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Your Characters' Names! - Printable Version

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RE: Your Characters' Names! - Edvyn - 02-23-2015

edda vincents
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RE: Your Characters' Names! - Khoure - 02-23-2015

(02-23-2015, 10:11 AM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote: Fun fact! When I made WoW Berrod Armstrong people kept making that joke and I didn't get it because I didn't know what FMA was. Someone told me and I ended up reading all the chapters because of it lol.

it's always pretty funny when that kind of thing happens. Back when I first started WoW (vanilla days), my brother, his name being Benjamin and his nickname being BJ, rolled a Paladin. Inspired by one of our uncle's alts, a priest named 'PopeEddie' or something similar, he named his first character 'PaladinBJ' It was many a year before I realized the obvious albeit immature joke in that. It's especially amusing since he did take this character all the way to lvl cap. Apparently the naming oversight wasn't pointed out to him until sometime in the 20 lvl range, which is honestly actually surprising. So yeah, one time my brother mained 'paladin blowjob' all the way to endgame content.

RE: Your Characters' Names! - Sophia_Grave - 02-23-2015

I definitely feel like this has been a thread already, but here it goes!

Sophia is a minor alteration of my actual name. When I was a dumb little child, I felt like Sophie was an old granny name like Mildred or Olga and that Sophia was much prettier name. I like my name now, but considering the character, I feel like Sophia fits better as she is supposed to seem perfect and Sue-ish on a surface level (of course, she isn't a Sue omgplsdontkillme). Her last name 'Grave' is a mutation of her true Garlean name and manages to give her a sort of menacing feel while rolling off the tongue. Sophia Grave essentially does everything I want it to for the character.

For Lorelei, I've always just liked the name. It fits because the name is German and she is a Highlander. While she certainly doesn't lure fishermen to their death via song like the original character, she does love to sing, so I guess that fits well enough. Armstrong, her surname, is just very Highlander-y to me and rolls well with her first name. Funny story: right after I made the character and leveled her decently, I was in the Quicksand for whatever reason and saw Berrod RPing. I facepalmed when I realized that there was already an Armstrong and almost deleted the character right there so I could rename her, but nothing came to mind, so I never did.

RE: Your Characters' Names! - Dogberry - 02-23-2015

Dogberry is the name of one of my favorite Shakespearean characters. He was the inept constable in Much Ado About Nothing who constantly used the wrong words for what he was trying to say. He's a great comedic character, and I wanted to put that kind of lightheartedness into the character. It's a silly name, unbecoming of a hulking Roegadyn, but with his personality, he totally owns it.

His last name Himalspyr(syn)--the syn is silent-- is Roegadyn for "Heaven Spear", which is a name passed around among Dogberry's bloodline. The story of the name is that one of Dogberry's ancestors threw a spear so high it flew into the heavens and got stuck. Also, it kind of implies that Dogberry has a Dragoon ancestor somewhere in there maybe.

Iskierka's (Pronounced Iss-Key-Air-Ka) name came from one of my favorite books, "Black Powder War" by Naomi Novik, which is part of her "Temeraire" series about dragons fighting in the Napoleonic Wars. In the books, Iskierka is a Polish dragon that is given over to England in order to help them breed firebreathing dragons. She had other plans. Iskierka is my favorite dragon in the series because she's so headstrong. She acts exactly the way you'd imagine a fire breathing dragon would act. Her name even means "Little Spark". I wanted this character to have a name the belied just how much of a fighter she is. Plus, I think it's just a gorgeous name.

Stormspeaker just seemed like a perfect name for a mage. She speaks, and creates a storm. Or she speaks to storms and they do her bidding. Or her words themselves are the storm. It works several ways.

RE: Your Characters' Names! - Kou - 02-23-2015

K'washi Amada is my lil Seeker derp. xD

K'washi is just an alternate version of his original name, Kouwashi. He's normally a human of Eastern (read: Japanese) descent. It was my attempt at making a name meaning "Blue Eagle," with the help of a friend of mine who was studying Japanese at the time. Further research indicates I've probably missed the mark a bit. xD

Amada, I'm sure, is familiar. It's the last name of the main character in the 08th Gundam series' main character. Back in GW2, the player of Kou's best friend would always introduce him as "Master Kouwashi Amada," since he was acting guild leader at the time. He hated it, but the name stuck. He doesn't officially have a last name, since he's always been an orphan.

RE: Your Characters' Names! - Alothia - 02-23-2015

Alothia Starkwood

Apparently there is no direct meaning for the name Alothia. I simply liked the sound of it...made it up when I was playing stupid freeware games when I was about 13, and it's just a name that stuck with me ever since.

I did find, however, the name Alophia, which is a type of Iris.
[Image: alophia_silvestris_4828_04s.JPG]

It's funny, because it pretty much matches up with Aly's color scheme. That, and she's from Gridania, so plants and everything. 

Starkwood was something I came up with when starting the game. Knowing more about Aly's character now, I'd say that it definitely has roots in her past, the woods of her life being quite stark.

RE: Your Characters' Names! - Sacha Desyre - 02-23-2015

Sacha Desyre is the name of on OC of mine I don't get to play with anymore who was a french artist with quite a vibrant wardrobe. Since he was my main character and I thought there might be some RPers on the moogle server, I thought I would give him a shot there. It then didn't occur to me some time later that there was certain ways that Miqo'te are "supposed" to have their names, but that actually gave me reason to look into his past more on FFXIV rather then just kind of being there. So he has a Hyur Father and a Miqo'te Mother who disliked her coventional tribe ways. His actual father is a miqo'te however, so he is pure keeper but raised in a Hyur household. He's evolved from the OC he was based off, but am happy with the switch. 
Another of my characters from Balmung is Diamond Rose, who started out as a jokey male Roegadyn on Moogle. When Balmung is over, I thought of transfering him, but upon playing around with the females, I found a look I liked and Diamond Rose as a more serious character was born. Since she started off as a joke character and the hair/make up is white and pink, I named her after the My Little Pony figure I have with similar colouring. It was just by happy surprise that such a name isn't uncommon for a Roegadyn. So she is a mix between a Sea Wolf and a Hellsguard. ^^

RE: Your Characters' Names! - Bryn - 02-23-2015

'Brynhilde' is an altered version of the Germanic traditional name Brünhilda(and other variations), meaning 'armoured in battle'. It also comes from a character from Germanic Folklore, as well as a historical person. Aside from simply suiting Bryn as an armoured, tanky-knight type, the traditional form of the name is actually one of her middle names. She took it as her first name when she fled Gyr Abania and the Resistance, in order to evade the Empire's hunting. The different spelling is her own artistic flourish.

'Wulf' is a simplified version of her family name, Brandulfr. She didn't feel the need to make it too dissimilar, as variations of 'Wolf' and the use of 'Wolf' as both a suffix and prefix are very common among the Highlanders. Also, she was too proud to abandon her birth name completely.

The family name "Brandulfr" means "Blade Wolf", and refers to an ancient familial folklore tale in which one of Brynhilde's fore-mothers is said to have struck a deal with a dire wolf which had 'fangs as terrible as a knight's blade each'.

I did a lot of research in Germanic naming conventions (particularly those of the noble classes) to come up with Bryn's birth name, which is of noble origin. In full, her real name is "Freiin Adelfrida Brünhilda Roswitha von und zu Brandulfr". But I think we can all agree that 'Bryn' is a lot more convenient. Tongue

RE: Your Characters' Names! - Jancis - 02-23-2015

Jancis is a bit character in one of my favorite book series about Pern. For what little is written about her shows the ambition to think outside the box and follow others to make the world a better place.
A lot of Pern's names are based off of a mix of European backgrounds which fit the hyur guidelines and is also fairly androgynous.

I used the name once before many years ago in a MUD called Achaea.

Piemur is involved in a large amount of the controversial "progress" that occurs after the awakening of the AIVAS, and together with Jancis, granddaughter of Mastersmith Farandel, rebuilds one of the first computers. Piemur later marries Jancis, and has a son, Pierjan.

Milburga is the name of a Saint. Another inspiration for the conjurer's background. Fun fun.

And appropriately her feast day is today. Her feast day is 23 February.


RE: Your Characters' Names! - Vulture - 02-24-2015

I am a filthy elitist and therefore use lore to come up with my names.

Ansabryda Baenskalwyn means Scythe Bride, daughter of Bone Servant in the old Roegadyn tongue.

RE: Your Characters' Names! - C'kayah Polaali - 02-24-2015

For C'kayah, I used the same method that I used to generate his appearance: I made myself a sea breeze and hit the "randomize" button until one popped up that I liked. He was originally C'kayah Tia, but later dropped the Seeker suffix in favor of his maternal Grandmother's Polaali, mainly because he no longer lives in a tribe and doesn't feel that the role-suffix applies.

Setoh, according to the story I'm assembling, was originally Seto'li Viqqoh. When he left his clan he wanted to cut ties with his mother, so he dropped the li and added the Miqo'te H for emphasis. I chose Viqqoh specifically so that he could be Chokho Viqqoh's cousin.

I made a Duskwight who hasn't gotten any real play, but I keep thinking I want to develop him more. His name, Armistead Moreau, is a combination of one of my favorite authors (Armistead Maupin) and Doctor Moreau. It seemed lore-appropriate for a Duskwight, so there you go.

RE: Your Characters' Names! - Makyn Loneseeker - 02-24-2015

I usually go with something simple. xD Like 'John Sherman' in GW2.

I took the name Makyn from old English, it sounded pretty fantasy, ya know? Loneseeker spawned from an original world I helped to create, being a group of people who went out into the wilderness to get away from humanity, earning the title 'Loneseeker'. That somehow keep in touch with each other. That world is still a WIP.


Loneseeker in FF is just a surname, which is ironic since he likes to find groups of people more than he wants to be alone.

RE: Your Characters' Names! - Kalooeh - 02-24-2015

Kal Numara/Kylkoena Nymaerywn - Based off a WoW character of mine whose name is Kal 'Namara (Or Karin Adelaide Laraine McNamara). Numara is basically just Namara, BUT it is also a reference to The Free Ocean State of Numara. And fun fact about the names is McNamara is an anglicised name of Mac Conmara/Cú Mhara, meaning Son of the Sea Hound(s). Kal herself is also a Sea wolf/highlander and her original name is a roe name, but she chose to go with a simplified highlander version of as she looks more hyur than roe (Whereas her brothers look more roe than hyur), and she got tired of people having trouble with her name.

Dheina Tayuun - Based off a wow alt named Dei'fon, or Dei'naa. Honestly I don't remember what Dei'naa was originally supposed to mean and the name Dheina doesn't seem to really have a meaning to it either *shrug*. I considered just having Deina, but considering moonkitties tend to have an H in the names for a kind of hiss that most races have issues with, ended up being Dheina. Tayuun is a common enough moon kitty name.

Sam Redsteele - I think Redsteele was from the generator for midlanders, and went with Sam because it's a neutral name I liked and admittedly even used when I was a kid, but Sam is genderfluid and tends to present mostly as androgynous with slight variations towards male or female. They pretty much look like Amanda Bynes in "She's the man" when dressed up as Sebastian.

Twin Rova should just be obvious there what's going on with that character.

A'Samh Ginwa - Pretty much shortened version of "Samhain", with common sun cat name. She's my halloween-based kitty....

Cardea Moriliin - Yet another wow-based character. Cardea was kind of a randomize name that is from Latin cardo meaning "hinge, axis", but Moriliin is from Mori and Lin, both meaning forest, because I'm a shit and hurrdurr Night elfs.

Armimi Armi - Oh hey ANOTHER wow alt! This one is based of Armida (Gizmorivet). But seeing as the name doesnt quite fit Lalafell names, and she's called Armi/Army anyways, it was turned in to Armimi, or just Armi! Armida itself means "Little armed one"