Hydaelyn Role-Players
What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Printable Version

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RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Raccoon - 10-09-2013

Hm, something other than what has been mentioned. Some way to easily log chat would be nice. You can copy and paste but it turns into a jumbled mess in your word processor of choice, though I suppose someone could rig up a parser, and that method isn't really all that great for long scenes. I just like having chat logs to fall back on when I misremember something.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Erik Mynhier - 10-09-2013

(10-09-2013, 11:48 AM)SessionZero Wrote: Cloaks. Everything else I want has been said.
Absolutely, because a Paladin without a cloak is just a Knight.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Rio van Rosch - 10-09-2013

-Puppetmaster! I mean, we have mammets in game. We're halfway there!
-Some sort of neutral garlean camp or Garlond Ironworks-ish type place? Somewhere Garlean RPers can hang out.
-A DPS job for Marauder. We already do a decent job at damaging things, just need to give us an excuse to queue as DPS.
-More hair options, along with maybe more tattoo and face paint options? Ooh, and secondary highlights for some really weird hair color combinations.
-Fantasia and other character recreation options as buyable mogstation things. Because I want more.
-Right click blacklist.
-More dyes, more dyes! 
-The ability to dye more dungeon sets and other green and above quality armor. (Lookin' at you, Monk AF.)
-Despite the hilarious 50+ page thread on the official forums about it, I would not mind a butt slider.
-"Hidden-away" areas that are dangerous and no one goes to. I miss large sections of every map in 1.0 being sealed off by level 80 mobs and feeding my friends to them just so I could see what was there.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Lost River - 10-09-2013

-New Hairstyles

-Ability to Dye items previously undyable AND secondary dying (no more brown straps!)

-New Classes/Jobs (More than likely will come in new expansions)

-More character editor setting sliders

-Body Tattoos, if not added at creation, add as a wearable vanity item

-Vanity Item Slots For Tattoos (I know Vanity for armor is on it's way)

-Preview Armor Ability

-New Armor variation/Weapon variation

-New Combat Mounts (Might happen in expansion)


Realistically, of all of the things I request, the only one I know that is nil to none is the character editor setting sliders. They already said "No, can't do it." Prior.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Edgar - 10-09-2013

  • The ability to right click on someone's name in the chat, bringing down a drop down menu with the option to automatically add them to the Blacklist. (Instead of the copy/paste crap we have to deal with now)
  • A prompt asking if we want to report that user when we add them to the blacklist, with the option to turn said prompt off.
  • The ability to have multiple currency totals shown on screen at one time.
  • An item that allows you to call your Retainer anywhere, with a cool-down time around the same as Recall.
  • Armor preview in shops.
  • Vanity for armor.
  • Primary and Secondary Dyes for items.
  • Sleep emote.
  • Race-Specific emotes. (I.E. Tail wag for Miqo'te.)
  • Support/Healer-Type Egi (Casts protect, stoneskin, etc.)

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Naunet - 10-09-2013

Alright, I'll bite. Some of these wishes are pretty straight-forward; others would require significantly greater effort and attention to follow through on.

1. Expanded dye system. Remove the restrictions on dungeon and AF gear to make them dye-able. Expand the color choices. Create primary and secondary dye parts on each armor for even better variability.

2. A /sleep emote.

3. Improved UI. I want to be able to remove the mana bars and cast bars on the party UI and filter which buffs and debuffs I see. Timers for said buffs and debuffs on the party UI are a must (a rotating shader wheel like the cooldown timer on the action bars would be nice and compact). Filtering of buffs and debuffs on target unitframes is a must. Allow macro'ed abilities to display the spell's tooltip as well as the out of range indicator (neither of which currently work if you use macros for your spells).

4. Greater armor variety. I should not have to wear the same potato sack robe for 40 levels, and I certainly shouldn't see that potato sack make a grand return after I hit 50 either.

5. Greater variety in boss mechanics. Far too many fights amount to "Kill adds and move out of the way of X on the floor." Some break the mold to an extent, but they are few and far between. When I hit 50, I was expecting some honestly challenging encounters, but everything I've done has been a yawn so far. I'll admit that this is likely in part due to my lengthy raiding history prior to ARR; someone new to PvE encounters may very well indeed find these fights challenging and complex. However, I don't think it's too much to expect a new MMO to go beyond "kill adds and move out of X". Halls of Origination, a single heroic 5-man, had more boss mechanics than every level 50 dungeon I've done to date. I shouldn't have to wait for Coil to get a good fight out of this game.

6. High resolution textures. This really shouldn't even be a problem in 2013, but apparently it is.

7. Fewer invisible walls. Zone boundaries? Okay. But open up the zones within them - and preferably just open up the zones in general, because right now they're mostly just tunnels funneling you from one place to the next. Give me wide, open spaces (or wide, cluttered spaces filled with trees, or whatever - just BIG zones please).

8. I know we're getting vanity slots, but I'd like to specify: Anything less than LotRO or Rift's systems in terms of customization is just not good enough. No armor type restrictions. Include weapon slots. Go the extra mile and give us ticky boxes to choose which slots to display or hide individually. Also, I'd like vanity slots to arrive sooner than 6 months down the line.

9. Body type customization. Simple presets across a spectrum of slender to curvy would be enough; we don't really require sliders for this.

10. Expand the musculature slider to all races.

11. More hairstyles. Self-explanatory!

12. Remove the level locks for things like dye and bank space. I'm fine with putting the broker behind a level wall for RMT-combating purposes, but there's no reason I shouldn't be able to dye my clothes or store my crap at any level. On a related note, I should not have to level a combat class in order to get access to these very basic things (dye, bank space, selling stuff on the broker, airships).

13. Public grouping a la Rift. Parties would have two settings: public or private. If someone or a group of someones is nearby and has their group set to public, a button will appear on your UI somewhere that you can hit to join their public group. Similarly, if two public groups that aren't full are near each other, the button comes up to merge public groups (with an associated un-merge button). This would make grouping for FATEs far more of an organic process.

14. The current attribute point system needs to be tossed and replaced with a system that allows for actual individual customization. Currently, there is no decision-making that goes into picking up your points. Look at WildStar's Milestone system or WoW's current "talent" spread for good starting ideas on design. They've both turned the traditional "spec" system into individual utility decisions, and it's great.

15. The in-game mail function needs to work for alts.

Uhm... I could probably continue. xD I have some pretty huge critiques about this game. It's an excellent base and the roleplay potential is phenomenal, but it definitely has a lot of room for improvement.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Shae'ra - 10-09-2013

My list:
  • Item / Armour Preview
  • Perma-Kneel
  • Perma-Lay Down/Sleep
  • More Mounts
  • Ability to send items from one character to another without having to go through a friend to transfer said items.
  • Ability to dye more sets
  • The Appearance Tab ♥
  • Body Sliders: I would love to play a shorter, more child-like Elezen..but that child face on that huge, lanky body just doesn't sit right with me. Why can't we make one proportional like the Twins?

I do believe someone reported that SE mentioned they were in the process of working on an Appearance Tab so that you can keep all your normal armour on, but then toggle an appearance tab so that it appears as another set: however the appearance set has no effects of actual armour stats. If so: I cannot wait for this as it will aid greatly in diversity at end-game.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Nako Vesh - 10-09-2013

  • A muscle slider for ALL the races. I mean for craps sake, Miqo'te are supposed to value physical prowess and yet we get no option for muscle definition on females. Angry
  • An overhaul to how buffs and debuffs are handled on the raid frames, and just more customizing for raid frames in general.
  • More Keeper lore.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - J'rakh Tia - 10-09-2013

(10-08-2013, 10:49 PM)Erik Mynhier Wrote: (For Males) The ability to turn on or off our facial hair. IRL I can grow a beard one day and shave the next can't I?

More bardings for non-chocobo mounts.

Special "Freelancer" skills that could be earned through quests. Each on and added trait. Stuff like longer sprints, better prices from shops, exc. QOL stuff.

I'd like to see a muscularity slider for miqo'te and Elezen males, too. In general, more extensive body sliders would be appreciated. And *cough* a bulge slider *cough*. Females get a bust slider, so it's only fair!

More customisation options! Especially for the Midlanders and Elezen. I'd like to be able to design characters that look like Gabranth or Edea.

As for classes, a new disciple of magic, and now jobs are always welcome! A battlemage type class would be amazing. More spells and abilities! Moar!

More emotes, especially RP-friendly ones! I'd also like the ability to change your character's "passive" stance. Basically, emotes that make your character interact more extensively with their surrounding world are what I'd like to see added.

I'd like more skimpy outfits too for males, but ones that look less like they originated from a Pride Parade that bumped into the Rio carnival, and more like something out of Conan the Barbarian. GW2 had great artistic direction when it came to its gear, and FFXIV can learn from this.

The ability to get robes and armour that look less stodgy and more elegant, e.g. gowns rather than robes, would be a plus.

Additional Garlean lore and, perhaps, the ability to play Garleans.

I agree with most of the ideas suggested by others here, e.g. cloaks.

I'd love to see account-level achievements, especially since people like me enjoy tying particular classes to specific characters, which isn't the most efficient way to do things since you're meant to level more than one class per character; I'd rather have the ability to specialise my characters and still reap the rewards in terms of achievements.

As for stat allocation, I wish they'd take another look at the Elezen; it would have made more sense, to me, to push the Wildwood as the more "physical" variant of the race, with the Duskwight possessing more magical prowess, not least of all because many Wildwood seem to take the path of the archer or lancer.

More racial lore! I'd like the character's race to have a meaningful impact on my gaming ezperience. I don't like the idea of brushing race off as nothing more than differently configured pixels! As such, racial abilities, emotes, outfits etc. are all good things.

More locations, more challenges for players after a more hardcore experience etc etc.

Their idea of allocating rewards based on subscription time is very good, so I hope they keep it up.

I'll stop now.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Kismet - 10-09-2013

They do plan to release HD textures for PC players in a later patch, actually. That's why the game looks so "flat" right now compared to 1.0. We're seeing the PS3 version right now, basically.

As for people who want longer hair, typically you don't see a lot of super long styles in MMOs due to clipping/physics/coding issues. But I would like to see more styles around the length of the longest fem Roegadyn styles. That's probably as long as it's gonna get, realistically.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - LiadansWhisper - 10-09-2013

(10-09-2013, 06:06 PM)Kismet Wrote: As for people who want longer hair, typically you don't see a lot of super long styles in MMOs due to clipping/physics/coding issues. But I would like to see more styles around the length of the longest fem Roegadyn styles. That's probably as long as it's gonna get, realistically.

Oh, I know that.  It's just that Midlanders get no access to those styles.  There's only one "semi-long" hairstyle.  I guess you could count the one with the bangs, as well, but it's pretty terrible looking.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Naunet - 10-09-2013

Adding a couple things.

16. The dungeon timer needs to GTFO, now. Make timed dungeons a separate thing and create some leaderboards and give awesome cosmetic rewards to people who do it fastest if you wanna give timers a purpose. But for actual dungeons they need to go!

17. A toggle for looping zone music.

18. A toggle for turning off combat music. The generic battle theme is horrendous. Do not make me listen to it whenever I enter combat.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Cato - 10-09-2013

I quite like the  presence of a dungeon timer. Ninety minutes is a generous amount of time and I'd rather not remain in a dungeon longer than that. It also has the benefit of encouraging a sense of urgency, since I've encountered far less players suddenly going AFK in FFXIV's dungeons than I have in MMO's such as WoW and GW2 that don't have a limit on the amount of time you can spend in a particular dungeon or raid.

Generally speaking if someone can't complete a dungeon in ninety minutes then they're either stuck with a poorly organised group or just need better gear. If I'm stuck with a group that doesn't seem capable of clearing some of the tougher dungeons then I cut my losses and take my leave, usually crafting a dungeon by hand with more experienced players.

I'm also not fond of the idea of making timed dungeons something tied to rewards and leader-boards. WoW did something similar during the latest expansion and it revolved around borderline exploits to skip most enemies through 'clever use of game mechanics' and thus the challenge was largely artificial.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - KitKat - 10-09-2013

(10-09-2013, 07:07 PM)Naunet Wrote: 16. The dungeon timer needs to GTFO, now. Make timed dungeons a separate thing and create some leaderboards and give awesome cosmetic rewards to people who do it fastest if you wanna give timers a purpose. But for actual dungeons they need to go!
The reason for this is because there is limited space in their instances. That's why you see waits for AK and other places even when you queue up with a full party. The time limit prevents people from locking up places.

RE: What do you want to see added to the game in the future? - Ildur - 10-09-2013

The first thing I want changed in the game is the dungeon timer. It discourages communication, exploration and learning.
Specially when the final boss has some difficult mechanics and a whole dungeon preceding them. Because of the timer, after you wipe at a boss, you can't stop to discuss what you did wrong or how to change the tactics you are using.
The 'sense of urgency' is meaningless when all it does is push you into smashing your head into a wall and hoping you manage to break it eventually.

So what if you are stuck with a terrible organized group, like most PuGs? Well, you try to organize it, of course. The timer does nothing but discourage that: you have limited time, so you can't explain and analize what people are doing wrong, what their roles are and what they should be doing.
If the group is still bad after attempts at organizing it, then you can just leave. The timer does literally nothing about badly organized groups. You would problably 'cut your loses' and leave before 90 minutes in the dungeon anyway.
Besides, what if the badly organized group is part of my FC? Like, say, trying to teach them Amdapor Keep, or the Hardmode Primal fights or whatever. I'll need time to coordinate them properly and if we run out of time because we wipe at the last boss, when the timer runs out we get to do the WHOLE THING again.

Do not fool yourself: the timer is only there to 'alleviate' the load on the instance servers. A load that would be better alleviated if there was a lockout timer: once you enter the dungeon, you can't get in again in for, say, two hours. It would have a better impact on the instance server's load and would discourage constant, unstopped farming of instances. And it would probably make Amdapor Keep's queuing times with full groups less of an issue, I bet.