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How do you handle Fantasia Mania? - Printable Version

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RE: How do you handle Fantasia Mania? - Gegenji - 06-30-2015

(06-30-2015, 02:09 PM)D'aito Kuji Wrote: If I wanted to be an Au-Ra, I'd just start a new character.  I know that doesn't work for everyone.  Maybe I'm just too attached to my Miqo'te to consider changing her at all.

That's what I did with Judge. I made him ahead of time as a Highlander and kept him in full armor at all times to hide what he looks like (both to conceal the fact that he wasn't the proper race yet and because it was appropriate to his character). However, a lot of the nicer looking gear for RP purposes requires leveling - out of Judge's entire outfit, only his helmet is not level 50. And even now I'm having to level his "proper" job of DRK up to 50 so he can be using the "correct" weapon. I've put a lot of work into him to get him looking how I want even though I rarely RP him outside the Grindstone... and I can totally see why people might not want to go that route.

RE: How do you handle Fantasia Mania? - Tumensuns - 06-30-2015

I don't recognize it as canon. If they try to pass it off as fantasia, or some other "Well I magically woke up like this" trope, depending on my character, I'll either pass it off as they're crazy or my character will be intrigued to study their profound insanity.

I've killed off many characters in the past, and I've had some characters simply just retire, if I had wanted to play a new race and character as my main.

RE: How do you handle Fantasia Mania? - Paradox - 06-30-2015

Mm. In my instances, I generally only fantasia a character I'm not inclined to play anymore because the idea fell flat in my head, or what I was doing with them isn't really working out and there's no way to recoup it. My Au Ra male, Takeo, I actually made as a Hyur way in advance for Au Ra change. I kept him level 1 till Heavensward (since I was mostly doing things on my main), and now I've changed him right proper. I changed my other Miqo because she died IC, and renamed her. I don't change race or gender on a lark, but sometimes it's fun to do it temporarily for comedy purposes, if you want to run a silly story arc, because not *all* RP has to be srs bsnss, after all.

Most of what I create is fixed from the get go, unless something really changes that. I think if they ever come out with half-breeds though, I might change my main into a half-elezen, because in his original iteration when I created him ages and ages ago in tabletop D&D, he was a half elf. If it happens, I'd figure out some way to explain it, but I doubt we're going to see halfies for a long time, if ever. But that's sort of off-topic again, apologies.

RE: How do you handle Fantasia Mania? - Celsius - 06-30-2015

For me, I think, it depends mostly upon why and how the Fantasia is used. If someone has a genuine IC reason to use one beyond the "Oh noes, by drink was spiked!" I think it can lead to some very interesting RPs. Of course, this is also dependent on the change not just being the player wanting to change the character's design.

It may be poor form here, but I'm going to use myself as an example. I'm making the switch with Rin IC to an Au Ra, but not for my own reasons, but for strictly IC ones. She's blind, and grew up for a long time in Doma, so she's familiar with the Auri. It recently dawned on her, while trying to find a way to assist her slowly deteriorating aethersight that the Auri horns may help her at least in short range talks and such, as they assist in spacial awareness.

So, she's since been trying to find (and recently found) someone who may be able to brew up something for her that may assist in the change. Whether it's technically a Fantasia is up for debate I guess, but it'll make for some very interesting RP.

TL;DR - I think it entirely depends on the reason and RP surrounding the Fantasia use.