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Your Characters 'job'. - Printable Version

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RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Viola - 07-17-2015

(07-17-2015, 09:28 AM)Gegenji Wrote:
(07-17-2015, 09:25 AM)Viola Wrote: Basically, she's the Judge Dredd of FF14.

[Image: 375px-Judgemug.png]

Seriously, though, I'm curious how many other Judge-style characters there are. I've seen two other people who have Judge as their "first name" and apparently Viola is also going that sort of route. I have to wonder what would happen when the Judges' rulings clash.


This particular Judge.

Viola's been trained and conditioned since being captured to be a Dark Knight in both figurative and literal sense. She isn't "edgy" as most characters who use "Dotharl" or "Dark Knight", but she has no interest in "bullshit".

Her need and want for slaughter is there, but it is held back by her "father's" teachings and his training.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Corelyn - 07-17-2015

Corelyn is a Garlean engineer, and a machinist. She's been trained in combat with gunblades and all manner of firearms, and uses more ceruleum-based tech than a normal machinist (essentially the aetheroconverter would be a ceruleum battery pack of sorts instead). She prefers firearms, but can certainly hold her own in close combat.

Dail'a is a jack of all trades, master of none, when it comes to weapons and combat styles. He's basically a multi-weapon-proficient berserker in combat, though he gravitates toward bladed weapons - mostly swords. Generally, though, if he can hit something with it, it's worth using.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - A'kos Saiyal - 07-20-2015

A'kos is pretty much a ninja in terms of skills. A combat oriented spy. He knows some other means of fighting, but their not half so advanced as the ninja stuff. Personality wise, the Rogue's guild quests were some of my favorite in the game, and really struck a cord with me in and out of character, so he considers himself a Rogue.

Currently though, he's a modest courier (Ninja mail man!) doing odd jobs to put food on the table and blades at his hips. Sometimes he'll find work putting his skills to better use as a private investigator.

He has some basic understanding of magitech, not like an engineer but maybe a mechanic...maybe. I'm not sure how to represent that through a class though, Alchemy? I haven't done crafting in years.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Miko Shiroi - 07-21-2015

K'heyo is a conjurer IC-ly. I use the White Mage job to represent this. I'm just lucky enough that White Mage is what I enjoy playing the most OOCly, as well!

Why do I say he's only a "conjurer" and not a "white mage?" Well, that's because his own personal brand of magic doesn't require delving that deeply into a job. K'heyo grew up under the tutelage of Brother E-Sumi-Yan for a good portion of his childhood, learning how to work along with and call upon the Elementals for magics that would (hopefully) improve his poor health. Not only was K'heyo able to siphon the Elementals' powers to become healthier, but he also turned out to be a talented hearer and can speak freely with the Elementals.

Other than that, K'heyo's pretty good at weaving and seems to enjoy it quite a bit. He even crafts his Host Club members' uniforms!

K'heyo's cooking skills only reach as far as spicy recipes go. Everything he makes is either very spicy (and delicious) or... well, not spicy and inedible.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Jerciex - 07-21-2015

Jerciex is medic, soldier with first aid skills.. He job is basicly take care of wounded and evacuate them safer place, so healers can tend wounded.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Dante Abigor - 07-25-2015

Eligor's entire fighting style revolves around the tools he is using and most importantly his "Howling Fist" technique. As he has no actual IC class per se, I can pretty much have an excuse to wear anything as long as its for the job. This usually takes form in a number of disguises or uniforms.

To best represent both his Howling Fist and the nature of his aether however I tend to keep him as a monk or Dark Knight ICly, and also main those roles OOCly, as well as black mage(Another somewhat ic class of his but less so).

I also have leveled every crafting class he is supposed to be icly good at, with the exception of blacksmith because I got lazy.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Kiur - 08-03-2015

Can't really vote, not yet.

Kiur is a "reset" version of a character I've had on WoW for a long time. I've had to press a major mental reset button for her concept and development so now she's just a wandering madwoman (again).
I leveled as a Dragoon but have unlocked Dark Knight. The DRK's abilities fit her aesthetic considering she is a blood mage/necromancer (Shhh, don't tell anyone) so the blood spikes from our favorite add-grabber "Unleash" certainly suits her IC skillset. But their lore doesn't fit her too much in her current mental state.

Eventually she's just going to have to evolve into one or two of the mechanical "jobs". She might even become an 'official' Dark Knight.
It really depends on where RP takes her.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Reiner Dorn - 08-03-2015

Reiner as a Witch Hunter and mage uses Primarily both SMN and SCH. Though with a few changes. The Ifrit grimoire is used to summon his elemental (Ifrit Egi) As he is not a summoner. He uses many of the more energy bases spells from them and only occationally will he whip out poison magic. 

The Real kicker is a fairy-less SCH. His forte is protection magic, Shells' shields, all that jazz so I run him as SCH often.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Glacirus - 08-23-2015

Glacir is a perpetual researcher and student of all things arcane and complex, focusing on planning and theory before putting his skills to actual use, so he best falls under Arcanist IC'ly, while dabbling into other magic jobs, alchemy, and a bit into machinist after encountering complex magitech in his travels.

OOC'ly, I started as Arcanist and mained Scholar up until I got into the 2.2-ish content, where I gave Summoner a try. Currently I'm swapping between Machinist/Astrologian while I take a break from MSQ, but I intend to return to Scholar.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Khunbish Avagnar - 08-23-2015

As for Aiswynd...In Character he was part of the Rogues guild, now works as an Adder using the skills he picked up as a Rogue, and previously as a hunter and tracker for a now dead Xaela tribe. Out of Character I'm running Ninja to gain levels until I gate into Ishgard and can advance my character's overall plot to him becoming a machinist.

He also works as a Botanist and Fisherman to aide in his goal of discovering how to create all of the best fish dishes Eorzea has to offer

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - ZacharyVolfire - 08-23-2015

Zach is a Merchant but he keeps up with his studies regularly so he's a Summoner. (he's better at using arcanistry spells then actual summoning) He's used to reading alot so the summoner class reflects this.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Volk - 08-23-2015

Ameline is/was a mounted war herald ! I have chosen to depict this by using glamours for Bard and Dragoon, though IC she is neither. She can use a lance, but she is certainly no expert with it - especially when on foot. On the same note, while she can use a bow and sing/play music - it was designed to be much more utilitarian like signaling advances, retreats, keeping morale up, etc: not for entertainment of other people. Sooo . . . DoW !

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Vale - 08-23-2015

Vale used to be a mercenary (started as a DRK job, but was never a DRK IC), but set aside his sword for a job in mining when he got engaged and eventually married ^_^

As for Khuma... he picked up a lance in a desert and thinks it's sentient. He travels around Eorzea doing mostly card tricks to earn enough gil to survive. He'll occasionally actually use his lance for combat, but he mostly just talks to it.

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Kai Motokawa - 08-24-2015

Kai is a Fortune Teller and an Arcanist. I main SMN as my DPS and Astrologian as my healer, which is where I drew my inspiration from. Though I leave my soul-stones out when I'm RPing, I go the full ten miles. Mainly because the Carbuncle plays a huge role in Kai's RP, so I have to remove my soul-stone.

I do have plans to work Astrologian into Kai's RP, but until then. She and myself are ACN/SMN mains. Big Grin

RE: Your Characters 'job'. - Oli! - 08-24-2015

Adalhaid is a legit monk, full-stop. Chakra, meditation, religion, all that. Being a monk doesn't pay, though, so she mines and does manual labor.

Oliwat, as much as people seem to think otherwise (both IC and OOC, surprisingly), is nothing more than a very, very clever Thaumaturge. Though that might change later, depending on how plot-related things go.