Hydaelyn Role-Players
Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Printable Version

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RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Gray - 07-16-2014

"And that is the attitude I was talking about...!  You think you can talk to anyone you want any -way- you want because you're in with the Heavy Handers?  Maybe I -should- go to the boss and bring to light your rudeness.  You're primary skill seems to be making enemies, so all you'll do is bring down more heat on your group.  Not that I care."  Caer replied, scornfully.

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Melodia - 07-16-2014

Ruru waved a hand dismissively.

"Well go on with you! Report me. Lucky I don't cleave you myself."

He looked at the guard and shrugged. "What do you want me to do? I just want to get back to work. I say let him make his  complaint to the boss. I'll laugh my arse off watching him get pointed right out the door."

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Zhavi - 07-17-2014

"You're killin' me, Lilikuso," the man growled, shooting a sharp glare at the smaller man. "An' you -- you wanna complain? Must be tough shit, comin' on our turf an' waggin' your tongue like a blimmin' schoolmarm. Take him t' see Hitchins, I'm sure she'll love t'hear all about it. In her office. I'll cover your patrol while you're gone." He glared at the Cap'n before stalking off.

Zhi's heartrate had sped during the exchange. She had no idea what the two sodding idiots in front of her were doing, but luckily for them it'd worked.

At the least, it was exciting. Exciting meant fun.

She gestured for Flit to show them the way.

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Melodia - 07-18-2014

Ruru grumbled under his breath, as anyone would in that situation, and beckoned Kink and the man with her onward toward another building directly northeast of where they'd been talking. He said in a lower voice as they walked, "One of these days you'd think that man'd remember my name's Vivikuso and not Lilikuso....I think he does it on purpose anymore. Now come on..."

He didn't say much as they approached a wooden door in the building and he gave three sharp knocks, giving a quick glance to Kink and the man with an eye that screamed "I sure hope to all hells that you know the next move."

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Gray - 07-24-2014

Caer crossed his arms, and glanced at Zhi, then down to Ruru.  His own expression seeming to convey something along the lines of "You're the inside man.  I hope you've got a plan."

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Zhavi - 07-25-2014

Zhi saw both their expressions, and rolled her eyes. "Don't forget," she hissed. "Business talk. Need t'learn what they're shufflin' an' why. Don't piss 'er off, fancy?"

"Yeah?" The voice came from the other side of the door.

Zhi opened it before either of the two men had a chance to sass back at her. Today was one of those days when she could dish it out, but she wasn't taking it back.

She stepped out of the way, looked down at Flit with her bored bodyguard expression.

Beyond was a cramped little office, occupied by a small desk that was, in all actuality, a table that should have been used for someone's weekly card games. The woman behind it was miqo'te, seeker, and presently occupied with a pile of something blue and glittery scattered across the table. There was little in the way of paperwork, but there was. . .stuff. Crates of stuff. It took up most of the space in the tiny little room, with none of it open to casual inspection by eye.

But Zhi could smell something. She wasn't sure what, but something. Interesting.

The woman, Hitchins, looked over the three of them and settled on Flit. "What."

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Melodia - 07-28-2014

Ruru looked at Hitchens and the words spilled from his lips, without a second thought of the conssequences. He had no time, no wiggle room to delay and think out his words.

With a thumb jerked to Kink, never looking at her, "Aye....this one's got a complaint....'bout me. So I figured I'd escort her here to make sure she didn't get lost."

He approached the desk and lowered his voice, gesturing to the man behind him. "This one's a client...had some questions about his goods 'round here. I figured it'd be best he speak to you rather than me half-assin' answers to him."

He glanced back to Kink and shook his head as he still spoke to Hitchens. "watch her....she's a bit feisty. And she's full of crap with her complaint."

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Gray - 08-03-2014

((Go ahead and skip me for now.  I feel that it would be more appropriate for the NPC to speak again in direct response to Ruru.

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Zhavi - 08-05-2014

It was decided.

Zhavi was going to gut Flit the first chance she got.

Meanwhile, as Hitchins shifted her gaze to her, Zhi crossed her arms and hunched her shoulders. She did her best to look deflated, harmless, and chagrined. "Was a joke," she muttered, before the woman had a chance to offer challenge.

Zhi wouldn't be able to back up her position as 'bodyguard' if violence was offered. "He ain't able t'take jokes. Ain't gonna cause trouble fer me boss." She held up her hands. "Sorry." She gave her best insincere grin to the woman.

Hitchins was not well pleased. "You. Outside. Stay out o' th'Hander's yard from now on, or I'll see you off th'docks with my favorite pointy stick." She was, very pointedly, looking at Zhi. Well, shit.

On the tail end of those words, she looked to the Cap'n. "You. What d'you want?"

Zhi took a step backwards, not entirely sure what a bodyguard would do in such a situation. She left whether or not she should obey Hitchins and go outside up to the Cap'n's discretion. "Boss?"

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Gray - 08-08-2014

Caer raises his hand as if signaling for Zhi to stop, and he spoke directly to Hitchens.  "She will be out of your hair soon enough.  As will I, hopefully.  I do not intend to take up much of your time."

He motioned to Ruru.  "As the fellow says, I have a...concern, in regards to a specific line of goods passing through the area.  I've gone over the books, and the transactions stop in the upper middle, to lower upper links in the chain.  That puts the break in the line somewhere in the the Handers portion of the chain.  This is bad for business.  My own, and for the Handers as well.  Have you not noticed any discrepancy at all in your own ledgers?"  Caer asked, calmly, not attempting to make a scene or assert any sort of authority.

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Zhavi - 08-13-2014

Hitchins went full out icy. "You've already taken up too much o' me time."

But the Cap'n didn't give her any time to tell them to get out. What he did say made her narrow her eyes. "I don't know you. Is there a reason I should be sharin' details about business wi' some no-namer like yourself?"

Zhi shifted, but kept her eyes pinned on the Cap'n, her expression casual. Bluff it out, she thought, an internal scream.

RE: Dockside Caper: First Come, First Served - Gray - 08-19-2014

Caer sighed, and shook his head in mild frustration.

"Check your ledgers.  You'll find my name near the bottom, under "supplier".  The name is Caereyn.  You'll also find the prices for the goods I bring in that are funneling up through your orginization are higher than what they are valued.  Quite a bit higher, in fact.  You stand only to protect your own interests.  And mine.  Or...I could cut this supply line completely.  I'm sure one of the rival gangs would be glad to pick it up."