Hydaelyn Role-Players
Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Printable Version

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RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Faye - 12-14-2014

Faye can't cook. She's otherwise 100% housewife material, but she can't cook at all, no matter how much she tries and how many cookbooks she browses. ;_; Every meal ends up in flames or just... terrible and not at all appetizing.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - DreamedReality - 12-15-2014

Jaques tries and tries to gain more control over how much energy is released when he uses aether. But he just can't get it.

His handwriting is -horrible- and sometimes he does try to work on it... Not that it helps much at all.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Aaron - 12-15-2014


This person IC was so bad I cried XD

Aaron Iceblood walks into the house with a light wave and a lazily tired expression as he looked around before spotting an unfamiliar woman in the kitchen apparently burning something. 

Vexi jumps up panicking as the smoke arose looking around until she spotted Aaron. "I-Oh im so sorry sir! I was just! " she started to panic again shaking her head.

Aaron Iceblood looked confused out his mind as he raised a brow walking into the kitchen and with a quick touch of the burning pot froze over it stopping the smoke with a sigh. ". . . . What are you doing here?" He yawns looking her up and down briefly trying to wake himself up. "And what did you burn?"

Vexi: I um. . . I burned a pot of water. .

Aaron Iceblood fell extremely quiet. He just stood there and stared for about an eternity. 

Aaron Iceblood:. . . . . . I'm sorry but can I like be your friend? I just laughed so hard I broke down crying and had to walk away from my bed ))

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Antain - 12-15-2014

Vaughn has many things he tries really hard at, but just isn't good. Overcoming his anxieties, wielding an axe, making lasting friendships, just to name a few.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Gegenji - 12-15-2014

There's a ton of things Chachan isn't good at. However, if I had to specify things that he isn't good at and yet he tries anyway... it's probably a toss-up between "being mature" and "laying down the sick burns." Maybe "lying" as well. After all, the fact he's Doman is pretty much not a secret at all at this point, and most folks are skeptical when he says he's 19.

The latter is what leads to the whole "failure at acting mature" angle. He has his moments, sure, but with his boundless, childish energy along with his penchant for pouting and getting fussy when things don't go his way... it's hard to consider him as anything other than immature.

Also, when he gets into arguments that descend into insults, he totally tries to act like how he saw Ser Crofte did that one time in the Quicksand. He just ends up being really bad at it. Getting flustered when his opponent is more mentally dextrous when it comes to such things doesn't help matters either.

Maybe that's why the fights between him and Koporo go so well. They both equalize onto roughly the same maturity level... Laugh

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Salinas - 12-16-2014

Caelia is terrible at flirting. She practices in front of a mirror when she finds the time. Only to get embarrassed seconds later when she throws a pick-up line at herself. I can imagine she tries to an opening to use these lines on Noxaelius but decided against it. ♪( ´θ`)ノ♡

Also, she can't cast offensive spells accurately. You can place a bowl on top of a stump and try to get her to knock it off with stone... But she completely misses.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Zetchryn - 12-16-2014

A'zireena is absolutely horrible at dancing in any other way then playful flailing, or the dances you often see the female Miqo'te do. The moment it becomes formal, or involves a partner? She trips, falls, steps on people's toes, gets her tail tangled in odd places, the works.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Adeya - 12-16-2014

Adeya can't cook. At all. Doesn't stop her from trying (though it really, really should. Everyone would be safer).

Also, all of her attempts to learn conjury so far have failed horribly. She just doesn't get it. I think she could get better if she found someone with a similar mindset to teach her, but as of now... if she tries using it on you, run. Just run.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Caspar - 12-29-2014

I haven't been able to get onto Bal yet. ;_; but when I do, my character's flaw is magic aptitude. If you've played shadow hearts, the ps2 rpg series, you might remember that Yuri, the main protagonist, gets a lot of powerful abilities from transforming into various beasties. To balance him with the rest of the party, yuri can't use Creat Magic, and the canon explanation for it is simply that he's too stupid to remember the spells, even though a small child and a *dog* (albeit a very intelligent wolf dog...) in the party are veritable masters already. I was thinking of doing something similar with my character. In her case it's not so much idiocy as an unfortunate inability to think abstract. Like if you told her people can fly with a spell, she'd be too hung up on how impossible it seemed, and get distracted and forget the actual spell in the process.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Wild Card - 02-11-2015

Irie is bad bad bad bad at crafting, any kind of it. Trying to teach her even the most basic recipies is like trying to teach an whale to perform a tango. It will result in pain and blood for all participants.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Askier - 02-13-2015

Hmmmm things my characters suck at but try to be good at...

How about being decent human beings? -.-


RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Unnamed Mercenary - 02-13-2015

(02-13-2015, 07:19 AM)Askier Wrote: Hmmmm things my characters suck at but try to be good at...

How about being decent human beings? -.-


But Jin'li is trying so hard to help people!

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Askier - 02-13-2015

(02-13-2015, 08:13 AM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote:
(02-13-2015, 07:19 AM)Askier Wrote: Hmmmm things my characters suck at but try to be good at...

How about being decent human beings? -.-


But Jin'li is trying so hard to help people!

"Sir, according to witnesses, the miqo'te was calling his gunblade Kindness."

"The same gunblade that was used on our victim here?"

"Seems so sir."

"Then, I guess you could say.... he killed them with Kindness."


RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Liandri - 02-13-2015

Physical hardiness. No matter how hard she tries, V'lanya can just NEVER take a hit. The last few punches to her sternum caused her to cough up blood, and a few times, in sparring, she's nearly ended up dead.

I'd say taking critique is a skill. The Miqo'te is so far up her own backside she can't take critique, and will turn hostile/walk away from anyone attempting to do so.

Oooh, self-control, too. That's likely something she just can't do whatsoever. Yeah, that's a big no-no. Though, admittedly, she's getting a LITTLE better.

Lasting romantic relations. Something I won't even comment on, she's either extremely unlucky, or a complete dimwit.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Unnamed Mercenary - 02-13-2015

(02-13-2015, 08:44 AM)Askier Wrote:
(02-13-2015, 08:13 AM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote:
(02-13-2015, 07:19 AM)Askier Wrote: Hmmmm things my characters suck at but try to be good at...

How about being decent human beings? -.-


But Jin'li is trying so hard to help people!

"Sir, according to witnesses, the miqo'te was calling his gunblade Kindness."

"The same gunblade that was used on our victim here?"

"Seems so sir."

"Then, I guess you could say.... he killed them with Kindness."

[Image: 63qnujs.png]
If we have anyone who keeps up with Dr Who...