Hydaelyn Role-Players
What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Printable Version

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RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Myal - 04-09-2013

Um, this might be silly, but... Playing the game, the one thing I really, really wished I could do is sitting on tavern chairs.

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Blue - 04-09-2013

Well thankfully we can already do that^^ And I'm pretty excited about it too (I think it was the original reason for me to want to play this game at all)...

Here you can write anything you think you'd like to see added for a funnier RP. Call it a pipe dream list? It's okay to write things that are beyond SE's possibilities or unlikely to be added because of the game system, but keep it within the game's universe (so not things like... 'I wish I could camel birthgiving through my mouth'..!)

Something I would really love would be FFXII-style airship/train/ship travels. In Final Fantasy XII (George Lucas's favorite Final Fantasy), when riding an airship between cities you wouldn't have a limited time aboard like you do in FFXI. You could choose between fast ride (which is what we'll get in XIV from what the Producer's Letter seems to hint), or a cruise ride, in which you'd get a board and the ride wouldn't end until you'd click on the airship's cabin and select "sleep till land to destination".

Considering that we have things like instances, I wouldn't mind to see this kind of feature: airship instances, that just keep going till you click to go to bed or something.


RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Moltove - 04-09-2013

lol, knowing SE, you'd have 30 minutes in the instance to click on the bed and go to sleep =P. in the housing system, all toons in a single house are kicked out of the instance if they fail to get along or achieve a RP milestone like getting drunk together =P

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - faceman7381 - 04-11-2013

Flying a kite would be cool.

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Ryanti - 04-14-2013

A sleeping animation.

What's better, a sleeping animation in a bed.

I do hope that the Golden Saucer will also have animation for card games.

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Ciara Snow - 04-19-2013

i would like the option like in XI of inviting people into your bedroom. not trying to turn all pervy sage here, but it would be nice Smile

Oooo or read book

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Varus - 04-19-2013

Gunblade Job.

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Arlon - 04-21-2013

(04-19-2013, 07:00 PM)Tyonis Wrote: Gunblade Job.


I would like the ability to change stances while standing or fighting to show mood.

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Blue - 04-21-2013

(04-21-2013, 12:22 PM)Arlon Wrote:
(04-19-2013, 07:00 PM)Tyonis Wrote: Gunblade Job.
 From what I've read around, there were already gunblades found in the data. Also, there is the musketeer guild and SE has expressed the possibility of future release of this class. Overall, Tyonis's wish may be one of the most possible ones to be fulfilled.

Back to the topic... I would really like if like NPCs, characters moved their mouth after entering a chat message in /say.

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Kari Illderthane - 04-23-2013

I would like to see Tripple Triad from FF8 in the game could lead to some intresting rp.

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Lren - 04-23-2013

(04-23-2013, 07:37 AM)Ashkara Wrote: I would like to see Tripple Triad from FF8 in the game could lead to some intresting rp.
Can already see the RP bets being lost the minute that would go live ;-;

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Luka Paluka - 04-23-2013

I would actually adore a card game that can be played out in the world.

The fabled Gold Saucer is supposedly going to have mini games and such, but (and I always wanted this in XI) being able to sit down with friends and play one of many Card games from the series has always been something I'd love to do. And to RP it out at the same time would make it even more amazing.

That's what my fingers are crossed for!

Oh, and I am -really- hoping for a type of 'wardrobe' feature. For both RP and just to avoid looking like a multi-coloured clown when out adventuring.

Nobody likes Lalafell in subligars.

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Noelle - 04-23-2013

(04-21-2013, 02:58 PM)Blue Wrote:
(04-21-2013, 12:22 PM)Arlon Wrote:
(04-19-2013, 07:00 PM)Tyonis Wrote: Gunblade Job.
 From what I've read around, there were already gunblades found in the data. Also, there is the musketeer guild and SE has expressed the possibility of future release of this class. Overall, Tyonis's wish may be one of the most possible ones to be fulfilled.

Back to the topic... I would really like if like NPCs, characters moved their mouth after entering a chat message in /say.

While it is true that they were there, they had to be in the data files since a certain antagonist wielded one and was fully rendered in-game. There was also the Gunhalberd in there, but being able to wield that is even less likely than a Gunblade class.
While a Gunblade class would be super popular, I wouldn't count on them adding it just because of the model being in the files.

As for what I would like added, the Musketeer class was something I was anticipating since forever ago... And will have to keep waiting for.
A card game or anything similar that you could play together with others would be very welcomed too. All of the gambling~! *u*

I guess... something else I've wanted for quite a while is access to other races emotes... >u>;
Like, some miqo'te ones are great, but I'd love to be able to do some of the Hyur or Elezen ones too.

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - JaydenMoon - 04-26-2013

I didn't read all the posts but these are some things i wish

I have heard there will be costume slots but if not definitely that

/Flirt or romance
/tease or tickle

when you do /e have it be the same color of other emotes

I do like the stab that deidre mentioned but also would like /wrist for emo rper's 
/innocent - the i didnt do it look
/devil - the and what will you do about it look
/chocobo - like /chicken

sit in chairs or have a 
/chair - in which you pull out a chair and sit down
/table - in which you pull out a table and a chair then others can do /chair and sit around it

instead of just chocobo porters have a carriage pulled by two chocobo's so you can converse with friends going places Wink

RE: What would you like to see implemented in the game for a better RP experience? - Kari Illderthane - 04-26-2013

Npc's singing and danceing in a tavern iv never actually seen that in an mmo yet even though it is such an iconic thing D: