Hydaelyn Role-Players
Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Printable Version

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RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Sylentmana - 12-02-2015

1.) She's become desperately lost (again) and is forced to ask directions.

2.) The person she is approaching is reading a particularly interesting-looking book.

3.) She's overheard the person mistakenly give incorrect facts about a particular topic. When she hears this she feels compelled to enlighten them.

4.) The person is a vendor and she wishes to purchase something.

5.) The person has wondered into an archaeological sight she is studying and she wishes to remove them before they break something.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Warren Castille - 12-02-2015

I'll bite. We need more prompts of this nature in general, I think.

1) Not as much anymore, but Warren is more than happy to play peacemaker in public settings like the Quicksand if he sees tempers start to escalate. More "concerned citizen" than "off-duty cop" but he's done it before to some success.

2) As a part of his on-going investigations in and around Ul'dah. Perhaps your character saw something suspicious, or was named as a witness to something terrible.

3) While never one to openly discuss his problems, Warren has previously done some hunting around to find people who'd be able to lend him aid on the sly. You've got information he needs, and he'd like to receive it civilly.

4) He appears in a puff of smoke nearby when people talk about the Grindstone.

5) Any time someone is openly lamenting their problems in a "woe is me" sort of manner nearby, Warren is happy to approach and offer help or assistance in some capacity.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Vyce - 12-02-2015

1. Those shoes and that necklace?

2. Were you born ugly or did years of dirty prostitutes do that to you?

3. Oh...you want to commission tailoring? Fine, fine. Come to my office.

4. I heard you're a guy to see about a thing.

5. You look wealthy and fashion forward. Let me design clothing for you.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Melkire - 12-02-2015

Threads like these. I like threads like these.

1. Osric would be one of the first to help break up a bar fight... by getting involved and beating any or all participants senseless from ambush. He doesn't care if he's the fantasy equivalent of a measly five foot eight inches, he's appointing himself to head bouncer whenever, wherever. Cue Shakira.

2. Any mentions of close friends, relatives, or family in the midlander's vicinity are going to result in him zeroing in on the discussion like a homing pigeon dispatched to HQ. He's the jealous type and he's also ridiculously overprotective... which ultimately culminate in his being very, very nosy about people who are familiar with those he cares about.

3. You offer to buy him food or drink. That'll get you, at the very least, an amicable conversation. What you do with it is entirely up to you, but there's a means to making inroads where Osric is concerned.

4. You're in a position to hire him to find someone, snoop on someone, beat someone up, or see to it that someone dies, and you make this position known to him.

5. Someone else has hired him to find you, snoop on you, beat you up, or see to it that you die. Run.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Valence - 12-02-2015

You will have to forgive my brevity, but I think it illustrates the point decently enough...

1) Magitek and garlean stuff. Anything related to it will bring up her nosy face in a short notice.

2) Everything that is spooky or looks promising on the spook-o-meter will trigger her interest. 

3) New knowledge or learning things, the discovery, always holds a strong appeal to her. 

4) What are you guys doing? I'm not being nosy I swear.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Swashbuckler - 12-02-2015

There may be more than five reasons why Lance would approach any stranger. But here are the most common:

1. If you are speaking of people he is/was friends with before his (insertlifechangingeventhere), he'd likely try to find a way to get himself involved in the conversation.

2. Talking about killing dragons? Sign him up. He wants to kill A LOT of them. After he relearns how to use a sword and board.

3. If you seem nice enough and are just standing there by yourself looking a little lost? Lance will come talk to you. He's pretty damn lost himself.

4. If you are a Miqo'te especially if you're a Keeper of the Moon, he'll likely talk to you if you are nice enough.

5. Want a drink? Lance has some gil that he sold thanks to selling some "property" and he's not at all against sharing. Especially if it leads to conversation that will let him forget about his most recent past.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Coatleque - 12-02-2015

1.) Weapons are drawn in city limits. Coatleque understands sometimes adventurers need to blow off steam, but flashing of steel is prohibited.

2.) She overhears people talking about the Sultansworn, usually in poor light.

3.) Someone's looking for a Brass Blade.

4.) She is looking for someone as part of an investigation

5.) An interesting conversation is being had at the bar (rarely) and she can actually form a relevant opinion.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Aya - 12-02-2015

1) .... do I even have to do this? ^^

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Virella - 12-02-2015

1) Ave wants to get laid. (Yup I said it here out loudly)

2) Ave is drunk and looks to snatch someone's drink.

3) They appear to be Ala Mhigan.

4) She's moody and looking for a fight.

5) People just sit lonely around, and Ave finds them sadface so she goes to talk with them.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Cliodhna Eoghan - 12-02-2015

clio tends to be pretty open when she's in a moderate mood.

1 she's bored

2 she likes the person's outfit or hair and wants to compliment them

3 they have booze .__.

4 they have a shiny firearm or dapper ic tek based mount/minion she wants to fawn over O^O (keep in mind clio will make grabby hands for the gun and usually tears it down right there on the spot to look at it....don't worry she puts it back after ;p )

5 they have booze .__.

6 they seem interesting enough either from what they're doing or overheard chatter

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Jana - 12-02-2015

1) Jana's shy but nosy, and will approach if she overhears something of interest to her as an adventurer, like info on leves and the like.

2) She would also approach someone she overhears making threats, because she is nosy and likes to fight. She may or may not mention her Immortal Flames affiliation in Ul'dah.

3) Jana also approaches people who seem to be lost. In Ul'dah she might mention being in the IF in a less threatening way, but even out of the city, she is proud of her knowledge as an adventurer and will try to both help and show off.

4) Jana may have overheated information regarding groups of people she likes to see die, like Pirates or Garleans.

5) Jana thinks you're in a group of people she likes to see die, like Pirates or Garleans.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Kellach Woods - 12-02-2015

1) Kupo! There is a package for you courtesy of the Mognet! Why isn't it a Moogle delivering it? Well, the moogle supposed to deliver this package is lazy as hell Erm I mean ha ha ha yes how about the weather?

2) Oh hey you did something awesome I should totally talk to you and like praise you and things.

3) I have here a decree asking that you turn yourself in immediately to the nearest authorities or that I coerce you into doing so using any means necessary. And I do mean any means.

4) So, uh, this weird thing happened and I was wondering if you had any insights as to what I should do about it?

5) I've a hankering to explore these ruins near here for adventure, discovery and perhaps even treasure! Who's in?

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Zoya - 12-02-2015

1. To yell "SURPRISE!" after sneaking up to them or similar pranks. Needs to be in a place where she can easily run away after in case the person doesn't take it so well.

2. Asking for help/favors, assuming she's in need and the stranger looks like he would be able and willing to offer some.

3. Someone else motivated/told/asked/forced/enticed/recommended her to.

4. The stranger in question does something weird but harmless that catches her interest. Like, sorting things in alphabetical order, walking aimlessly up and down, wearing a stupid hat/mask or similar.

5. The stranger appears to be in distress and nobody else seems willing to help for an extended period of time.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - GloryRhodes - 12-02-2015

1. Spahro is looking for a news story and has either decided you know about something important or, more likely, can be easily scapegoated into being the center of an imaginary scandal.

2. She is scouting for Bronco Models and wants to try to convince you to get your clothes off for little to no compensation in order to earn her money.

3. Somehow, she's decided you're annoying and need to be taken down a peg, so she's made up some ludicrous story about having your baby and wants to try to alienate you from whomever you're talking to.

4. She just wants to rob you.

5. She's having one of her rare moments of actual human empathy and would like to help you with a problem.  This is likely due to overhearing you being held down by "The Man" or otherwise oppressed by rich people and/or fascists.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Thunderbolt300 - 12-03-2015

  1. L'anayla is trying to solicit critiques on a new tea brew she's created, and she's offering it for free to boot!
  2. L'anayla observes someone eating bread or a bread-related product and decides to impart her disgust (she has a wheat allergy) while trying to convey her belief in uncompromising meat supremacy. 
  3. L'anayla gets into a scuffle (again) with her wife, Kips, and tries to get a (unwise) third party to tip the scales into her own favor for a change. 
  4. L'anayla has to distract her wife, Kips, away from someone else to give them a rest from Kips' hyperactive and in-your-face tendencies. 
  5. L'anayla interacts with a person-of-interest to help her analyze and gather information subtly by means of small talk- rumors, gossip, or personal information- and ultimately build a dossier for later use.Â