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Chopping onions during RP - Printable Version

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RE: Chopping onions during RP - Manari - 11-04-2015


RE: Chopping onions during RP - Vyce - 11-04-2015

(11-04-2015, 08:13 AM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote: I've played a lot of sad scenes, but none of them have really brought me to tears. That's fine; it's really tough to make me cry for fiction anyway (The post-vault scene doesn't count damnit, I was running on zero sleep and VULNERABLE!). 

My RP partners and I -DO- yap about it in skype and stuff though...and yell at each other...

The trailer for 3.1 made me cry. That .5 second view of Aymeric might as well have been my future husband getting hit by a truck tire.

RE: Chopping onions during RP - Kage - 11-04-2015

I'm pretty hypersensitive to tears. If it can be considered sad, touching... emotional? Fuck, cry me a river I'll be tearing up and trying to hide the fact that I'm leaking tears. /wipes tears

It's been a sort of a running joke that one of my favorite moments in RP has been one where I was teared up for like 3 hours. The RP lasted about 4 hours and I was emotionally wrecked when it slowed down and I had to go "I need to shower or else I'll be a mess tomorrow at work in 4 hours" I worked with only a couple of hours that day but the scene is really one of my favorites.

Or that 2nd time Kage thought he'd never speak to Roen again and said his goodbyes.

... there's a theme to these.

RE: Chopping onions during RP - Rosekitten - 11-04-2015

I've stumbled on a few things in rp that I've found myself bawling to. Then my husband looks at me like I'm retarded. >__> Trying to explain why I'm cracking up at something or crying to someone who doesn't rp is a task and a half.. damned mood killers.

RE: Chopping onions during RP - SessionZero - 11-04-2015

Can't say I've ever been brought to tears, but that's probably just because my soul is a fossilized rock shrouded in darkness and puppy bloodI'm not a very cry-y person. That isn't to say I've never been moved by a particularly mushy or dramatic RP, though.

RE: Chopping onions during RP - Rosamund - 11-04-2015

Happens to me a lot, actually. My friends tease me for getting choked up so much from RP. Blush

RE: Chopping onions during RP - Sylentmana - 11-04-2015

Not even once. I've never experienced any RP that made me want to cry. Most of the dramatic stuff just makes me want to roll my eyes. I don't really care for drama, especially when its drama for the sake of drama, which is how most RPers I've met have done it.

RE: Chopping onions during RP - Valde - 11-04-2015

I've only ever had one really emotional scene in RP that's had me legitimately cry. That was a difficult scene to RP, but it was probably one of the happiest emotional moments I've ever written. I would be lucky to get that sort of a touching interaction ever again.

RE: Chopping onions during RP - Val - 11-04-2015

There have been only a couple of times I can think of that I got very close, but none have actually made me cry. Like Berrod said, it tends to take a lot to make me actually cry anyway. Most movies and things fail to bring me to tears and my girlfriend calls me heartless :v

But we do chat about it on Skype and talk about it after, and I do feel genuinely sad for the characters involved. Some of the things we put our little guys and ladies through are just awful Sad

RE: Chopping onions during RP - Nebbs - 11-04-2015

Definitely yes, but then i cry at any old soppy film.

This is one of the reasons I like deeper RP, and while I still like fun it is the complexity of things rather than just a feeling of surface play.

RE: Chopping onions during RP - Martiallais - 11-04-2015

I've definitely had some RP that left me drained moreso though I've been near onion mode a few times just in my FF rp. Counting other MMOs/RPs? Most definitely.

RE: Chopping onions during RP - ɴᴘᴄ - 11-04-2015

Hasn't happened for me, but that doesn't mean it couldn't. Not sure what the circumstances would have to be to make it happen, but probably something highly cathartic.

RE: Chopping onions during RP - Vyce - 11-04-2015

(11-04-2015, 12:34 PM)Grandelion Wrote: Hasn't happened for me, but that doesn't mean it couldn't. Not sure what the circumstances would have to be to make it happen, but probably something highly cathartic.
Like this?

[Image: up-BQ8CeGnCPVei7xmvvSjtzw.jpg]

RE: Chopping onions during RP - Aaron - 11-04-2015

Nope. Not even close.

Then again, I don't even cry over deaths in my irl family. I just accept it and move on.

Maybe there's something wrong with me.


RE: Chopping onions during RP - Rufus Wightman - 11-04-2015

I can't think of any time that's I've broken down and started to sob grossly, if I'm honest. There's RP that's made me pretty sad, though. It wouldn't be fun if there wasn't a whole array of feels to feel!

On the other hand, there are times where I've become legitimately frustrated when I feel like my character is going nowhere, and it gets to me quite a lot. After all, it's not a lot of fun seeing other characters flourish, while you're left behind, is it?