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[Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Printable Version

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RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - LiadansWhisper - 12-23-2015

(12-20-2015, 11:26 AM)Lady Krist Wrote: Bane and revan were in the clone wars animated series which is considered canon I believe I read somewhere that the Old republic is supposed to still be canon.

My understanding is that unless they explicitly mention it, it's not exactly canon, but by the same token, unless they explicitly write it out, it's not gone.

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Lydia Lightfoot - 12-23-2015

As I heard it, anything they haven't explicitly said is canon doesn't "not exist", it's just considered to be a legend/fable or somesuch within the setting.

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Cato - 12-23-2015

(12-19-2015, 05:30 AM)Calliope Cloverbloom Wrote: Heh. SWTOR. In which every RP, at least as far as I could tell, was even MORE about people trolling for ERP than in the average MMO.

Cuz... that's what Sith are all about. Galactic conquest? Hayell nawh, they just wanna conquer some bootay. 

And don't even get me started on all the "hawt" Jedi to Padawan "romance".

I'd say that applies to most MMO's these days. There was a time when such things were relatively private and kept behind closed doors - whereas these days areas such as Goldshire and The Quicksand aren't too different to what a lot of 'regular' role-players get up to.

Besides, whilst all the Jedi and Sith 'forbidden love' plots end up being incredibly common it isn't too different to how most romances in FFXIV are interracial despite such unions being frowned upon by many in the canon lore.

Of course if you try to frown upon such things IC you risk being called a 'bigot' OOC or the players involved just choose to ignore any realistic IC consequences or criticism in response to flaunting it.

I understand the appeal, however, but it's a real shame that ultimately it usually just revolves around what the players find hot rather than what would make a compelling story.

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Lydia Lightfoot - 12-23-2015

(12-23-2015, 05:22 AM)Graeham Wrote:
(12-19-2015, 05:30 AM)Calliope Cloverbloom Wrote: Heh. SWTOR. In which every RP, at least as far as I could tell, was even MORE about people trolling for ERP than in the average MMO.

Cuz... that's what Sith are all about. Galactic conquest? Hayell nawh, they just wanna conquer some bootay. 

And don't even get me started on all the "hawt" Jedi to Padawan "romance".

I'd say that applies to most MMO's these days. There was a time when such things were relatively private and kept behind closed doors - whereas these days areas such as Goldshire and The Quicksand aren't too different to what a lot of 'regular' role-players get up to.

Besides, whilst all the Jedi and Sith 'forbidden love' plots end up being incredibly common it isn't too different to how most romances in FFXIV are interracial despite such unions being frowned upon by many in the canon lore.

Of course if you try to frown upon such things IC you risk being called a 'bigot' OOC or the players involved just choose to ignore any realistic IC consequences or criticism in response to flaunting it.

I understand the appeal, however, but it's a real shame that ultimately it usually just revolves around what the players find hot rather than what would make a compelling story.

Haha, yeah... that... annoys me so much. But it's that way in every MMO, because ultimately even if you separate the ERP aspects from it (which are often a huge motivating factor), player compatibility in terms of scheduling, personality/camaraderie, posting style, appropriate/wanted levels of attention/collaboration, and so on, are also big factors, and a lot of the time players who find themselves feeling like they could really write well together realize that their characters shouldn't be compatible, and they just decide... well, whatever, let's go with it anyway, because we're such buds, or whatever.

In a game like this, though, that seems weird that they wouldn't just grab a fantasia and a rename and make it easy on themselves. Many games don't give those kinds of re-purposing options. Then again, most players get very attached to characters and wouldn't be excited about the idea of changing one around like that.

Maybe that's an idea for your Warren's next discussion topic, since you've he's been doing a bunch of those lately.


Back to the topic of Star Wars, has anyone else found it odd that in a galaxy of apparently limitless forms of intelligent life, in the films the only main character non-human we've had has been Chewie? Okay, one could argue that Yoda and Maz Kanata might count as main characters, but, I'm mostly referring to the ones that are going on the adventures - and I specifically said intelligent life, so don't even bring up Binks.

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Cato - 12-23-2015

It might have something to do with how expensive and taxing make-up and costumes can be - as well as the desire for actors to be recognised at a quick glance, especially if they're a big name. That'd be my guess at least!

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Lydia Lightfoot - 12-23-2015

In my sleepy delirium I referenced Warren's recent postings and attributed those threads to Graeham. Oops. Hey, you guys are both great, what can I say. LOL

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Roe Dad - 12-23-2015

(12-23-2015, 02:31 AM)LiadansWhisper Wrote:
(12-20-2015, 11:26 AM)Lady Krist Wrote: Bane and revan were in the clone wars animated series which is considered canon I believe I read somewhere that the Old republic is supposed to still be canon.

My understanding is that unless they explicitly mention it, it's not exactly canon, but by the same token, unless they explicitly write it out, it's not gone.
ILl have to find it but they also stated that SWTOR was still technically canon but I don't recall where I read it.

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Valence - 01-01-2016


May be relevant or not...

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - PhantasticPanda - 01-01-2016

(12-23-2015, 02:31 PM)Lady Krist Wrote:
(12-23-2015, 02:31 AM)LiadansWhisper Wrote:
(12-20-2015, 11:26 AM)Lady Krist Wrote: Bane and revan were in the clone wars animated series which is considered canon I believe I read somewhere that the Old republic is supposed to still be canon.

My understanding is that unless they explicitly mention it, it's not exactly canon, but by the same token, unless they explicitly write it out, it's not gone.
ILl have to find it but they also stated that SWTOR was still technically canon but I don't recall where I read it.

Revan didn't quite make it into the actual episode since he was cut out of it along the way during production, same with Bane. Because George Lucas. That isn't to say he's not canon though... yet. And its obvious Disney is picking out lore from the EU left and right, the most recent one is that they mentioned the Great Purge of Malachor when they explained the ancient jedi design of Kylo Ren's lightsaber.

I find it kind of funny however, that George Lucas has been making a big fuss about regretting selling the IP recently, like "selling your children to slavers." Despite this, Disney has been more true to Star Wars along with their slow inclusion of EU stuff than George Lucas was.

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Telluride - 01-01-2016

Lucas is just upset than he can't make Star Wars For Kids ™ anymore. What he can't seem to get past that hairdo of his is that, despite what many say, what he did with the original trilogy was leaps and bounds better in making Star Wars for Kids than when he started doing it on purpose. Kids are smarter than George and many people give them credit for. Jar Jar gets outgrown fast. Hell, let's admit it, Ewoks get outgrown fast. When you give kids something fun to watch that they can grow INTO, that bears repeated experiences, instead of something to grow out of, that's what makes money and success.

Also, consider that at least one EU book, Shadows of the Empire, has got active play. The Outrider from that book shows up for a few seconds in the actual prequels, and several characters and vehicles from it are parts of current, ongoing and licensed production right now. Even if Timothy Zahn's works are now outside canon, these other concept are still a usable goldmine. If the Millenium Falcon is still around in the new movie, then so can be the Outrider, Dash Rendar, Black Sun, and a host of others.

Finally, I have to give a fan's shoutout to Star Wars: Rebels, which has managed to take elements from more recent and beloved SciFi shows and make them fully Star Wars. To risk a very unpopular opinion, I'd say that Rebels is much more of what we ought to have from Star Wars than 90% of The Force Awakens offers. Abrams did what he HAD to do, I can admit, but now that he has, we're ready for more than just a continuation of Star Wars films, but one that recognizes the New Things People Are Ready For ™ we've had in the last 30 years.

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Valence - 01-01-2016

Oh yes, Rebels was a good surprise. For kids and teens, sure, but it takes a lot of things back from what has been weeded out of the EU, like the COMPNOR/ISB among others. I would be totally mad happy about that show if I watched that as a kid.

And, to be honest with The Force Awakens, it's the exact same kind of process they are doing. I found so many things back form the legacy EU there when I watched it... I mean, it's almost like the EU post Empire got remixed into something new with the same elements. Leia is not far from the head of state of the New Republic, except it's the Resistance instead. Kylo Ren is Jacen, Rey is Jaina, as the similarities are so obvious. The New Republic is here, but a lot weaker. The new Jedi Order happened but unlike in the old EU, it met a grim end. Among many things, I got the same vibes from it, even if we can say what we want about the copy/paste of the original trilogy they did with the second part of the movie.

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - Caspar - 01-04-2016

Lucas is an Ideas Man. For better or worse his vision of the rich sci fi fantasy world in his head was nearly fully realized, and rarely can we say people truly get the creative control necessary to do that. Even the controversial updates to the original trilogy were for the sake of bringing his vision to reality. In a way it's admirable. And yet the presence of people to say no to him, to force him to abandon ideas that don't work and do more with less, was what helped make the trilogy a success when no one expected much of it. It can be hard to accept that your "baby" grew up and became something outside of your control. Even moreso if the new caretakers copy your way wholesale. Then it's like "why give it up?"

RE: [Spoiler] Huge Star Wars spoiler guys - 13uddy - 01-06-2016

In the interest of "spoilers"...

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