Hydaelyn Role-Players
The Lost - Printable Version

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RE: The Lost - racooperii - 06-26-2013

Ok Ive taken it all in and i think i have a workable back story:

Normal is the only way to describe Grant Tenders early life, living in an inn halfway between Ul'Dah and Gridania. It was sucessf but not well reknown, average is how Grant described it. His mother cooked and sewed, his father repaired anything that was broken and his two younger sisters would gather in the wiids once they were older. Grant pitched in with whatever was needed, he was neither a genius or a failure he was as his mother said "Well Rounded".

Grant always wanted more, to be like the adventurers that came to his inn. Storys of love, loss, battle and discovery, daily he would dream himself a new life. Those normal days he cursed while living them, but now wants nothin more than to go back to them.

Five years ago his simple, boring life came to an end as the Calamity came raining down upon his home. He had argued with his family and stormed out, a 17 year old back then who "knew better". He saw the moon break and the fire rain down, the flash was blinding and the sound deafening and then the world went to black.

Grant awoke, fires blazing around him, he rose to survey around him. Panic slowly oozed into him from the back of his mind 'The Inn' he thought and in a mad blind dash he ran unsteadily toward home.  Thee wood had blackened and twisted, the fires sounded like cackles as Grant found his home consumed by fire. His whole life had been there, his memories anhored in the wood steps and smell of baked goods, and now it was a pillar of smoke rising unto the heavens.

Soon the pain closed in on his heart at the true loss, his family was gone, his last words of teenage arrogance looped in his head. It was his final memory of home and it filled his mouth with ash.

He would spend his next years in a trance, blaming the Empire for bringing that moon, the adveturers for not stopping it, the gods for allowing it, until it finally settled where it belonged...himself. Grant traveled and wandered around, never back towards the ashen remains of his home, often refered to as The Lost who seeks what is gone forever.

On his journeys Grant learned a little of this and that, how to fight, what happened that fateful night and most importantly that he was not alone. In his self pity he missed the fact that there were those who lost just as much as he did, the revelation startled him but gave him something to focus on. His family was gone, but they lived in his heart, he would not seek revenge but redemption. He would fight to stop others from having to feel the loss he had felt.

He would go to Ul'Dah, and pass uis families grave for the first time in five years. Bolstering his resolution to fight for the future of others and not for the sorrow of the past.

RE: The Lost - Rhostel - 06-26-2013

Very nice! I thoroughly approve. Thumbsup

RE: The Lost - Xenedra - 06-26-2013

[Image: bKybCHH.jpg]

RE: The Lost - racooperii - 06-26-2013

So is there anything else I should flesh out before launch? I realized I didnt put a lot of his personality in there and instead events that could affect it.

Oh I did forget the one thing he loved for himself was fishing. To just find a serene place, cast his rod and let his heart and mind drift like the clouds reflected on the water.