identical. B&S even have an Elin race from TERA. Anime Waifus in tiny tiny clothing is the norm there

There's no MMO in the future right now on the Horizon at all that interests me, which is the first time for me in awhile.

I am looking at Black Desert, it looks like it could be good, but I'm wary on Korean MMOs

FFXIV is keeping me very satisfied and I suspect it'll do so for quite some time if it continues doing what it's currently doing. I'm not really in the know about upcoming MMO's but for the first time in a while I'm not giving them much thought. Finding a suitable long term replacement for WoW was my priority and now I've finally found it. So I'm very content!

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Dogberry - 06-10-2015

MMO's are such a crazy genre. I definitely think they're reaching a slow down point, as the market has pretty much shown you better come correct or don't come at all, and most studios just take way too many short cuts. SE had that Final Fantasy money so it could afford a project like ARR, and ESO has that Bethesda money, so they can probably afford a major overhaul too if it proves necessary. But if you're an independent studio? You better have a sweet gimmick going on because you do not have the money for this genre. MMO's are a rich developer's market.

Though, all the Korean MMOs have me curious if it's actually more profitable to set up a crappy, recycled asset MMO, launch it, and maintain servers for a while until ultimately closing up shop once your sales numbers peak.

RE: Elderscrolls online is useless on consoles - Zyrusticae - 06-10-2015

(06-09-2015, 11:50 PM)ArmachiA Wrote: ^ 90% of Korean MMOs look identical. B&S even have an Elin race from TERA.

Lyn are extremely distinct from Elin. For starters, the character creation isn't complete arse (why the hell Elin can't have dark skin is completely beyond me), secondly they're not anywhere NEAR as sexualized (such outfits are the exception rather than the norm), and finally they can actually look old as opposed to just being this kind of creepy hybrid of adult lower half and kiddy upper half.

But yes, the game is full of 'sexy' outfits for the other womenfolk, and that is something that kind of bothers me (especially when the character creation is strong enough for me to make a non-Lyn character that looks like an early teen, but then ends up wearing some really, ah, questionable material). Fortunately, there are outfits that aren't as blatant, the Kun/Yun race are also kind of an alternative that are less sexualized, and of course, you have the option of just playing as a guy (though the Gon often get gratuitous flesh exposure as well) or a Lyn.

And I can't emphasize enough how insanely powerful the character creation is. It basically takes the system from Aion and applies it to better character models with four distinct races, which just means you have an insane amount of freedom to craft a unique look for yourself.

And this is all besides the fact that, at least for me, the game is incredibly fun. The core gameplay loop, particularly the combat, is just so strong that I can play this game repeatedly for hours on end just because I'm enjoying myself that much. The stellar artwork, graphics, and animation work go a long way to helping that.

The game's had something of 9 years worth of development and polish, and it shows. It may very well end up being the only MMORPG I play once it hits NA.

(06-10-2015, 12:01 AM)TheLastCandle Wrote: Black Desert looks pretty, but rance or gender-locked classes suck. Can't do it; I already hate the gameplay based on that alone. And I agree with Graeham on B&S's aesthetics. Waaaaay too fanciful for my liking, it's like ArcheAge to the 10th power.

Black Desert is a really odd duck. I can tell they cribbed a fair amount from Vindictus, especially in terms of the aesthetics.

And each 'class' is like a predefined person rather than simply a class. Like, the sorceress has a very distinct look from the ranger, who looks very different from the Tamer, and even the character customization reflects this. Rather than having a base body that all characters share and modify, each class has their own body and face, which is really... really weird. I don't know why they do things that way.