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Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Printable Version

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RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - cherrybomb - 05-01-2015

I can't really contribute much advice here because I'm still feeling this stuff out for myself, but I will say that I get the struggle with shyness - if you're an introverted person, I imagine it's really hard to put yourself out there and act against type. Even with the layers of separation that we get in online roleplaying, it's not necessarily as simple as "just getting over it", if you're the type who literally freezes like a deer in a spotlight. It's one thing to write an outgoing character when you're anything but, it's another thing entirely to play one out in realtime.

Take this with a grain of salt, but one thing that might work for people with major social anxiety is to try approaching people OOC first. Tell them that their character sounds interesting and you'd like to interact with them but you're strapped for ideas how, or something. Improv can be really hard, especially with people you don't know; if you can break the ice OOC a bit, that'll take a lot of the pressure off you. I can't speak for everyone, but I imagine a lot of people would be accommodating in that kind of situation, so long as you're willing to brainstorm ideas too and not just make them do the mental footwork.

If you're shy or have social anxiety, it's a hurdle that you're going to have to overcome if you don't want to have to rely on others to approach you; it wont be easy, and it won't be instantaneous, but gradually, as you put yourself out there more and more and strengthen your coping mechanisms in case embarrassment occurs, it'll get better.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Nebbs - 05-01-2015

Lots of good advice.. and having something to say is good and then go with it.

The main point is..

1. Walk up
2. Say and emote something

If you want to practice I would be happy to play the target. We can even do it IC.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Maril - 05-01-2015

One that I frequently use in the QS/taverns

>Walk up to bannister/bar, near someone else you think might be a roleplayer. Checking search info help
> Emote/say something about how busy/quiet it is currently/today/tonight (I try not to mention time because I get it wrong and then people look at me funny.)
> Person you are close to now has an opportunity to reply.
> If that happens, continue to talk about the weather, local politics, inquire why people are here, and don't forget to do a delayed stylish introduction because your character totally forgot their manners. "I'm Bob, by the by". You should now be able to just keep the conversation going. If casual conversation stalls, keep on asking questions about the other person, most people love talking about themselves icly too. I mean this in a positive way.

Or alternatively

>Stand about at the bar/banister/whatever has your characters legs by magnetic force
> Notice someone walk up next to you, but they are silent
> Contemplate life
> Emote a casual nod of acknowledgement, a gentle greeting or similar. It's like the "Yes I want to RP" to the silent "Hey do you want to RP" the person (probably) made by walking up next to you.
> The person now has a chance to reply!
> Now talk about the weather.

You could adapt this to other situations as well. It's all about presenting people with an opportunity to respond to you.

Edit: Forgot to say, whatever you do, do not drop a pick up line within the first 5 minutes of interaction.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - ArmachiA - 05-01-2015

(05-01-2015, 05:34 AM)Nailah Wrote: Edit: Forgot to say, whatever you do, do not drop a pick up line within the first 5 minutes of interaction.

"Hey baby, wanna kill all humans?"

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Nebbs - 05-01-2015

(05-01-2015, 06:02 AM)ArmachiA Wrote:
(05-01-2015, 05:34 AM)Nailah Wrote: Edit: Forgot to say, whatever you do, do not drop a pick up line within the first 5 minutes of interaction.

"Hey baby, wanna kill all humans?"

Well I playes a male who would open with pickup lines, so over the top that he actually got a lot of RP!

Have your thing.. and work it baby!

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Maril - 05-01-2015

(05-01-2015, 07:33 AM)Nebbs Wrote:
(05-01-2015, 06:02 AM)ArmachiA Wrote:
(05-01-2015, 05:34 AM)Nailah Wrote: Edit: Forgot to say, whatever you do, do not drop a pick up line within the first 5 minutes of interaction.

"Hey baby, wanna kill all humans?"

Well I playes a male who would open with pickup lines, so over the top that he actually got a lot of RP!

Have your thing.. and work it baby!

Well, obviously that can be a thing, but then one should at least be aware that some people might walk away, or ones intentions might be misunderstood ^^ At least in the quicksand :p

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Nebbs - 05-01-2015

(05-01-2015, 07:40 AM)Nailah Wrote:
(05-01-2015, 07:33 AM)Nebbs Wrote:
(05-01-2015, 06:02 AM)ArmachiA Wrote:
(05-01-2015, 05:34 AM)Nailah Wrote: Edit: Forgot to say, whatever you do, do not drop a pick up line within the first 5 minutes of interaction.

"Hey baby, wanna kill all humans?"

Well I playes a male who would open with pickup lines, so over the top that he actually got a lot of RP!

Have your thing.. and work it baby!

Well, obviously that can be a thing, but then one should at least be aware that some people might walk away, or ones intentions might be misunderstood ^^ At least in the quicksand :p

Yes definitely, I got from equal responses to ignored to outright IC hostility. Which was all great for RP. But I would say (toning it down a little) try and be your character and if you choose obnoxious, withdrawn or any other harder to pull off types be prepared to deal with it.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Aris - 05-01-2015

If I might link to Ilwe'ran's post here that has helped me in the past, not so much about walk-ups but about just generally initiating roleplay.

 The key is to have a reason to talk to someone. Like in real life, if you don't have a reason to talk to someone standing across the room, you won't do it. Giving your character a purpose to be there will also help give the conversation a bit of direction.
Going to events is especially helpful in that regard, as the purpose to be there is the event. You approach people and talk about whatever is going on and it's all very natural and expected. Smile

 And as Seriphyn mentioned earlier, following 'real life' prompts can be helpful too. For example, when I go in to the local shop often people are talking about the weather, or might comment on how busy it is. While the conversation might take a little effort after that to get going (because talking about the weather can only last so long) both of you know that 'you're in. First step, complete.' That is where having a purpose to be there can help, because there's a hook for further conversation if the player doesn't provide one.

 If you're nervous, I've found the best thing to do is tell the other person. If you're worried about telling them, maybe consider approaching someone on this forum for walk-up RP first, because shyness is something that's often talking about on here, and most people are very understanding about it.

 Remember that it isn't anything personal if the RP doesn't go very well. Finding someone you really connect with won't always happen instantly, especially in walk-up situations, where you might not know much about the other's character. Sometimes it does, and you find someone you fit in with perfectly and conversation will flow easily. Often, you'll start talking to someone and realise they and you don't really have anything in common and it might be a bit awkward. Other times, you'll feel like there's some potential there and wouldn't mind seeing them again in the future.
 Was it your fault? No, just that people often don't connect because you're too different or a variety of different reasons (in this case, your characters haven't connected, nothing related to you IRL), or that person was distracted, or was busy doing something else.

 It's really difficult sometimes, but just need to keep trying. Smile

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Nebbs - 05-01-2015

And remember.. the other people want to RP too! And many are thinking the same.

To those already RPing, just look around and throw a hook at any person that seems to be hanging at the edge.

Well, I normally in my past naturally play the guild meet and greet person. There you see many new people who are unsure about a great many things. So creating that "soft landing" gets them talking to others. I would get a few days of RP with them and then smile as they ran off busy with the RP they now had got going.

This is a MMO, use that aspect to create your own support into getting experience at walk up RP. 

I'm happy to help

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Spethah - 05-01-2015

Walk-up roleplay HAHAHAhaha it's like the best joke for me. Mostly because I'm so fucking shy around people that I can't start conversations ICly (even though Septh wouldn't do that, she's a grumpy asshat) nor can I ask for RP OOCly (because I get nervous fits thinking about asking).

I still read all the advice and it's still the same for me. Go to Quicksand, reach the door, step inside, turn around after 20 seconds and leave because nope nope nope nope nope.

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Melodia - 05-01-2015

(05-01-2015, 09:08 AM)Septha Wrote: Walk-up roleplay HAHAHAhaha it's like the best joke for me. Mostly because I'm so fucking shy around people that I can't start conversations ICly (even though Septh wouldn't do that, she's a grumpy asshat) nor can I ask for RP OOCly (because I get nervous fits thinking about asking).

I still read all the advice and it's still the same for me. Go to Quicksand, reach the door, step inside, turn around after 20 seconds and leave because nope nope nope nope nope.
*Hugs* Funny...I go through that same scenario when I walk into the Quicksand as well. Oh look, a friend.,...oh they look like they must be busy talking to someone I will just turn around and run back to the safety of my housing district Market Board. *clings to it*

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - DoomsdayClock - 05-01-2015

You really just have to throw yourself into things. Social awkwardness aside...shyness aside...diving in head first has always worked best for me.
if thats really too scary...scope out a convo or character that seems in line for something that would work for your character. Whisper them and establish a hook. A good rp hook can give you the keys into a storyline or social group based on your characters IC needs or background.
there are some rough customers and unfriendly folks out there...but be persistant and use your best judgement based on observation.
Most of all....its a game..have fun!Moogle

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Nebbs - 05-01-2015

(05-01-2015, 09:12 AM)Melodia Wrote:
(05-01-2015, 09:08 AM)Septha Wrote: Walk-up roleplay HAHAHAhaha it's like the best joke for me. Mostly because I'm so fucking shy around people that I can't start conversations ICly (even though Septh wouldn't do that, she's a grumpy asshat) nor can I ask for RP OOCly (because I get nervous fits thinking about asking).

I still read all the advice and it's still the same for me. Go to Quicksand, reach the door, step inside, turn around after 20 seconds and leave because nope nope nope nope nope.
*Hugs* Funny...I go through that same scenario when I walk into the Quicksand as well. Oh look, a friend.,...oh they look like they must be busy talking to someone I will just turn around and run back to the safety of my housing district Market Board. *clings to it*

Septha you are in a great guild for RP! I'd be happy to come RP with you and stuff if that would help.

Mel, I will assume when you are in your house now I can burst in and run off with you to RP!

Hmm an RP buddy scheme.. would it work?

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Melodia - 05-01-2015

(05-01-2015, 09:18 AM)Nebbs Wrote: [quote pid=178268 dateline=1430485938]

Mel, I will assume when you are in your house now I can burst in and run off with you to RP!

Hmm an RP buddy scheme.. would it work?

Haha! Yus!

RE: Walk-up Roleplay Advice. - Spethah - 05-01-2015

(05-01-2015, 09:18 AM)Nebbs Wrote:
(05-01-2015, 09:12 AM)Melodia Wrote:
(05-01-2015, 09:08 AM)Septha Wrote: Walk-up roleplay HAHAHAhaha it's like the best joke for me. Mostly because I'm so fucking shy around people that I can't start conversations ICly (even though Septh wouldn't do that, she's a grumpy asshat) nor can I ask for RP OOCly (because I get nervous fits thinking about asking).

I still read all the advice and it's still the same for me. Go to Quicksand, reach the door, step inside, turn around after 20 seconds and leave because nope nope nope nope nope.
*Hugs* Funny...I go through that same scenario when I walk into the Quicksand as well. Oh look, a friend.,...oh they look like they must be busy talking to someone I will just turn around and run back to the safety of my housing district Market Board. *clings to it*

Septha you are in a great guild for RP! I'd be happy to come RP with you and stuff if that would help.

Mel, I will assume when you are in your house now I can burst in and run off with you to RP!

Hmm an RP buddy scheme.. would it work?

Yeah, they're great guys and have helped me get over the first barrier which is "omg people?????", but they still have to peel me off my relic to get me to RP with other people because I'm too shy to try myself. 

Throwing away social anxiety and shyness doesn't work for me, I have no ability to. In fact trying to throw it away makes it worse because I'm aware that I can't do something without fixing it.