Hydaelyn Role-Players
Roegadyn Directory (As requested) - Printable Version

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RE: Roegadyn Directory (As requested) - Klynzahr - 11-13-2013

((Figure I may as well stick my two Roes up here for form's sake.))

Character Name: Klinzahr Iyrnahctwyn

Sea Wolf



Looking for?:
She's pretty busy, but extra RP is always welcome. In the future, she hopes to open a clinic in Ul'dah, and I would love to have different patients drop by.


Still trying to figure out the wiki....

2. Does your character fit the 'common' lore of your Roegadyn or are they singular? (Eg. Raised by hyur so does not understand X or Y = singular)

She was born in the Northern Isles, but raised at sea since age two. In other words, she's as Sea Wolf as they come.

3.  What are your Rp limits, if any? (Eg: no permadeath, no ERp etc

No ERP please! Otherwise I am pretty flexible, and I do enjoy character consequences. However more permanent things should be discussed OOC.     


Character Name: Iyrnahct Sterrankasyn

Sea Wolf



Looking for?:
Mainly crafting RP right now.


His wiki is next in line after Klinzahr's.....

2. Does your character fit the 'common' lore of your Roegadyn or are they singular? (Eg. Raised by hyur so does not understand X or Y = singular)

Iyrnahct grew up in the far North, before taking to the open sea in his thirties. As a result, his dialect is much stronger then the typical Limsian accent, and he is stubbornly traditional. Very much the 'old school' sea wolf. (( Don't worry if you can't read the accent, it's intentionally thick.))

3.  What are your Rp limits, if any? (Eg: no permadeath, no ERp etc

Same as above.

RE: Roegadyn Directory (As requested) - LeCard - 11-16-2013

Character Name:Lubblyss Zwelfskalwyn aka Datura
Hells/Sea?: Hellsguard
Timezone: EST
Looking for?: Anyone interesting
Server: Balmung

2. Does your character fit the 'common' lore of your Roegadyn or are they singular? (Eg. Raised by hyur so does not understand X or Y = singular)

Yes& No
While Hellsguard she has only translated her name in an effort to make things easier for "The city folk" she still keeps her last name and bears it with pride. He reasons for leaving her home are to help those hurt by the calamity, so while she does adapt to some of the culture of society she still clings to her heritage.

Her name has been translated to a flower she likes that is the definition of the two words that comprise her name, as opposed to using the two words (Eg. Datura VS Poison Blossom).

3. What are your Rp limits, if any? (Eg: no permadeath, no ERp etc)

no permadeath, no ERP (pretty much it, though if you aren't sure ask ^.^)

RE: Roegadyn Directory (As requested) - Michikyou - 12-28-2013

Updating and adding my own Roe on here.

RE: Roegadyn Directory (As requested) - Nykkus Trachspyr - 01-13-2014

Nykkus(Nigh-kus) Trachspyr
Mountain (GMT -7)
Looking for - RP and PvE are always welcome. Walk up sessions or story-driven content as well. No ERP.
Balmung server

2. Does your character fit the 'common' lore of your Roegadyn or are they singular? (Eg. Raised by hyur so does not understand X or Y = singular)

Nykkus was given away (as is Hellsguard custom) for a chance at a better life. However this was done far too early - while still in her infancy. Sold to an affluent Ala Mhigan family who did not care to understand Roe tribal naming customs, she was given a Hyur Highlander first name and Trachspyr as a surname in the Sea Wolf tradition. She was tutored beginning at an early age within the halls of their elite military academies. All knowledge she carries of her people was taught to her by a Hellsguard colonel who took her under his wing.

3.  What are your Rp limits, if any? (Eg: no permadeath, no ERp etc)

No ERP - Permadeath is a possibility, but only after her story has run its course. I am up for anything else.

RE: Roegadyn Directory (As requested) - Asgarn - 01-13-2014

Character Name: Asgarn Wastbyrtsyn
Hells/Sea?: Seawolf
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT (+00: London, Dublin)
Looking for?: Heavy Roleplay

Server: Balmung
Wiki: In Progress...

2. Does your character fit the 'common' lore of your Roegadyn or are they singular? (Eg. Raised by hyur so does not understand X or Y = singular)

Asgarn is relatively integrated in to the common lore of the Roegadyn. Apart from his first name, which is technically not a Roegadyn name but Germanic, he's just one charming, tough Roegadyn. 

3.  What are your Rp limits, if any? (Eg: no permadeath, no ERp etc)

No limits, really. ERP is a sour subject to most, I know, and I don't -usually- partake. As in, I never have but would not be completely closed off to the idea if two characters had history and the story lead to a viable reason. Perma-death is also welcome, once Asgarn's story has come to an end or (gods forbid) I grow bored of him and want to try another concept. I love my RoeRoe too much to be bored. Cry

(NOTE: I am gay in real-life, and whilst it doesn't shine through with Asgarn, so too is he. So on the rare event I would ERP, you get where I'm coming from...)

RE: Roegadyn Directory (As requested) - Michikyou - 01-14-2014


RE: Roegadyn Directory (As requested) - Dogberry - 01-14-2014

Oh, I get it. Leaving me off the directory, eh? Just gonna leave my profile hangin' and not put me in the main post? We'll see about that! Put 'em up, put 'em uuuuup!

Just kidding! Pointing out an oversight is all. nbd.

RE: Roegadyn Directory (As requested) - Salty Lake - 01-17-2014

Asgarn, I believe you owe us some moose screenshots!

RE: Roegadyn Directory (As requested) - Asgarn - 01-17-2014

Haha! Check the screenshots thread. Posted my favourite one. Big Grin