Hydaelyn Role-Players
Are you getting sleep? - Printable Version

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RE: Are you getting sleep? - Faye - 03-24-2015

My sleep schedule is virtually nonexistent. I have trouble sleeping anyway, but I work two jobs, one in the morning and one in the evening, so some days I have to wake up around 9 AM, some days I have to wake up around 2PM, and some of the 9 AM days I have to work for 12 hours if I work both jobs that day. o_< I also work only 3 - 4 days a week consecutively, so I have 3 - 4 days off over the weekend. That being said... trying to maintain a sleep schedule is pretty shitty so I've just given up entirely lol. I go to bed anywhere from midnight to 4 AM (aside from the rare nights I go to bed around 10 PM) and then I wake up whatever time I have to for work, or wake up around 2 PM if I don't work that day.

RE: Are you getting sleep? - Val - 03-24-2015

My bedtime tends to be late, as in 5AM-ish, though due to classes I have pulled a few no-sleep nights. A couple of times I've gone to bed at 8-9AM while playing with others--not particularly XIV--but other games with people I've met on XIV.

My body is weird and I stay up late either way, regardless of what I'm doing. I'm just a night owl. It's also weird in that no matter how long I stay up, I can only manage about six hours of sleep--eight if I'm terribly lucky--a night/day. Eventually I tend to crash and just pass out for 12 hours, but I can't really say when that will happen.

I only regret it when I have to wake up ass early the next morning to try to go to the gym, or when I sleep to the point that I wake up and immediately have to go to work. Since the semester has been so demanding of me, I've just.. not gone to the gym. I know! It sucks and it's horrible of me! But I plan on jumping back into it after and I won't be able to stay up nearly as late anymore.

RE: Are you getting sleep? - Makyn Loneseeker - 03-24-2015

All of these sleep schedules... xD

It's interesting to see what the body can get used to, it looks like.

RE: Are you getting sleep? - Flashhelix - 03-24-2015

if I sleep for more than 5 hours i wake up sick

RE: Are you getting sleep? - Cliodhna Eoghan - 03-24-2015

well lately i've been able to sleep in a bit but generally my day looks like this:
get up at about 6:30 or 7am
stay up till maybe catching a nap for an hour from noon to 1pm
possible nap in the car from about 1pm to 2ish (more like a half hour waiting on kid to get outta school)
come home and stay up till about three am (unless i can catch a nap from like 3-5pm)
then get back up at around 6:30-7am next day o3o

but with spring break for my daughter i've been getting up closer to around uh....noon... Blush

RE: Are you getting sleep? - Cato - 03-25-2015

(03-24-2015, 05:24 PM)Flashhelix Wrote: if I sleep for more than 5 hours i wake up sick

I'm like that from time to time. I tend to feel worse if I get a solid night's rest than I do when I wake up from a glorified nap. 

I think some people just naturally need less sleep than others.

RE: Are you getting sleep? - Berrod Armstrong - 03-25-2015

I wake up at around 3:30 , work out and play a bit of FFXIV until about 5:30 then head out to work at around 5:45. I get home from work at around 18:30, dinner, rest and fool around until about 22:00, then go to bed. I get around five and a half hours of sleep a night, and that works just great for me!

RE: Are you getting sleep? - Devereau - 03-25-2015

It is 7:30am and I have not slept. My life is suffering. 

Or as Jan once heard me say, "Oh what the Hell, the sun is out? God, that shit is whack."

RE: Are you getting sleep? - Nebbs - 03-26-2015

Also this

[Image: yqfWvhZ.jpg]

RE: Are you getting sleep? - MadWater - 03-26-2015

My sleep schedule has recently been determined by how many assignments between my classes happen to coincide. This week, for example, has been completely brutal for sleep.

Not that I've done myself any favors. "Okay, I'm just going to log in to buy a lotto ticket." "Hey Brave, want to RP?" "Shit yeah!" Four hours later...