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Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - Printable Version

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RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - Berrod Armstrong - 08-05-2014

((Just toying with an idea.))

"You don't have to do this, Berrod. You don't have to live this kind of life. Stealing, hurting people...there's so much good a man of your strength can accomplish! I...I know you don't kill. I know you speak out against killing. That has to mean something, right? You're a compassionate man, and we need that in the world today."

The Midlander fellow spoke valiantly, even as Berrod's fingers moved to wrap around his throat. His words made sense. There was a path he could walk that would lead to good deeds. He could just walk away, leave the man with his belongings and try to figure it out. The Midlander seemed to see the conflict in his eyes, and pounced on it. "I -- I won't tell anyone about this, it'll be as if it never happened! I know you -- please, Berrod!"

No. He remembered his struggle on the streets of Ul'Dah, and the way people walked past him without so much as a glance. The beatings, the stabbings...the unsavory rich perverts who had a...questionable taste for destitute Highlanders...the abuse from the Brass Blades. If he went back, if he tried to do good, no one would see that. They'd always see him for what he had been.

Street dirt. 

His fingers closed about the Midlander's throat and cut his speech. "Sorry, boss," He grunted, "There ain't no good here. Jus' a fight to th'top." Tighter. "You say you know I don't kill...that's true. I don't. But maybe that's what I've been doin' wrong. I can't jus' stop an' let ya go. Sorry I can't make it quick."

RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - Oscare - 08-05-2014

... Believe it or not, I actually can't think of any major "what if" moments in my character's life. Huh.

RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - Kage - 08-05-2014

(08-05-2014, 12:12 PM)Oscare Wrote: ... Believe it or not, I actually can't think of any major "what if" moments in my character's life. Huh.
Then change something in Eorzean history!

It doesn't even have to be something major.

What if he ate something else for breakfast? What if, for one day, he had no gil!

RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - McBeefâ„¢ - 08-05-2014

Natalie stepped into the ring, the flowers falling around her. It had been years since she'd given up on her dream. Sultansworn? Who would want to be one of those toy soldiers. Her mentor had been disappointed of course, there seemed a certain heaviness to the tall Hyur as she marched off to the frontline.

Natalie shook her head and stretched, that didn't matter now. She tried to remember who she was supposed to fight, some Ala Mhigan maybe? She shrugged, "Whoever it is they're dead meat."


The battle had been long and bloody, but eventually the giant fell, blood streaming from his many wounds. Natalie herself could barely hold her feet, and watched with red tinged eyes as a lalafell ran out into the arena, crying over the body of her opponent. "Raubahn.... No...."

Another Lalafell stepped beside her and put a hand on her shoulder, "Your grace... I believe you have a duty to perform." He said with a exaggerated grin. She turns and glares at him, "Lorilito! You did this... somehow. Raubahn would never... he'd never lose to this."

He sighs and shakes his head, "He was moving a little slowly out there... maybe he had a bad breakfast? The coliseum is not known for the quality of food it gives to it's fighters." He clears his throat, "Either way your grace, I believe we had an agreement."

She wipes her face with a sleeve and rises, "I won't forget this Lorilito..." She glares at him, and then shifts it to Natalie, "You either." Finally with a shakey voice, "By this fight..." She pauses for a moment, and lorilito whispers to her '...Natalie' She continues "Natalie is now one of the six richest persons in Ul'dah, by my Authority as Sultana I appoint her to the syndicate." There is confused sporadic clapping.

Natalie blinks, not sure what is going on as Lorilito approaches her, "Don't worry Natalie, I handled all the details." He grins and pats her leg, "I'm Lorilito, and I think we're going to get along very well together."

RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - Unnamed Mercenary - 08-05-2014

(08-05-2014, 12:23 PM)ExKage Wrote:
(08-05-2014, 12:12 PM)Oscare Wrote: ... Believe it or not, I actually can't think of any major "what if" moments in my character's life. Huh.
Then change something in Eorzean history!

It doesn't even have to be something major.

What if he ate something else for breakfast? What if, for one day, he had no gil!

What if he hadn't been cleaved with an axe by Franz?

RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - Askier - 08-05-2014

((Oh this sounds like a fun challenge.  Alright, I'll give it a try.  Askier if he had never left the Empire 5 years ago.))

Askier gazed at himself in the mirror, his brown hair slicked back behind his ears and his Garlean dress uniform was pressed. His face was free of scars and his bushy tail swished to-and-fro in excitement, though his face was covered in a calm smile.

He had made it at last.  Captain Mergrey of the Garlean Army, one of the few miqo'te to ever have reached such a rank, and an honor he never would have received if had not been for the political maneuverings of his father-in-law, Adin Adonis.

Askier flashed himself a toothy smile then and stood straight.  He recalled that moment, five years ago, when the Calmity had rocked his faith in  the Empire's power.  He had almost fled, almost given up his life here, run with his sister like a coward.  But Adin's adopted daughter, Ashwynn, had talked him out of it.  He had listened to her.  And here he was, five years later, a captain, a husband, a father, an uncle to his sister's children, and well respected for his engineering feats in the realm of explosives. 

The miqo'te turned and looked behind him as the door to his office opened.  Askier's office was richly decorated, with deep, mahogany desks and walls, thick, red carpets beneath his feet, and large windows overlooking the city.  Askier smiled as he saw the white-haired miqo'te that stepped through the door.

"Master Mergrey, my Master Adonis and Lady Ashywnn are here for you."

"Jin'li." Askier replied, his voice polite but stern.  "Please, let them in and then have a seat, you aren't looking well."  It was true, the white-haired slave of his father-in-law was looking sicker and sicker each time Askier saw him.  Askier felt sorry for the frail male.  Adin had told Askier Jin'li wasn't long for this world and Askier would miss the white-haired servant.  Jin'li was the most loyal person Askier had ever met, and certainly the most polite.

"This slave is happy to serve, Master Mergrey."  Jin'li said flatly as he then held the door open.  Ashwynn was the first to enter.  Askier looked at his wife and smiled as he saw the small bundle she carried. 

The miqo'te couple meet in the middle of the room and kissed for a moment before Askier looked back and gazed into her ice-blue eyes.

"And how are the two of you doing?"  Askier inquired with a grin, his teeth flashing.  Ashwynn shrugged playfully. 

"Would be better if you were home more, instead of making me drag our daughter up her to see you."  Ashwynn replied, feigning annoyance.  Askier knew she didn't mind that much.  Well, maybe a little.

"Well, I'm sure she enjoys the traveling."  Askier replied with a wink as he looked down at his little girl and felt his heart melt as the little face looked back up at him, her mismatched eyes fixed on his own.  One of the little girl's eyes was gold, the other, ice blue.  Askier held the gaze with his daughter for a moment and then looked back up at his wife and gave her another kiss.

"Captain Mergrey!"  thundered a voice and the couple separated as Askier lept back and stood at attention.  A tall, elderly Garlean entered the room,  a grey beard on his chin and wrinkles around his three eyes.  The tall man wore the uniform of a Garlean major and marched straight up to Askier.

Askier went to give the man a salute, but Adin wrapped the smaller male in a hug and laughed.

"You should have seen your face!" Adin chuckled as he released his son-in-law.  Askier gave a sheepish grin as Adin tussled his hair.

"When you use that title, I'm not sure if you are addressing me as your relative or subordinate."  Askier admitted.

"Well, right now, this is to see my granddaughter spend some time with her father.  I'm taking you out to dinner.  Immediately."

"But I need to keep working on the prototype weapon.  If the operation against Ul'dah is-"

"Ul'dah?" Ashwynn inquired.  Adin gave Askier a disapproving look and then looked at his daughter.

"We'll discuss it over dinner.  I'll send Jin'li to fetch Saravena so she can join us.  Shall we?"  Adin looked at Askier.  Askier knew he couldn't say no, even if he had wanted to.  A free dinner was something he would never pass up. 

"Why not?  No place I'd rather be than dinner with my family."  Askier mused as he walked over and took his long, black coat off a peg and slipped it on as Jin'li held the door open for them to leave.  "No place I'd rather be."

RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - Whittledown - 08-05-2014

Down the rabbit hole we go!

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RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - LiveVoltage - 08-05-2014

Since im bored and have nothing better to do, I guess ill join in too when I can get the time to  sit down for an hour or two and type something.

In all the alternate timeline's though, Inessa die's horribly violent death's so I guess it will be me writing about how I can kill my character in the most gruesome way possible.   xD

RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - Warren Castille - 08-06-2014

Nothing sounds right, dammit. TAKE SIX, FROM THE TOP.
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RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - Fates Skein - 08-06-2014

"What if C'rhisi had come home?"

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"What if Mahvashi's parents had lived?"

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RE: Writing Prompt: Alternate Universe - Kage - 08-19-2014

After the outburst that C'kayah and Natalie had when Kage opened his big mouth, Kage had gone to the airship bar to drink his sorrows away. Why had he even -said- anything?

It had hurt. Denn and Natalie. They knew each other and they both -knew- he had wanted to give Denn a good time at the ball. Thal's balls, Natalie helped Kage give Denn his invitation! So why? Why had Natalie bedded with Denn? What was the point of Denn even accepting his plea if all she was going to do was just leave him anyway?

It hurt. So much did it hurt. Why?

Kage glowered as he sat, drinking away. Suri, the Moonkeeper Kayah had mentioned not liking Natalie... he wouldn't tell her any of it. Vague stories maybe. But he wouldn't tell her about Natalie. Just Denn. That. Stupid. Roegadyn. He thought Denn wasn't just a fighting brute. The lalafell thought that after that spar that there was something about her. But no. Just... no.

Shaking his head, Kage stood up resolved. He didn't care. Not one onze about Denn. Not over what he had with Natalie. Not over what he had with Kayah. The lalafell returned to the ball, looking around the strip... but when he finally found them he couldn't gather his courage to face them. To interrupt what they were arguing about. The heated voices turned so angry at each other. He watched from behind the wall as Natalie stormed off in one direction as Kayah threw down his fineries and walked closer to the aetheryte shard near the Alchemists' Guild.

Kage sprung forward, running after Kayah who he was closest to. He skidded in his tracks as armored masked garbed figures stepped out, hidden in the shadows of the strip to attack the miqote. The lalafell yelled in anger, drawing his weapons to confront those who attacked his friend.

"Halt!" The lalafell commanded to no avail.

The axe wielding leader turned to him with a pause. A masked pugilist turned to him and another pugilist, miqo'te, stopped kicking Kayah to growl at him. "Walk away little lalafell."

Both of them looked at him with hate-filled anger and it furthered Kage's resolve in that split second of pause. He shot out a quick, short message into his pearls, "Kayah's been attacked at the Alchemists' Guild! Help!" before he charged in.

But there were too many. The axe wielding leader then tried to plunge a blade into Kayah's back but the lalafell was able to cover him, taking the blade to the shoulder wielding his sword. The miqo'te and roegadyn pugilists turned to face Kage as another hooded one stood beside the leader. The pugilists rained blows upon Kage, his hold on his shield broken by repeated blows as he tried to fend them off in vain with his limp sword wielding arm. A combined kick to his neck and a blow to the lalafell's chest made welcomed Kage into unconsciousness as the last thing he saw was the labored form of Kayah and the axe wielding leader backing away, staring down at him.