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If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Printable Version

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RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Aya - 09-11-2015

(09-11-2015, 02:33 PM)Verad Wrote: This is the wit thread, redux.
Of course, Verad is both witty AND beautiful, without having claimed either.... :-D

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Aaron - 09-11-2015

(09-11-2015, 02:39 PM)Aya Wrote:
(09-11-2015, 02:33 PM)Verad Wrote: This is the wit thread, redux.
Of course, Verad is both witty AND beautiful, without having claimed either.... :-D
Pretty sure he sells both of those things on the down low too.

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Zhavi - 09-11-2015

(09-11-2015, 02:33 PM)Verad Wrote: This thread exists because RPers are spiteful, contrarian little shits who don't like being told what to do - but only if they're told to view a character positively.

There is no quibbling over "ugly." There is no quibbling over other vague descriptors that imply other informed traits like "sickly" or "plain." It is only when a player dares suggest a character is viewed in a positive fashion that players get their hackles up and start fleeing to the warm, inviting confines of subjectivity.

This is the wit thread, redux.

I like complaining about the character creator at any opportunity I get!


That said, when it comes to ugly, it means a lot of tedious repetition. People assume attractive, or at least average. They do (average is average for a reason, after all). If I want people to think otherwise without a glaringly obvious image in front of them, I have to provide specifics. Frequently. It gets old.

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Warren Castille - 09-11-2015

I did some research, and can answer the question.

Quote:If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character?

[Image: latest?cb=20131006174256]

It's this guy.

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - LiadansWhisper - 09-11-2015

Beauty is more than physical description.  Some people might be physically attractive, but the moment they open their mouths, it doesn't matter how attractive their features might be.  They're ugly in every sense of the word, and even their features may appear unattractive once you've heard what is in their heart.

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - McBeefâ„¢ - 09-11-2015

(09-11-2015, 03:31 PM)LiadansWhisper Wrote: Beauty is more than physical description.  Some people might be physically attractive, but the moment they open their mouths, it doesn't matter how attractive their features might be.  They're ugly in every sense of the word, and even their features may appear unattractive once you've heard what is in their heart.
This message brought to you by disney movies.

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Nirri - 09-11-2015

I think something like this is mostly just left up to the mind of the person you're roleplaying with and their in-character idea of 'is the person pretty or not because I think they are.'

You can roleplay your character with a description, mentality that defines them as your personal ideal of handsome to a point where they have the attitude that matches them knowing something like that but to the next person you might aswell be some mediocre peasant while to another you're an arabian prince riding a white steed that attracts women like a brand new lamborgini.

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - LiadansWhisper - 09-11-2015

(09-11-2015, 03:32 PM)McBeefâ„¢ Wrote:
(09-11-2015, 03:31 PM)LiadansWhisper Wrote: Beauty is more than physical description.  Some people might be physically attractive, but the moment they open their mouths, it doesn't matter how attractive their features might be.  They're ugly in every sense of the word, and even their features may appear unattractive once you've heard what is in their heart.
This message brought to you by disney movies.

Actually, it was brought to you by Elliot Rodger.

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Flickering Ember - 09-11-2015

I don't see what's wrong with it, tbh. Yes, beauty is subjective but if someone describes their character as 'beautiful' I picture the western societal idea: average weight with curves, pore less skin, no under eye circles, no blemishes, no unsightly moles, a nose that isn't too long but isn't pugish, full lips, symmetrical features, and optionally: a light touch of make up.

In particular, flawless complexion.

I'm on the fence on just how subjective beauty is though at this point in my life. There seems to be cultural differences for sure but a lot of factors for beauty seem dependent on how healthy a person is. Health can go hand in hand with complexion so that would make sense.
That isn't to say that I think magazine models are perfect examples of beauty, though.

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Diskwrite - 09-11-2015

The way I tend to do it is, I give a character certain traits to shoot for a certain level of attractiveness/unattractiveness according to conventional beauty standards. And then I let people judge it as they may!

For instance, I don't view Ojene as unattractive by any means, but she certainly doesn't match American beauty standards. Now, whether or not other people's characters see her as such is entirely up to them.

When someone refers to their character as "attractive" or "unattractive," I use much the same notion to judge how my character reacts. What they say gives me a good idea of how the character is supposed to be judged (probably according to conventional standards of beauty), and then based on my characters' tastes/judgement, they behave accordingly.

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Jana - 09-11-2015

My character is supposed to be creepy and gloomy, but SE's character creator gave me a very cute kitty person. I usually try to throw in with emotes info like Jana's posture or sunken eyes (or on the more positive side, her toned muscles because Miqo'te don't get that slider).

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - LiadansWhisper - 09-11-2015

(09-11-2015, 07:16 PM)Jana Wrote: My character is supposed to be creepy and gloomy, but SE's character creator gave me a very cute kitty person. I usually try to throw in with emotes info like Jana's posture or sunken eyes (or on the more positive side, her toned muscles because Miqo'te don't get that slider).

Her mask actually goes a long way towards making her creepy!

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Seriphyn - 09-11-2015

I RP primarily via body language, expressions, and dialogue. "Beauty" and "attraction" can come from that, given that all our base models are pretty by default. So if someone does not like Kale's personality, I'm happy for others to think he's not attractive.

Failing that...well, you could always throw money at artwork...

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - McBeefâ„¢ - 09-11-2015

(09-11-2015, 07:31 PM)Seriphyn Wrote: I RP primarily via body language, expressions, and dialogue. "Beauty" and "attraction" can come from that, given that all our base models are pretty by default. So if someone does not like Kale's personality, I'm happy for others to think he's not attractive.

Failing that...well, you could always throw money at artwork...
Kale is a big jerk!!!! :c

- Evangeline

RE: If beauty is subjective, who defines the beauty of your character? - Ryanti - 09-11-2015

Well, I mean obviously people are going to have different tastes in what they find attractive. That goes with my character too. He's a look some people love, some people don't love as much lol. And I understand that. Who defines the beauty of a character? I think it's the society in the lore more than anything from a IC perspective. Sometimes I think it leaks OOC influences too. What people like OOC, they transfer to their characters.

I have my own IRL preferences in what I like. Ryanti's preferences deviate from mine in places. When it comes to descriptions in wikis and stuff about people being pretty or ugly, I take that from a societal perspective. In other words, if a wiki/description describes someone as beautiful, then I take it as they are considered beautiful in their culture. What is beautiful in Ul'Dah may be different in Limsa, etc.

Ryanti has his own unique tastes. Sometimes they don't match the majority. I mean sure he's found the commonly accepted pretty ones pretty. But he's also found people that find themselves 'not considered the most pretty' ... pretty.

So if a RP'er describes someone as beautiful or ugly, I kind of absorb that message as 'this is what society thinks of him/her', but then I run it by Ryanti's mind after that and sometimes the results are different.