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How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Printable Version

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RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Warren Castille - 10-15-2015

(10-15-2015, 12:42 PM)Meishali Wrote: This is not quite the thread to discuss this (and I might make one sooner or later), but I personally separate "characters" and "RP characters". While I do make the characters I want to make for RP, I always keep in mind that RP is collaborative writing--and it's hard to collaborate if your character pushes everything and everyone away. I would never get a closed character as my main for this specific reason, or if I do, I usually outbalance it with a "carrot" that makes them come out of their tower, should my RP partners find it!

Well, most people state it, but it's true. Sending a civilized message and asking for RP usually works, as simple as that. And it's actually quite gr8. Cactuar

I agree, actually. I like to think in my case it was a situation of not noticing the pot was boiling; Warren remains a semi-public figure and is always open to people striking up with him (and I love it, too! It's fun!), but then plot continued to happen and he hardened up over the years. It's come up in the RPChat about how to get around or rectify that sort of thing.

I'm pretty terrible at arranging things, but I will give it a college try if someone asks me to meet up with them for something.

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Diskwrite - 10-15-2015

(10-15-2015, 12:46 PM)Warren Castille Wrote:
(10-15-2015, 12:42 PM)Meishali Wrote: This is not quite the thread to discuss this (and I might make one sooner or later), but I personally separate "characters" and "RP characters". While I do make the characters I want to make for RP, I always keep in mind that RP is collaborative writing--and it's hard to collaborate if your character pushes everything and everyone away. I would never get a closed character as my main for this specific reason, or if I do, I usually outbalance it with a "carrot" that makes them come out of their tower, should my RP partners find it!

Well, most people state it, but it's true. Sending a civilized message and asking for RP usually works, as simple as that. And it's actually quite gr8. Cactuar

I agree, actually. I like to think in my case it was a situation of not noticing the pot was boiling; Warren remains a semi-public figure and is always open to people striking up with him (and I love it, too! It's fun!), but then plot continued to happen and he hardened up over the years. It's come up in the RPChat about how to get around or rectify that sort of thing.

I'm pretty terrible at arranging things, but I will give it a college try if someone asks me to meet up with them for something.
Yeah, in my case, it wasn't an intentional thing. It just evolved naturally from the backstory I'd built for her... as well as the problems I kept throwing her way. And don't get me wrong, I loved RPing her. So much so, when I switched games, I didn't want to leave her behind. But I did age her up, when I took her to FFXIV and made Ojene. And I didn't put her through quite as much backstory trauma as I did her WoW version. (Which, if you read Ojene's wiki, you might be surprised at. I AM SO MEAN TO MY CHARACTERS.)

So Ojene's a hell of a lot more approachable. And the response to her has been fantastic! But also... a little overwhelming. I wish I had the time and energy to RP with everyone who's been interested, but I don't. Spending all my freetime RPing isn't an appealing prospect these days. Sooo, I've had to pick and choose, which unfortunately means leaving some people out.

Bringing it back to the topic at hand, unfortunately this might be a problem when you're seeking out these "RP crushes." But I think, you'll never know unless you ask!

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Teadrinker - 10-15-2015

(10-15-2015, 12:20 PM)SicketySix Wrote: Just let me know if I should start naming them.....
We might be here awhile.

I'll do it.

Ok, My RP wish list:


Jk I hate you guys.

No, but for real RP Wishlist:

Nero, Warren, Mc Beefykins, Session you seem like cool people.

Askier used to be on this list but that kinda trainwrecked when attempted.


Already approached Six and we cool. ;P

I have a weird way of thinking about it. When I RP with people I actually WANT to be friends. So when I see people post here and they seem cool my brain goes to "Hey yeah, that sounds like fun let's make that work."

For me Fun with cool people > All. That's not to say that I think it's ok if people can't keep IC/OOC straight, break lore, or act like big dramafarts. Just looking to have a cool time with cool people. Cactuar

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Vyce - 10-15-2015

My RP crushes are Angela Delacroix and Berrod. My thirst will be quenched when Berrod-sempai teaches his next pugilist class, but Angela eludes me forever.

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Meishali - 10-15-2015

This thread isn't a crush callout thread, and while I don't see why it wouldn't become one, it's kay, but please keep in mind the questions I put in the first post, that'd be like, supah nice. Cactuar (or at least elaborate why these people are people ur crushin on u feel)

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Val - 10-15-2015

I don't currently have any RP crushes to be entirely honest. Most of the people I want to RP with, I either already do or have/plan to at some length. That being said, when I wanted to, I would either approach them OOC or just emote at them. I'm lucky in that most of my character archetypes are able to be thrown into almost any situation, so I just find a hook that would match the characters together and go from there Smile

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Sig - 10-15-2015

- Did you have any of these "roleplayer crushes"? y/n, is it just me, being a creepy nugget?

No.  My desire to RP with certain characters has never really developed to a "crush" because I usually approach players directly for RP if I believe their characters would be a good fit.  It helps that my character is disgustingly outgoing, and I have few reservations about scheduling RP on business-like timetables if necessary.  However, there is nothing creepy or weird about wanting to RP with someone you consider a skilled RP'er.  Do not feel bad about wanting to have fun through good roleplay. 

- How do you handle these? Do you just send an aggressive PM/tell with things like "you, me, RP, 8PM EST"? 

Maybe not that aggressive, but PM's usually do the trick if someone is interested in RPing. My big problem is a limited play schedule that prohibits me from RPing with all the great RP'ers I've met. 

- Stories to share? Bonus points for embarrassing things.

A similar but embarrassing story.  I once had a RP crush with a "bar crawl" like event and could not resist the urge to RP Sigurd in his full alcoholic, manic, narcissistic, and sexist glory. Many found it hilarious but it offended others.  I felt bad about inadvertently offending others and apologized OOCLy through tells for accidental slights. It was a fun night but mildly embarrassing.    

- Did senpai notice you, when you started emoting at them very very loudly?

Not applicable. 

- Just how excited do you get when plotting with these new people, and realize they love your ideas and bring even more material on the table?

I love plotting with new RP'ers, but it's really difficult to find the time these days.  I wish the government handed out RP grants that would allow me to quit my job and RP.  That would be terrific. 

- Did like, once, this person was actually pretty awful and you regretted everything? Happened to me more than I'd like to admit, BUT, I still keep on pushing.

I haven't had the misfortune of running into any awful RP'ers.

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Meishali - 10-15-2015

(10-15-2015, 01:25 PM)Sig Wrote: - Did you have any of these "roleplayer crushes"? y/n, is it just me, being a creepy nugget?

No.  [...] 

- Stories to share? Bonus points for embarrassing things.

[...] I once had a RP crush [...] 

Pls. Sig.

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Sig - 10-15-2015

(10-15-2015, 01:31 PM)Meishali Wrote:
(10-15-2015, 01:25 PM)Sig Wrote: - Did you have any of these "roleplayer crushes"? y/n, is it just me, being a creepy nugget?

No.  [...] 

- Stories to share? Bonus points for embarrassing things.

[...] I once had a RP crush [...] 

Pls. Sig.

...B-but an RP crush on a character and event is different!  

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Vyce - 10-15-2015

(10-15-2015, 01:14 PM)Meishali Wrote: This thread isn't a crush callout thread, and while I don't see why it wouldn't become one, it's kay, but please keep in mind the questions I put in the first post, that'd be like, supah nice. Cactuar (or at least elaborate why these people are people ur crushin on u feel)
I wasn't aware I could not contribute without credentials. Here is my resume.

Angela is a friend from other games. Berrod has helped me a lot with my art. Both of them have characters that my character would interact with.

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Virella - 10-15-2015

(10-15-2015, 01:41 PM)Vyce Wrote:
(10-15-2015, 01:14 PM)Meishali Wrote: This thread isn't a crush callout thread, and while I don't see why it wouldn't become one, it's kay, but please keep in mind the questions I put in the first post, that'd be like, supah nice. Cactuar (or at least elaborate why these people are people ur crushin on u feel)
I wasn't aware I could not contribute without credentials. Here is my resume.

Angela is a friend from other games. Berrod has helped me a lot with my art. Both of them have characters that my character would interact with.
You know, reading the thread and actually adding something more constructive then "Muh thrist" would be appreciated when the OP asked for it. Leave your sass at the door, or just... don't post. Low effort posts should remain in No Mods Lands, not in the actual roleplay discussion.

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - SicketySix - 10-15-2015

Getting back on track.....

(10-15-2015, 11:57 AM)Meishali Wrote: - Did you have any of these "roleplayer crushes"? y/n, is it just me, being a creepy nugget?
Yes and still do, so I don't think it's really considered creepy
- How do you handle these? Do you just send an aggressive PM/tell with things like "you, me, RP, 8PM EST"? 
Depends on how well I think I know the person behind the character. Sometimes a "Hey, you, me , rp, now" approach works, but sometimes a more serious request is required.

- Stories to share? Bonus points for embarrassing things.
Ummm, none really to think of.
- Did senpai notice you, when you started emoting at them very very loudly?
Yes, but sometimes I feel like I'm bothering them so I make it short before running away. Crofte did this to me last time I tried to RP with her/himBig Grin
- Just how excited do you get when plotting with these new people, and realize they love your ideas and bring even more material on the table?
Like I said, I usually jet out before that happens
- Did like, once, this person was actually pretty awful and you regretted everything?
Actually none, most of the people I've met so far from here have been pretty awesome.

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - rainichan - 10-15-2015

H-hahahah... I'll sometimes see people I've seen posting here and I get all excited because hey I recognize that name and their characters seem interesting!

...and then I start doing this internally:
[Image: PtW3ke4.gif]
mainly from the fact that I don't want to seem weird but that's just me. It's like seeing a unicorn or something.

Quote:- Did you have any of these "roleplayer crushes"? y/n, is it just me, being a creepy nugget?

I'm not sure they're crushes in that sense, but see above gif for my normal reaction. Even people I RP with on a frequent basis I get all [internal screaming intensifies] because oh twelve they're rping with me ahhhh. Makes me pretty happy once I get past the initial SEMPAI HAS NOTICED ME though.

Quote:- How do you handle these? Do you just send an aggressive PM/tell with things like "you, me, RP, 8PM EST"?

With people I already RP with I'll just ask if they're busy or if they're wanting to RP or whatever. If not we shoot the breeze most times. Only one of mine is really friendly enough to want to walk up to people, though if I could find a reason for my less than extroverted characters to do that, I'll certainly try.

Quote:- Stories to share? Bonus points for embarrassing things.

It's not really a notice me sempai thing but more of a confession in that I always feel weird going into FC houses that aren't my own FC. If I'm at the Rendezvous house for the rare RP with Caelia's dorky boyfriend? Beeline for Terris's private room. and oh god i hope no one else sees me and wonders why someone with the tag of <<Swarm>> is here aaaaaaaaah. Same with Lune when I hit up the Dreamer's FC house. It's even worse when I feel like I'm creeping because the Goblet always loads so slowly for me so I'm just sort of... there... outside the door or something before the entrance shows up. Then I just hope I can find who I'm there for quickly. I'm really terrible about that haha.

Quote:- Did senpai notice you, when you started emoting at them very very loudly?

I haven't explicitly done this so...

Quote:- Just how excited do you get when plotting with these new people, and realize they love your ideas and bring even more material on the table?

[Image: PIMSQYB.gif]
usually followed by a "I see you love terrible things. I, too, love plotting terrible things." Of course, not everything is terrible but I love new plots and getting involved and ahhh. So it makes me really happy.

Quote:- Did like, once, this person was actually pretty awful and you regretted everything?

Not really. I love everyone I've RPed with so far, new or old.

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Caspar - 10-15-2015

You get mad props for gif from cypher, probably the best worst anime Ive seen.

But in any case, i agree, and will detail why this is nervewracking for me later when im home. Time and appropriateness of style is of chief concern, as is plotting out the meeting in a way that seems reasonable.

RE: How can I hold all these roleplayer crushes? - Vitamin C - 10-15-2015

- Did you have any of these "roleplayer crushes"? y/n, is it just me, being a creepy nugget?

Lucaell is my RP crush senpai that only notices me in PvE content. However, there are people whose wikis have really stood out to me and made me want to whisper them. Sometimes I'll give them a creepy compliment thinly veiled beneath a "N-nice wiki, bro. We should chat sometime."

- How do you handle these? Do you just send an aggressive PM/tell with things like "you, me, RP, 8PM EST"? 

Honestly, setting up a meeting with that sort of assertiveness can be effective. Whether people find it ironic, funny, or creepy, that sort of thing works in real life too (depending on the context of the meeting.)

- Stories to share? Bonus points for embarrassing things.


- Did senpai notice you, when you started emoting at them very very loudly?

They noticed me when I macro'ed very loudly. Thumbsup

- Just how excited do you get when plotting with these new people, and realize they love your ideas and bring even more material on the table?

In terms of making new roleplay friends, it's always exciting to conjure up new ideas and learn how creatively articulate people can be with their writings. When I share general interests with others, it feels extremely immersive and (for once) like we're all in the same nice community. 

- Did like, once, this person was actually pretty awful and you regretted everything? Happened to me more than I'd like to admit, BUT, I still keep on pushing.

Flynt, you fucking bas-

Honestly, not yet. More often or not, people I hold active interest in roleplaying with is because they aren't actively awful.