Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Printable Version +- Hydaelyn Role-Players ( +-- Forum: Role-Play ( +--- Forum: Town Square (IC) ( +--- Thread: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom (/showthread.php?tid=13461) Pages:
RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 09-25-2015 ![]() Page #15: "Everen Academy Cafe" Dear Diary, there is a school of learning based in Gridania called the Everen Academy, they offer good trade and make profit from merchantry as well as regularly inviting the locals in for social evenings of casual dining. I've never attended, but pending my graduation from Stillglade Fane, I thought ought to look into further education. Sadly the evening wasn't at all pleasant. For whatever the reason, the majority of the crowd attracted to the cafe were outsiders, those of the horned kind. I made my distaste known to the host, who I'd met upstairs, but she took offense and had me thrown out of the establishment. Poor way to treat a concerned guest I'd say. There was even an Elezen woman under the effects of smoking fire shards in a pipe, she drew arms on me while I conversed with the host on their lawn. One of the horned people in particular looked especially sinister and on my way down the hill, I saw him again. This time appearing to harass a group of Miqo'te and Hyur ladies. Of course I came to their defense and offered help, but seemingly I was mistaken, as they seemed offended that I would even question the presence of the horned person in the first place. Nonetheless, I will not allow an unpleasant evening to phase my mood. I shall return to the Nine Ivies to rendezvous with Miss Lilia. Persons of her company were much more pleasant and welcoming as it were. Perhaps once the school quietens, I shall revisit and make my defense. Besides, there is a Miqo'te goes by Mirien I'd like to meet again. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 09-25-2015 ![]() Page #16: "With the Wayfinders" Dear diary, I did meet with Miss Lilia today, and her company of Wayfinders. Swiftly, I’m told, did their caravan pass through the Nine Ivies, but word reached me in time to give pursuit. Steelbane tracked the caravan to an alehouse not far from the Nine Ivies, and out in the yard, sat the brave adventurers. I gave the basket of hand-picked flowers to Miss Lilia, all my favourites that grew in the surrounding forest. She introduced me to those at our table, first to Miss Emeraven, a freelance medic and hunter with a fantastical bow that span the length of her body and more. She had a kind look about her, and eyes so captivating I forgot to notice the furry ears. Also at Lilia’s table was Sir Maruud, an old Roegardyn with long greying hair. We spoke briefly of my impending rite and coming of age, of my nervous excitement and plans to travel the world for the first time. He made contrast to himself, of when he was my age, how he had travelled much and never was one to remain too long in a single place. We certainly differ in that respect, I have called the Twelveswood home for the fifteen years of my life, and proudly so, have never ventured outside of her safe canopies. Miss Lilia wore a different hat today, to match a beautiful yellow overcoat. Her wide-brimmed straw hat gave shade from the evening sun, and was decorated with an adorable bouquet of flowers; daisies, poppies, roses and sunflowers, preserved to retain their colourful bloom, never to wilt or die. She looked elegant as always, with an air of sophistication that draws good company and makes for pleasant conversation. We spoke again of Sir Redolent Rose, master of the Weaver’s Guild, who I plan to visit someday if ever I pass through the city of Ul’dah. As Miss Lilia pointed out, both weavers and botanist could much benefit from working together in fashion; complement each other’s skills and create floral clothing of such wonders as Miss Lilia’s hat. It is an exciting thought, and a project I’d much enjoy to undertake. A Highlander was brought to our table by the name of Sir Worren, large and strong, with a warming smile and a laid back attitude. His tongue spoke so overly honest of his thoughts, it was no wonder Sir Maruud gave repeated reprimand. I did find him quite entertaining. He reminded me of uncle Pious, who like almost all other Ala Mighans, seldom wore clothing, choosing to lay bare their ever so distracting muscled torsos. Ready to meet more of the Wayfinders, I asked Miss Lilia if I may be shown around. Thankfully, she was accepting, glad even, to walk me over to the crowd. I met three new people, and for all my fears, all three were Au Ra. Sir Connor, Caolan and Sechen. The terror that caught my tongue must have been more than noticeable as Miss Lilia bade me not to be afraid. Was but only a while earlier in the evening that I was thrown out of the Everen Academy cafe for prejudices to a man of Sir Connor's scaled likeness, yet the contrasts were far different. Unlike the suspect air of the derelict vagrant of the Everen cafe, here was a man, well mannered, poised in stately coat with the outward impression of an intellectual scholar. Absent his intimidating height, draconic scales and imposing horns, one could quite possibly, see the person beneath. "Physical appearances are just that, an outward shell of the soul that inhabits it" said Connor, imparting wisdom to my, admittedly, ignorant mind. "You may never know someone unless you take the time to learn of them. The most frightening of visage can hide the kindest of souls." Sir Connors made his leave, presumably satisfied he had given sufficient enlightenment to this young and sheltered mind. Yet all his words fell flat upon meeting Sir Caolan. He was the sort to embrace the crippling fear his intimidating size invoked in others. He was rude and obnoxious and challenged every aspect of politeness offered to him by Miss Lilia. I could not bring myself to stand close, let alone greet him or offer conversation. I had spent all the courage and willpower left in me not to leave and flee the company of these strange outsiders, when I finally found meaning in Connor's words, embodied in the form of her, Sechen. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 01-21-2016 ![]() Page #17: "Meeting Sechen"  Dear diary, a smart and scary monster once told me, you maynever know someone unless you take the time to learn of them, for the most frightening of visage can hide the kindest of souls. So it was, that soon after hearing Sir Connor's words, did I meet the example to which he might as well have been referring. Sechen's was a beauty to behold, a contradiction of my mind and heart, for here was a magnificent monster. Her scales were curled over slightly tanned skin like the spiral of vines embracing a floral growth. She had only one eye, the other damaged and kept behind a leather eyepatch. Yet, her cycloptic imperfections merely offered greater insight into her curious soul. I felt drawn to her, as though our souls, invisible to the naked eye, had risen from our mortal forms to hold and entwine in the circling embrace of kindred's dance.  I giggled and laughed as she spoke, her foreign accent clearto hear, and adorably, she gestured with her hands and body to support her efforts of communication. It was a game to me, and I wanted to play. Introducing myself, I held out my hands, curled into each other and slowly, I unfolded them, imitating as best as I could, a blossoming flower. "I am a botanist" I said, and an idea came to me. I reached into my satchel of herbs and produced a flower which I carefully secreted into my sleeves. I repeated my blossoming gesture and magicked forth the hidden bloom. Senchen was awash with shock and glee. "Myosotis sylvatica" I explained, "a beautiful blue flower to compliment your hair. It is also known as forget-me-not, a fitting gift to make a lasting impression".  Sechen liked my flower, and affixed it to her hair. Shebrought me to sit and we spoke of each other's past and dreams, namely my impending rite of passage, a quest to collect flowers from around the world. As the night drew on, the tables emptied, and Sechen and I were at last alone. I remember admiring her hair and the mesmerising flow of her scaled skin. They were blue as crystals, a beauty of lapis lazuli. As sleep washed over me, I became mesmerised by Sechen's rustling hair, each strand dancing in the midnight breeze, blue as the azure skies.  I must assume she helped me back onto Steelbane, for on themorrow, I awoke sprawled over the velvet sheets of my four-poster bed, safe and sound in the familiar walls of my family home. I recall speaking to Sir Jikam the caravan master, who agreed to have me join the Wayfinders group. I believe they're set for the beaches of Costa del Sol, a place unknown to me in the east of La Noscea. Though I cannot yet leave the Twelveswood, I was glad to have been taken in by my new friends, especially, that Sechen had desired me to do so. I hope to see her again, so that we may properly celebrate. To all the gods do I pray, for protection and safe passage of my newfound friends. Bless the earth they traverse, good Nophica, and give nourishment to their vessel, wherever their camps may be. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 01-21-2016 ![]() Page #18: "No Thyme for Vinaigrette"  Dear diary, I visited upon the Wayfinder's camp today hopingto see Sechen. She was sat by herself outside the bar, writing into a book, so I felt free to join her. It was quite sweet, she had drawn for me a beautifully sketched flower, as a return gift for the forget-me-not I had given her. I have the drawing fixed perfectly on a page in my spellbook. Perhaps I'll weave arcanima into it, give practise to my construction spells. The horned one Caolan came to us and gave invitation to join him at his table. I could not trust him, so of course I parted my lips to decline. But over his shoulder was the smiling likeness of Miss Lilia, who too was at his table. Reluctantly, I did accept.  What intrigues me is how later, in the conversation at thetable, Caolan, the supposed berserker gave sound advise on the subject of homely warmth. Miss Lilia had sent Sechen for mushrooms to improve her skills in market and commerce, and so came about the talk of food while living with a travelling caravan. I had not given thought to how I would eat away from home, without the servants to attend, or the cook preparing my favourite Gemelli Salad with Green Beans and Lemon-Thyme Vinaigrette. Dearly, would I miss my favourite dishes, with endless wanting. Surely, I thought, the solution to this is quite simply to have packed several lunches, even weeks’ worth. Miss Lilia made light of the idea and we laughed. She agreed bringing along my favourite food might give me a touch of home, but warned to prepare for the impracticalities of such a notion. Caolan spoke. And not at all in any provocative manner."Home is people, not a place" were his grammatically incorrect attempts at the common word. "It is more memories and feelings than things and locations." A surprisingly empathetic observation that exposed perhaps a hidden layer of a gentleman beneath the visage of a monster. Caolan had a love, care and compassion for his travelling companions. It was an opportunity too ripe for teasing for me to miss, and so upon Sechen's arrival did I make fun of the honed giant, reporting to her his soft and kind words of advice. Not to worry, however. I've found a better solution for my predicament. I'll bring along the cook. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 01-22-2016 ![]() Page #19: "Silvernail"  Dear diary, it is a great number of emotions within, thatforeshadows my rite of passage. One of which gives me cause for concern, about the person I might become over the course of my journeys. I have heard many a stories of children who venture into the world and return so unlike themselves, as though a darkness had taken over. A worrying similarity to the corruption that often seeds beneath the soils of our beloved Twelveswood. I fear the world might change me, and I shared such worries with a man I met at the campfire later that same night with Sechen. Sir Wemrys, a handsome man in resplendent armour, who gave comfort to my fears. As it turned out, he was but a lowly servant guard for the person of which I have named this page, Doctor Llinos Silvernail.  Doctor Llinos had suffered mild memory loss and sought astone of materia from Sechen's keeping with which to absorb back slivers of herself. She appeared quite weakened, and in retrospect I ought have offered her seat. She was leant on her guard Wemrys so warmly, spoke with him so fondly and jested so romantically that it is hard to imaging she would ever stay true to any suitor, noble or otherwise, save Sir Wemrys. Miss Llinos took interest in my fears and gave wisdom to soothe my woes.  "You'll find life is a constant metamorphosis. The morewe know about the world and ourselves, we find that adapting is necessary."  I don't, really, understand what she means, but the way shesaid it was enough to lift my mood. I admired her. Dressed in a light blue scholar's robe with such beautiful embroidery like none I've ever known. Her hair was shortly cut, dark with a deep contrasting red that served to enrich the gloss and sheen of each silken strand. She was a doctor of medicinal conjury and herbalist through expertise in botany. I wanted to be her. I thought, perhaps if I were her student, I could learn just how to do so. So I asked, and heavens be praised, she agreed. I am to be trained in advanced learning, new ways of healing. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 01-22-2016 ![]() Page #20: "Under the Starlight"  Dear diary, you would not believe the fun I've had thisnight gone. Quite a time it has been that I've felt so wild and free. My father's Doman horse, Steelbane and I traveled a while through the central shroud, just a merry jaunt through the woods, and lo, over the meadows, a sight to behold. A heavenly white mare with flowing sky blue mane swimming in the wind like an ocean wave. And her rider. Magical as the twinkling crystals of Hydaelyn beyond. She had long gorgeous hair combed over her shoulder in sweeping arcs like the petals of pink lilies out in full bloom. A Miqo'te, with a long lavender pink tail that playfully caressed the sides of her horse. She wore a simple white dress that blended over the spectral pale mare, embracing her figure into a silhouette cast of the mystical glow.  I merely sat and watched, transfixed by the visage. It isquite likely she thought my awe-struck face comical, as sounds of tiny laughter came from her way. She approached with a kind smile and her laughter caught on to me. I chuckled mildly at first but as it went on, our laughing took on a life of its own. I paid her compliment and she replied in kind. Her name was 'Sami, born of Raha, of the Dodo tribe. Truely, D'sami was a lovely name, but here was no ordinary girl.  Liking to the healing aura upon which I had been bathed,D'sami first introduced herself as Starlight. Steelbane seemed to be enjoying the company of the white mare, fittingly called Moonlight, so Star and I went for a walk. Like children that we were, we spent the early evening chasing one another around the meadow and rolling over hills. Star was so playful it was unbelievably refreshing. Mother was oft overly keen on my keeping of an elegant air, in accordance to noble etiquette of course. But on this night, I had the freedom to relinquish all pretence, throw caution to the wind and simply enjoy the laughter and company of the spritely Starlight. Eventually, we exhausted ourselves and laid among the flowers to bask in warming light of the golden Gridanian sunset. As night drew near, we straddled our horses and I made ready to take leave. Retrospect is terribly punishing, for when Star gave invitation to escort her to a friend's home, I ought have declined. Alas, I wanted not for the evening to end and so followed the rosy maiden to a mansion past Lavender Beds. It was a magnificent home and her friends were ever so accommodating, Donut and Orion especially, strange names beside. So it was, that I spent the night with Starlight, a stranger no longer. I was away from home for the first time ever, but when came the morrow, my Aunt and Uncle were less than impressed. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 01-23-2016 ![]() Page #21: "Nine Tails"  Dear diary, there was a recruitment fair out by the Adder'sNest earlier today, and present, in uniform were new members of a group my mother used to be in; a band of heroes known as the Nine Tails. According to mother, they were a tactical squad who started in the Gridanian military as White Wolves serving in the Wood Wailer's camps before enlisting to the Order of the Twin Adders on its reformation. Most of the original team fell as heroes in the Battle of Carteneau, but here stood a group, a brave few, ready to take their mantle. I learnt some of their names, D'orina, Ahm'ir, Lexi,Naih'tan, Shiri, three others and the wolf's head Jax, who rumours tell did steal Magitek from a Garlean camp. I had hoped to introduce myself to them, but sadly I was not alone at the town center. Officially grounded, my punishment for spending the night with Starlight is to forever be chaperoned by my aunt's guard who is a farcry from the kind and charming Sir Wemrys. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 01-23-2016 ![]() Page #22: "Maple"  Dear diary, sneaking from the house felt wrong. I worry I may need to tell a lie, should my aunt suspect I've been away. I hate it so, that she and I no longer see eye to eye, or share the dreams of my future to come. Nevertheless, it was worth it. I had received invitation from Doctor Llinos to visit her home at Lavender Beds to discuss my level of magical skill and aptitude. She seemed impressed by my understanding of arcanima and empathised with my difficulties in conjury, especially on the element of water. Doctor Llinos suggests I take on healing through herbology as my familiarity in botany would give a strong base from which to progress. One cannot always use magical means of conjury to heal, she explained, in such cases where a patient suffers aetheric illnesses or similar conditions.  Socialising with the Silvernails, of course over tea, Ilearnt a little more about Sir Wemrys and Doctor Llinos. Wemrys was of course Lominsan, with his pirate talk and broken speech, but also of Doman descent. Doctor Llinos, like me, was also of Ala Mhigan ancestry. It seems the closer I become with the good doctor, learning of who she is, the more I see how alike we are. She reminds me terribly of my mother.  Though perhaps the highlight of our meeting was getting tomeet Maple for the first time, Doctor Llinos's adopted daughter. Like her Lalafell son Sindri, Maple too was not Hyur, but a Miqo'te. A curious story I'm sure, lies behind this unusual arrangement and no matter how many stolen glances I afforded to Maple, the clues eluded me. I could not help but watch her. She had a soft, pale skin and a shy gentle smile that inspired affection. I've asked her and her mother, and I am allowed to come over as often as I like, to play, practice or study. Maple must have been more nervous than I, how she held her brother close on her lap. Sindri, ever adorable with his candid words of truth. Bless the little fellow, he aspires to be a pirate like Sir Wemrys, correction, a privateer. Much to the dismay of their mother. It was very funny, and I was enjoying myself. It dawned on me then, how different their home was to mine. Home, where I am but the lonely orphan to be pitied and cast away off to school. I envied Maple, unlike her, once the tea was drunk and the curtains of night fell, I, had to leave. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 07-18-2016 ![]() Page #23: "Runaway" Dear diary, please, help me. I feel emotions confused and thoughts in disarray. I know not where I am. It rains and I sought shelter. Mayhap I'm south of Bentbranch Meadows but certain I cannot be. I've been so angry. Filled with rage, I did fight with my aunt. Heavens forsake, she would not listen, the Wayfinders are leaving the shroud! I beseeched my aunt to let me go, to let me say goodbye. On my knees, I begged of her, and in spite of my tears, in spite of my pleads, she did deny me leave. Curse her. Curse her and her missing child. They care not for me, but he. Though here I be, in plain sight, they loved me not, but he. I shan't go back. I won't return. I'll make journey to Buscarron’s Druthers. There I hear, will be the caravan. There is to be a party, a tavern crawl with friends. Pray, Sechen be in attendance, Sir Connor and Miss Lilia. Yes, should all efforts fail, I have the pearl, to reach Doctor Llinos for aid. Thank you dear diary, for now, a plan I have. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 07-18-2016 ![]() Page #24: “Adder’s Hospiceâ€Â Dear diary, I’m told I spent time unconscious here at an Adder’s camp, that I had been rescued by a Miqo'te from the Nine Tails team. It all seems quite a blur. I recall pausing my flee from home to seek shelter at Bentbranch Meadows. The rain passed, and I made way towards Lavender Beds in hope to see Doctor Llinos, perhaps, I had thought, we would join the Wayfinders tavern crawl together. Not far had I walked, past Galvanth’s Spire, that I was set upon by Diremite, enraged it seemed, by a dark presence. Try as I may to calm the shelled creatures, my soothing fell to ensorcelled minds. In panic, I fled. And absent of direction, the trees of night’s forest did forsake me guidance. T'was then, I heard the noises. A movement in the shadows. The rustling of leaves, the breaking of branches, there were more than one. Unarmed and utterly unprepared, I felt defenceless, something my mother taught me never to allow. Foolishly, perhaps, I searched the ground for fallen sticks. Of poor health or good, I thought, anything from the earth would do. Brandishing my soil-grown plant, I waved it outward at my perceived stalkers. That was it. I can not recall what happened next, for all I know, is of a so-called rescue, by a Miqo'te hero who returned me here, to the Twin Adder’s custody. I’ve seen my aunt and uncle. They visited earlier, and are none too pleased with my escapades. Dear diary, I cannot remain in hospice, I must get away. I cannot bare sight of my aunt’s disappointment or the disapproving scowl of uncle Pious. Mayhap, I get away. I gather this is nearby Lavender Beds, not at all far from Maple and her mother. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 07-18-2016 ![]() Page #25: "Sunflower's Blossom" Dear Diary, against sense and reason, I snuck away from the hospice and sought solace with Maple and Doctor Silvernail. She was in the front garden, Maple, beneath the cherry blossoms. I sat with her, and ran my fingers through the grass, allowing my pain to wither away into the earth. She's very gentle, Maple, with a down-to-earth attitude that resonates well with my own. I felt safe, sitting by the tree with her, away from my home troubles. So I confided my secrets to her. Perhaps I ought not have done that, because Maple was suddenly quite weighed with guilt, the burdens of holding my lies. Doctor Silvernail arrived to tend to her Chocobo and later invited us inside for a lesson in wand-making. It was truly beautiful, I had made a wand of winds, which blossomed like a sunflower, a floral yellow that I'm told suggests an attunement to earth more than wind. Towards the end of class, I became overcome with emotions, the memory of my mother and I training in magic as Maple was with hers, brought upon me a sudden pain. I miss my mother. Doctor Silvernail and Sir Wemrys were a little shocked of my sudden tears and quite understandably worried. Unable to bear the burden longer, Maple told of my secret, that I had ran away from home. I confessed to it's truth, and also that I had snuck away from my aunt and uncle again from the hospice. I feared I would be rejected at this point, cast out as a liar, never to see Maple again, for such a terrible influence I must be. But it was not so. Doctor Llinos and I spoke at heart's length, and she understood my pain. She too had lost much to the Calamity. "We all thought it was the end of the world" she explained, "and when we emerged from it, the land had changed, our lives, changed. I venture it changed your aunt and uncle too. It can be hard to see anyone want to be an adventurer after that, though they are still what keeps us safe. With Maple and Sindri, I scarce want them out of my sight, but I know that it's an inevitability. When that happens, I want to know I gave them everything I could. Your aunt and uncle may want the same for you, but they might not know if it's enough. I shall help assure them." Doctor Llinos's insight is a power born of wisdom, experience and a level of intelligence I may never truly attain, but under her guidance, did I find peace within myself and the will to accept my aunt and uncle's protectiveness, seeing their actions from a new light. It is true, they do love me. They have sacrificed much to care for me, I know that. It has been some days now, and things here at home have settled again. I feel lighter, having apologised for my recent rebellions. I'm allowed to venture out once more, and return to my usual forest walks. It is an amazing feeling, to close one's eyes in the morning song of the Nightingale or spark a melody with the beautiful garden Robins, with your feet bare on the fallen autumn leaves, bathed in the warmth of the rising sun. Oh Gridania, how I love thee. A blessing under Nophica's light, in whose bosom have I grown. Hark, the calling of destiny afar, a journey awaits me over the seas, but sweet, sweet Gridania, never shall I forsake thee. Mine nameday comes, 'tis but three sunsets away. I shall be a woman, released from this sour green shell. Mayhaps I'll visit the Silvernails, have dinner with friends and wake anew in the morrow. Bright and yellow, like a sunflower's blossom. RE: Lucy's Diary: Sunflower's Blossom - Hayden Ambers - 07-18-2016 ![]() Page #26: "Nameday" Dear diary, I have had the most extraordinary day. I had spent the morning with Astharoshe Aubrenard, my elezen friend from the Nine Ivies, who goes to the same school of magic I recently enrolled to, the Ashen Academy, but my surprise came later. My uncle ferried Asth and I on a journey to Limsa Lominsa, the port city on the southern coast of Vylbrand island. My first ever trip beyond the Twelveswood. I suppose he and my aunt had not since allowed me travel with the Wayfinders, so they would be the ones to escort me on my very first voyage. And what a fun trip it was. Uncle dislikes water or sailing so he remained on the lower decks, but Asth and I basked in the gentle breeze of the ocean from the upper decks, watching the waters and spotting shadows of dolphins and other great sea creatures. It was amazing fun, and yet, the real surprise awaited me yet. On shore, Asth and I were left to tour the city, to later join my uncle at the local tavern, the Drowning Wench. But as I entered, I spotted quite a crowd of familiar faces. Naih'tan, the Miqo'te from Nine Tails who rescued me from the woods of Galvanth's Spire, Headmaster Jax Stahl, the adorable yet unorthodox Lalafell who leads the school of martial and magical arts, Ashen Academy, Professor Rhiannon Monvoison, our magic and history tutor, and of course, my favourite family, the Silvernails! They had all gathered to give me company on my nameday and so prepared a surprise party, with food and drinks and a towering cake. I could not help but smile, all through the afternoon, I smiled and blushed. T'was all I could do to keep from fainting out of hardly contained happiness. Astharoshe gifted me with a Gridanian Carnation, one of my favourite flowers, with a scent that brought to the fore memories of the times we first crossed paths at the Nine Ivies, waving and smiling across the meadows to one another. Professor Monvoison gifted me with a brown leatherbound book, titled 'A Realm Empowered: Brief History of the Dawn of Magic in Eorzea, First Edition, by Rhiannon Monvoison' which details the history of magic. It was a perfect present, to aid my learning in the deeper studies of magical history. Headmaster Jax gifted me with a weighty pair of ornamental daggers. From the Silvernails, three gifts in total. First of course was my wand of winds which I learnt to craft the week before, and this time, wrapped inside a lovely little box was a pendant with a delicate strand of silver. The pendant was fashioned after a small, yellow flower with a crystal in the centre, clear but with a shade of the lightest green, which I recognised as a wind shard, from our previous wand-making lesson. Such a beautiful jewel, and with potent magicks, it made a perfect gift. I wear it on a necklace about my neck, closest to my heart. Last of the three gifts was one Sir Wemrys brought in, albeit hastily wrapped. A stuffed Chocobo toy, sewn by Doctor Silvernail herself, as she did for Maple's and Sindril's own. It was a gift of utmost endearment. To have a toy not only made for cuddling, but one that was in likeness to that of her other children, I took it as a sign of acceptance, and it very nearly brought me again to tears. I prayed to the Twelve as I blew out the sixteen candles on my cake, that I may find a mother in her, Doctor Llinos, and a home in her family. I tried not to show my sadness as I brandished the ceremonial knife and slit the strawberry sponge cake through it's chocolate exterior, but I secretly wished my sweet mother was here to see me mature at last, through my coming of age. Naih'tan, in all his immature silliness, offered to take me in on his bed for the night as my nameday gift, though a humoured attempt at a joke, my uncle and Doctor Silvernail saw it otherwise and he was told off quite pointedly. Apparently he did have an idea for a gift for me, and skipped outside to find a Chocobo feather to pluck. Ah, I suppose its the thought that matters, bless him. Last of my stack of gifts was a long black mage's robe gifted to me by my aunt, along with a matching pointy hat that filled me with much excitement. It was a fabulous hat, much like Maple's own, which meant of course we could now both wear our pointy hats! We sat together at the table to share a slice of my cake, the first cut which I especially wanted Maple to have. She was my first real friend and I foresee a lasting relationship. Now of adult age, I am to leave home, properly, and so I did ask of my aunt and uncle if I may move in with the Silvernails. I am of a nervous mind, wondering if I would be taken, but the hopeful thought gives me much delight. Imagine it, dear diary, to be a part of a family again. |