Hydaelyn Role-Players
Mini-Contest: Win Free Arts! - Printable Version

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RE: Mini-Contest: Win Free Arts! - E'irawen - 04-15-2013

Thank you all for entering!

I'm going to make the deadline this thursday, the 18th.

I'm not sure how many more people want to enter (or have additional entries), but I figure a week should be good, yes?

Good luck for everyone!

RE: Mini-Contest: Win Free Arts! - E'irawen - 04-18-2013

Just a reminder that today is the last day to submit! Contest ends tonight at mightnight, US Central time.

RE: Mini-Contest: Win Free Arts! - Rhio - 04-18-2013

Sharp Breath Tea

Hailing from Ishgard, this tea has long been the province of nobility due to the rarity of its ingredients. One's first sip tends to give truth to its name, as it first hits the tongue with a bitter and almost medicinal flavor, but it has a pleasant aftertaste and promotes clear thinking.

- Dried vampire plant
- Thanalan tea leaves
- Yellow ginseng
- Galago mint

Sunset Golden Tea

A favored beverage in Ul'dah, Sunset Golden is frequently offered to guests as a sign that their presence is welcome. It also has some reputation as a prelude to intimacy, which accounts for its popularity among some Ul'dahn ladies and gentlemen of the night. Care must be taken with the spices in the tea; well-brewed Sunset Golden is sweet and flavorful, but overuse of its flavoring leaves it muddled and overpowering.

- Cloves
- Honey
- Desert Saffron
- Cinnamon
- Thanalan tea leaves

Pirate's Mourning Tea

A favored drink among captains and sailors alike, Pirate's Mourning is bitterly alcoholic and slightly unpleasant at first taste, but its earthy taste is favored among those left at sea for long voyages. The name supposedly comes from a story about a captain lamenting his loss of an Ul'dahn woman, but the tea was created by a Lominsan chef who invented the story later to popularize the beverage.

- Sour red
- Thanalan tea leaves
- Majoram
- Mugwort

Marmot Delight Tea

Gridanian tastes and Ul'dahn tastes have never quite lined up, but both nations claim that they devised this warm beverage. Over time, both nations have devised their own twists on this particular drink. Ul'dahn brewers add more apple and possibly some cinnamon, while Gridanian brewers use a heavier cream and have been known to add in sugar.

- Gridanian walnuts
- Raisins
- Dried faerie apple
- Thanalan tea leaves
- Cream

Pauper's Mint

There was a time when Thanalan tea leaves were not readily available to the other nations, meaning that only the wealthy could afford proper tea. This drink uses the more plentiful landtrap as a substitute, adding a pinch of sugar and mint to offset the more cloying taste.

- Dried landtrap leaves
- Maple sugar
- Galago mint
- Sweet cream

Stable Morning Tea

Chocobo handlers have a long tradition of testing the suitability of gysahl greens by taking a bite of one leaf. The exact origin of drying a plant and using it to brew up tea is unclear, but the dried leaves make for an excellent base brew enhanced with a little flavoring.

- Dried gysahl greens
- Dried sun lemon
- Paprika
- Maple syrup

Tea Contest - Winners Announced! - E'irawen - 04-19-2013

After much reading through them over and over, all night long, I've narrowed it down to our three winners.

While I love all of the brews that came through, these three struck me as quite creative and inventive, not to mention absolutely delicious sounding.

I would like to announce as well, however, that most posted brews will be served in Ophelia's teashop! =]  The winners will be more 'signature dish' types and be some of her most popular brews.

If you didn't get a chance to post in the contest, or come up with any ideas later on, don't hesitate to drop me a PM! We can even work something out in RP, too.

And now the top three winners;

1st Place; Allgivenover - Bella's Kiss

2nd Place; Deirdre - Valentione's Love Tea

3rd Place; Endricane - Great King Moogle's Crown

RE: Mini-Contest: Win Free Arts! - allgivenover - 04-19-2013

Oh wow! I'm glad you liked my tea idea~ Thank you! <3
I think there was a lot of good ideas overall in this thread. Good work everyone.

RE: Tea Contest - Winners Announced! - Kassandra Dawn - 04-19-2013

(04-19-2013, 08:28 AM)Eiri Wrote: And now the top three winners;

1st Place; Allgivenover - Bella's Kiss

2nd Place; Deirdre - Valentione's Love Tea

3rd Place; Endricane - Great King Moogle's Crown

Ooooo Congrats!

RE: Mini-Contest: Win Free Arts! - Nel Celestine - 04-19-2013

Much grats to the winners!

RE: Mini-Contest: Win Free Arts! - Valan - 04-19-2013

congratulation to winners

RE: Mini-Contest: Win Free Arts! - Rhio - 04-19-2013

Congratulations to all of the winners, and thanks for a fun contest!

RE: Mini-Contest: Win Free Arts! - Ciara Snow - 04-19-2013

haha wonderful ideas guys! grats winners but your all winners really ^^

RE: Mini-Contest: Win Free Arts! - Eva - 04-19-2013

Great blends and wonderfully creative ideas all around!! Congratulations to the winners. Smile