Hydaelyn Role-Players
Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Printable Version

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RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Kage - 11-13-2014

4:47 am PST and still open

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Clover - 11-13-2014

I guess I'm late to this post, but I would like to warn any new EU player about joining a NA server like Balmung. I can't say that my experience as an EU player in a NA server is devoid of problems.

It's true Balmung is very active and full of awesome people. However, if you play in EU timezones, be ready to be left out of the vast majority of RP events (I can't even remember the last one I could attend), for they tend to be organized in NA timezones only. It's good if you have a group of friends to RP with, or if you enjoy casual RP. You will find a lot of casual RP going on, but events themselves will be quite hard to attend.

Also, finding raid parties won't be necessarily impossible, but it won't be easy either.

For the most part, my experience in Balmung has served me to realize that NA and EU are not very compatible, so I personally will think carefully before joining a NA server in any future game.

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Gwen - 11-13-2014

Yeah, it's pretty much as Clover said. If you're not someone who is fine with 5 or less hours sleep, you will probably not be able to attend most events. Even in my FC midnight is the earliest events can start on weekdays. Random RP is still always around, and friends and such, but it's never going to be the full expereince.

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Sarpy - 11-13-2014

(11-13-2014, 07:24 AM)Sastra Wrote: I just created a character right now. If you're around you should try.
That's me in! :33
 Probably due to WoD's release or something.


RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Sarpy - 11-13-2014

(11-13-2014, 10:13 AM)Clover Wrote: I guess I'm late to this post, but I would like to warn any new EU player about joining a NA server like Balmung. I can't say that my experience as an EU player in a NA server is devoid of problems.

It's true Balmung is very active and full of awesome people. However, if you play in EU timezones, be ready to be left out of the vast majority of RP events (I can't even remember the last one I could attend), for they tend to be organized in NA timezones only. It's good if you have a group of friends to RP with, or if you enjoy casual RP. You will find a lot of casual RP going on, but events themselves will be quite hard to attend.

Also, finding raid parties won't be necessarily impossible, but it won't be easy either.

For the most part, my experience in Balmung has served me to realize that NA and EU are not very compatible, so I personally will think carefully before joining a NA server in any future game.

I'm hoping to find a FC with quite a large EU timezone, even if I can't attend the Events, I'd be happy to just meet some new people/new friends to have casual RP with all over the games world.

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Foxling - 11-13-2014

I feel like it's worth pointing out that any server can have timezone problems. It's more a matter of the people you intend to play with, be it RPing or in-game progression, that's the real deciding factor.

Case in point, i'm doing end game things on Odin server, which is technically an EU one. And yet my FC on there is primarily made up of US players so we start content at stupid times like 2am. Being on the 'right' server for your timezone can mean diddly squat these days.

And to be fair to the Balmung server, there's a decent EU gathering on there these days.

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Maril - 11-13-2014

I don't really think it's fair to go out and "warn" against EU'ers rolling on Balmung. Any RP'er in any timezone can end up starved for RP if they do not have a big enough network / aren't doing enough to establish a network or become a part of one etc. I'm currently leading a free company that has 40 active RP'ers measured on people who log in at least once a week, and of those about 15 are from the US, but are all people who tend to be active during the US daytime. We've opened our house up to RP and I have made several threads here to try and get us further out among people that aren't just ourselves. We've also hosted at least two server wide events in the EU prime-time this year (I'd love to do more, but I am out of ideas and low on time) - I'm not saying this for bragging rights or anything, just trying to explain that we've done quite a bit and I dare say it's working.
We started out as about 5-6 players when FFXIV launched. 
There's also still the Europa Linkshell, which granted isn't as active as it was right back at launch, but it still serves as a good list of people that are RP'ing within the EU timezone. I know of some that have left it because it was too chatty at times, but that's really up to what people are into. 

I don't think that the conditions for EU rpers would be any better on a European server, especially since there are no RP tags and I haven't so far encountered any websites that have a direct focus on EU rp'ers. You'll just have a small community that can't really pull the numbers. Instead of seeing a lot of events in the wrong timezone, I don't reckon you'd see so many events at all.
I mean, yes, there's -a lot- of the events that are posted here on the RPC that start at like 4am, but there are also some that try to be flexible, etc etc. 

If any of you have any ideas for EU events, hit me up, I should be able to get enough people if there's an interest from my FC. Heck, our FC even has a big focus on being able to do things for others, anything from merc contracts to nameday parties. We were even out looking for a missing person once. 

You don't have to be alone. Say hi! We don't bite! I PROMISE!