Hydaelyn Role-Players
Your character's Facebook status. - Printable Version

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RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Titor - 03-24-2015

"SEE I CN HANdle mY ALCoho jusdfst fINE!"

-the status message would be deleted in the morning-

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - D'eshel - 03-24-2015

D'esh can't write so I don't think he would have one. Sad

Unless some nice lady out there would be willing to... give him the ropes. :')

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - ProvaDiServo - 03-24-2015

"Long day at work, Like this status If you are coming home to an empty house!"

-Five minutes later on twitter-

" Wildwoods mean muggin me on the way home. #HerManWasLookingThisWay"

-Looks at Bri getting on a fight on worldstar. Reuploads to facebook-

"#BriannaNo #YouGoingtoGaolNow"

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Steel Wolf - 03-24-2015

I imagine Steel would be completely lame at Facebook, like one of those people who posts a picture of Garfield holding a coffee mug and some completely un-funny quote or grump next to the image.

Cliaux would be all selfies, all the time. Most of them aimed downwards intentionally for "effect".

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Ha'uruh Nunh - 03-24-2015

Howl's that guy posting song lyrics.

[Image: not-sure-if-posting-song-lyrics-or-about...ma-fry.png]

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Melkire - 03-24-2015

"Professor Taeros flunked me on my midterms again. I asked him why they even matter when passing or failing this class depends almost entirely on our performance on the final exam. He told me they matter because 'repeat failures build character'.

...I miss Professor Jin'li."

"Rordán's chewed through my boots again. Cheeky bastard."

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - cuideag - 03-24-2015

Jajara really likes Farmville for some reason and won't stop inviting all her friends to play with her. Every now and again she might show up tagged in somebody else's photo but she doesn't seem to post much about herself. She's the type of person who isn't too ashamed to post tacky thrown-together-in-photoshop pictures of horrifyingly sappy things. Happy faces and hearts and bad poetry, all tagged for Chuchukepa. GROSS.

Delial hardly ever posts anything but when she does, it's passive aggressive as heck. Can't stop talking smack about "these idiot people" and about how "it's a surprise that they don't swallow their own tongues." Now and again she'll do the selfie with a colorful drink thing and then go silent for weeks.

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Edgar - 03-24-2015

Edgar is always posting "Did you died" on Delial's timeline.

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - ProvaDiServo - 03-24-2015

Would like Delial's posts but never comment! XD

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Meena - 03-25-2015

"Do Miqo'te count as cat-tax?"

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Dogberry - 03-25-2015

[Image: su7C2on.jpg]

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Berrod Armstrong - 03-25-2015

"Interviews today. Bugger me sideways."

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Warren Castille - 03-25-2015

"Huh. Forgot I had this thing. I'll be sure to update more frequently.

Hey, has anyone noticed that moon is getting bigger?"

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Makyn Loneseeker - 03-25-2015

(03-24-2015, 12:16 AM)Ette Wrote: "Shout out to all u random ass dudes tryna touch me: Please Stop."
"Ey, did you blow up again?" -comments

RE: Your character's Facebook status. - Kishi - 03-25-2015

This would be Kei's one and only face book post:

[Image: w0rNmn7.jpg]