Hydaelyn Role-Players
Which City is Your Flavor? - Printable Version

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RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Ridegmuve - 03-20-2014

(03-20-2014, 08:43 AM)Ignacius Wrote: Unfortunately, Gridania isn't a fit city to live in for any self-respecting low-life scum, so neither Orleans or my possible Balmung concept character would live there.  I also don't feel like playing some hippy, tree-hugging, life-loving man of the woods.  There's not enough Duke Nukem in that role.
Excuse me sir, but you take that back! I play a fight loving gridanian lancer from a "scum" family and not exactly a stranger to mischief herself!

My favourite place is Gridania, it is pretty and it's nice just to even walk around in, though not much RP happens there in my experience, which is a damn shame! (I mean come on, it even has a stage and seats!)

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Clover - 03-20-2014

(03-20-2014, 11:09 AM)Ridegmuve Wrote: (I mean come on, it even has a stage and seats!)

That place has been effectively used for RP ^^

[Image: tumblr_n02cxtgBaZ1sa36iko1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_n02cxtgBaZ1sa36iko2_1280.jpg]

It could use more love, though. I agree.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Pooch - 03-20-2014

Personally I prefer Limsa and La Noscea, for its many great views and atmosphere. Plenty of variation on the isles, not much you couldn't want for there in terms of the areas.
This unlike Ul'dah and Thanalan which is more less just sand, some more sand and then a bit of sand.
Gridania and the Black Shroud are places that I do enjoy, they're beautiful in their own way but I can find what I see in the Black Shroud by just wandering about La Noscea too.

That said, it's a bit disheartening knowing that I decided to make La Noscea my character's home, only for it to apparently be a bit lackluster for RP. Not that I didn't expect that though, I wouldn't expect to even run into people half the time I'm online as is.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Roen - 03-20-2014

Roen calls Ul'dah her home because of her story. I like all three cities as a setting, but plotwise, I LOVE the political conflicts and corruption that runs rampant in Ul'dah. Royalists vs Monetarists, Brass Blades known to take bribes, the ranks of Sultansworns and Immortal Flames, who may or may not conflict with each other in their authority.

I love the storyline potential of all of that.

Just purely based on aesthetics? I LOVE Limsa. The place is beautiful. But that is a respite for my character, an escape, not a home.

Gridania is also very beautiful, but never gave me that "this is a city" kind of feeling.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Arianne Beaudonet - 03-20-2014

When I originally started back in beta, Gridania was my favorite out of all the cities, hence why Arianne and Arielle are from the Gridania/Black Shroud area. I use to grumble about Limsa being so confusing to get around and how easily I got lost. After the game launched I also created a miqo'te and a highlander and spent more time in Limsa and fell in love with the atmosphere and the look of the place. Back then, there was quite a bit of rp in Limsa. I took a 3 month break in December and just recently returned. I was very sad to see that the rp in Limsa has kind of faded. I remember the Bismark always been full of rper's and stumbling across rp while walking around Limsa in general.

Long story short, I would have to say that Limsa is my favorite out of all the cities. Perhaps all of these "lovers of the sea" should retake Limsa for rp Smile A few well timed events showing off the beauty of Limsa might rekindle some of the rp that use to happen there. Not to take away from Uldah, of course. Just to give more options for rp. That's never a bad thing.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Siha - 03-20-2014

I'm really split on my number one, but I think Limsa wins for my favorite because of it's looks and atmosphere. All of the potential for that place just screams awesome to me but I've always been a sucker for seaside cities/towns as well as pirates (of course I know they aren't STILL pirates but that's not the point). Second would have to be Gridania just because it's so damn lovely, that and I've run across some really cool random RP while actually just out leveling in the Shroud, it was a nice surprise and I liked the story it slowly evolved into.

Ul'dah is nice of course, the feel of it is very gritty and most relatable so it's kind of a comfortable spot but it's not my favorite even if most of my characters spend a majority of their time there.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Ignacius - 03-20-2014

(03-20-2014, 11:09 AM)Ridegmuve Wrote:
(03-20-2014, 08:43 AM)Ignacius Wrote: Unfortunately, Gridania isn't a fit city to live in for any self-respecting low-life scum, so neither Orleans or my possible Balmung concept character would live there.  I also don't feel like playing some hippy, tree-hugging, life-loving man of the woods.  There's not enough Duke Nukem in that role.
Excuse me sir, but you take that back! I play a fight loving gridanian lancer from a "scum" family and not exactly a stranger to mischief herself!

My favourite place is Gridania, it is pretty and it's nice just to even walk around in, though not much RP happens there in my experience, which is a damn shame! (I mean come on, it even has a stage and seats!)

Well call me old-fashioned, but I just don't think any self-respecting murderous vagabond should live anywhere pretty.  Damnit, we live in suspiciously well-furnished flats over bars in run-down areas of town teetering on the verge of social collapse.  We don't live anywhere nice until we retire!

So if you can be played in film by Jason Statham, you'd better get your ass back into the filth until you're old enough to be played by Marlon Brando.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Dogberry - 03-20-2014

Gridania is pretty, Ul'dah is exotic, but Limsa Lominsa is home.

A dingy city by the water, with local character that ranges from charmingly quaint to alarmingly deadly, a raucous night life, crime that a well-meaning but hapless government can really do nothing about, and good, working class folk with a ridiculous accent?

Ah, home, sweet home in good old Baltimore Limsa Lominsa.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Seriphyn - 03-20-2014

I'm quite happy Ul'dah is the RP hub for Balmung...it's nice to see some place that isn't European act as an RP hub for a change, especially an Ottoman/Middle Eastern sort of place.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - ArmachiA - 03-20-2014

Limsa! I wish there was more RP in Limsa Sad

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Rorin - 03-21-2014

Architecture wise, I do enjoy Limsa, because it's got like...pirates and stuff.

my favorite city if Ul'dah because it's such a merchant city and I feel like it has a lot of open blackmarkety type things.

i DO love gridania though, it's absolutely stunning.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - SessionZero - 03-21-2014

I love Ul'dah because of its aesthetic and its desert setting. I love 'desert jewel' type settings, like Ul'dah, Sentinel (from Elder Scrolls), and Tattooine.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Shizuka - 03-22-2014

This is a really, really hard choice. I love all three cities and RP in them whenever I get the chance. But personal preference? I love the look and feel of Ul'dah. That's not to say that I don't love the other two (No seriously, this game has so many wonderful little nooks in each city for RP), but the setting is just so beautiful in Ul'dah.

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Knight Kat - 03-24-2014

Gah, I should have clicked on this thread sooner. I totally need to make my case for Gridania Smile

(03-20-2014, 11:41 AM)Brynn Wrote: Gridania is also very beautiful, but never gave me that "this is a city" kind of feeling.

^ This is so true. Gridania is nothing like an actual city. It is more of a big village IMHO. It also seems so small compared to Ul'dah and Limsa. However, this is perfect for characters that are looking for a more natural environment. The true beauty of Gridania is its location. The inside of the city is nice, but its really when you step out into the Black Shroud. The forest environment is so spectacular.

Gridania and the Shroud probably would have been even better if more advanced graphics rendering was used for the flora. Even at maximum graphics settings, If you zoom in even semi-close to a bush or grass, it looks like the object is painted on a 2D surface by a 5-year-old on a sugar-rush.

While I actually do like all the cities and their environments, Gridania is the place for my character because it suits her. To me, it all comes down to what suits your character.

Ul'dah is urban. It has heaps of political drama. It is a hub of trade, and a hub for refugees.

Limsa Lominsa is like a town by the sea. Fishing, ex-pirates, sailors, boats and lots of water.

Gridania has that Elven town/village feel. Nature, rangers, hunting, foresting, lots of wildlife, lots of flora and lots of rain......It freakin rains there like nobody's business.

The fact is, there is plenty of lore on all the cities to promote great RP. You just have to look for it under the pretty mask of Gridania, or the the disciplined front of Limsa Lominsa. Ul'dah on the other hand, seems to have it all out in the open, and concentrated in one place. Laugh

RE: Which City is Your Flavor? - Tiergan - 03-24-2014

My characters are Ul'dahn, but I've personally never noticed that most of the community only seems to RP in one city. I've always just RPed my characters in cities, towns, housing wards, or anywhere that made sense at the time.

That said - I've also am not really into tavern/pub-RP, so maybe that's why I'm oblivious to it. <_<;a

I prefer events as a way of meeting new people and making friends. Bar-conversations tend to feel really forced for me and some of the characters I like to roll up.