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A character concept you always wanted to try... - Printable Version

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RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - LiadansWhisper - 01-06-2016

Okay. I fully admit that I am terrible for this.

I wanna play an Awakened Mage* in Eorzea.

There are plenty of ways to justify this in the MtA setting, but dimensional-hopping lunatics don't go over well with many people. Smile But I really want to. I might do it incognito. Cactuar

* If you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about, Google "Mage: the Ascension"

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Erik Mynhier - 01-06-2016

I have one I have only ever told two people (Clio and Freelance Wizard) about and as of now never seen it replicated or used so it would be unique.

The problems though of doing it are less Lore (only slightly dicey really, could be easily explained), and more of overall set up and the need of a dedicated partner willing to play off the character. It literally requires a second person to make sense, be funny, and work.

Also a whole lot of leveling..... blah, and glam farming.

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Solenne - 01-06-2016

I have an NPC that I've been tempted to turn into a playable character. He's an Ishgardian knight from a noble family. He has slovenly habits, a deeply cynical worldview, and a long history of doing terrible things to further his family's interests while feeling increasingly awful about it. He's a complex character who would probably be very entertaining to play, but I don't feel like leveling up a PLD or DRK so he can carry a sword and wear heavy armor. So it's not happening. But I still RP him a little on Skype.

Other than that, every time I have a new character idea, I fantasia whichever alt I'm not currently playing much and run with it.

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Kurt S. - 01-06-2016

Actually I just cooked up two other concepts I wanna try out.


Shitting Bull, Lord of the Tall Tales and Master of Embellishment, at yer service *cue standard roe voice laugh..the one that sounds like you're short of breath/dying due to lung failure* kind of like a Varric Tethras sort.


Dangereux Giruaffe, That ultra grizzled Elezen veteran guy, really old and grizzly but still fights like a bear. Lots of knowledge to impart at 7 and still crazy enough to fight a dragon at 8.

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - FreelanceWizard - 01-06-2016

I remember that concept, Erik. Smile

As for me, I've gotten to play the "loyal employee" once or twice briefly, but never as much as I'd like to. The character concept is the sort who'll make lunch for his boss, talk about how the day's going, stand behind him silently while he cuts deals, then break out the piano wire and go assassinate someone on orders. Smile The loyal employee is unshakably loyal, rather like Alfred to someone else's Bruce Wayne, but is also quite competent. I got to do it for about a week or two in CoV, but that's it. Sad

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Madda - 01-06-2016

(01-05-2016, 07:28 PM)Dogberry Wrote: I've always wanted to play an old knight. Like, someone way past their prime, but they make up for it with wisdom and experience. I don't know why I've never made a character like that. I guess one day I will. It will be very amusing to play a character like that when everyone seems to play characters that are very young.
Madda actually has been playing around with Towering Peach for Madda's idea. She wouldn't be venerable, but she would be considerably aged near the brink of middle age. Of course, she wouldn't care mostly for crow's feet and all those things that come along aging, and would actively be seeking to teach the next generation of adventurers, maybe finding somebody to settle down with.

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Momo - 01-06-2016

High Class Prostitute....any race, with a sort of "multiple personality", where in real life they are much less than elegant, but in personal settings of business are the perfect host...yeah...that is all I think...

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Warren Castille - 01-06-2016

The bonafide mastermind villain schemer. I think, given the time and resources, I could do a decent job of befriending someone, earning their trust, and then destroying their soul for petty villain reasons over the course of long and earnest RP. I also think that it's kind of fucked up to do to someone. The challenges are thusly:

1) Requires a blindside, which is a coin flip of being appreciated or making you reviled
2) Requires a blindside, which means something actually abusing someone's trust to learn where to stick the knife
3) Requires a buttfuck load of time, up to and including the patsy not getting bored/quitting/etc
4) Requires the willpower to have good, fulfilling roleplay specifically for the reason of burning it spectacularly.
5) Ain't nobody down for permadeath

Imagine, though... Your hero rides into her greatest challenge beside her most stalwart and trusted companion, only for the whole thing to be an arranged deathtrap. You're reminded of that random snippet of your backstory from years ago alluding to helping to break up whatever smalltime badguy you invented without even giving them a name, and then as the dagger plunges in you're told that nobody was your new best friend's brother/sister/wife/father/whatever...

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Roen - 01-06-2016

I wanted to play a total scrapper, a short tempered fly-the-seat-of-her-pants kind of a girl. Stubborn, willful, gets into a lot of fights, mouthy and confident because she believes she is better and more suave than she actually is, with a chip on her shoulder because of parental issues.

I actually wrote an alternate "What If" post about her, as a possible future daughter to my current character. She was also my latest tabletop character concept, but that group fell apart due to RL reasons before the story got off the ground. In that version, she was also heavily into steam punk, got all sorts of gadgets and such.

So yeah, I've always wanted to write/RP someone like that but never had a chance to due to one thing or another.

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - PhantasticPanda - 01-06-2016

I wanna simply play a merchant/crafter of sorts. Like a blacksmith or a carpenter but thats entirely their life profession. I have numerous characters that can fight in battles, big and small and have a lil' crafting skill to them. Characters I've always NPC'd but never created is a dedicated craftsman. While they can hold themselves up to a common thug or thief, they are nowhere near capable as all these stinkin' adventurers. I can see how that may appear boring and unexciting to many but I believe it opens up a lot of RP dynamic and opportunities with other players, especially with returning customers.

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Coatleque - 01-06-2016

City-state Waste Management employee. A janitor. The NPC who has to mop up the blood after the grindstone, lug piles of Brass Blade bodies around, and dispose of all the toxic materials left behind as the bad guys were forced to flee their laboratories from the advancing heroes.

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - 13uddy - 01-06-2016

For a few years, I've wanted to play the brother of a twin sister played by someone else.  It might sound like a fairly simple concept, but I just don't have anyone I currently feel close enough with to try building up that kind of relationship.  Most of my old RP friends are either in games I don't or won't play or have drifted away from RP for the time being (such as those busy with both young kids and a job or three), and I haven't really grown super close to anyone here yet.  I'm sure the opportunity will present itself sooner or later, it just hasn't yet.  Obviously I could just say my character has a twin sister, but where is the fun in that?

I would also like to eventually try something like a formerly great warrior who is now old and senile, and he sees everything as if it were a grand quest or epic battle.  Even something simple as fighting a low-level Mandragora would seem to him as if he were fighting a horde of demon infested giant Dragon Hybrid Mandragora of Doom.  It wouldn't be difficult for him, he just doesn't see reality for what it is.

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Rosekitten - 01-06-2016

A few ideas, though generally I try to challenge my writing skills when it comes to rp.. so some ideas are probably better than others.

I think the main thing I have longed to rp out or play as a sort of main character would be a villain so to speak. At the least a character that would be seen to the common folk as being evil or not trusted. I got this idea from a necromancer OC I had years ago. i loved him to death and even with his vat powers he had weaknesses and could easily find himself in over his head.

My main issue with playing a evil character or a darker character so to speak is that it's hard for me to grasp being that character that people will likely hate.Not to mention the slew of do gooders and heroes that would surely flock at the thought of conflict or that there is some evil do'er. 

Just never figured a way to keep things fresh for myself and everyone else involved with such a character. Most that I have met take ic and ooc too similarly so I never wanted to risk it.


The other concept I've never gotten to go far or even really started was my character adopting a kid or least a teen, maybe young adult that needed a bit of guidance. Just a idea that I always enjoyed. Just as I love training or teaching others ic'ly I just felt this would be a good fit if I could ever get a hold of someone for the role.

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Shoshopu - 01-06-2016

A generic fantasy hero. Nice guy who has a one-handed sword and doesn't afraid of anything. And a cat boy. Kinda because everyone else seems to have done it and I never have ?

I already kinda have a character in mind but I'd have to... 1) get him onto Balmung, 2) level up Paladin on him so he can have a one-handed sword and I don't like tanking, 3) get him through the MSQ because I want him to be from the griffin tribe so he should be from, like, the sea of clouds or at least Dravania somewhere, right? but that's so time consuming and also miserable

RE: A character concept you always wanted to try... - Ashe - 01-06-2016

Always wanted an Allagan clone/genetic experiment that survived into modern day like the dudes in the CT line.
Tried it...couldn't get it to work.

That and....a female character who isn't annoying. I can't do it. I cannot write female characters who don't piss me off while writing them >.< 
....I am a girl and that probably says a lot >>