Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Printable Version +- Hydaelyn Role-Players ( +-- Forum: Community ( +--- Forum: RP Discussion ( +--- Thread: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated (/showthread.php?tid=3827) |
RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Delixcroix - 08-26-2013 It's silly trying to compare wow launch to other things. Technology exists and 4 Betas were done. People playing right now are JUST PREORDERS. Square knew we were coming. When the real crowd of unexpected pick up players comes is when the real nonsense begins. That first month is going to be hell. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Ildur - 08-26-2013 While I'm not very fond of the 'could be worse' argument, I do have to agree that MMO infrastructure is one of those humongous monsters hidden behind courtains, leaving players unaware of how complex the issue is. And sometimes, matters don't get fixed just by throwing at them more technology. There's also logistics. What I think happened here is that Squee either couldn't be arsed to upgrade the servers to meet demand, or that EU/NA didn't get enough money to do so at this point in time and tried to 'wing it' with what they had. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - denizenx - 08-26-2013 Wow! I thought this thread was going to be dead after my Tonberry post! XD ![]() I have beta tested a few MMOs myself and know the problems always exist at the beginning. This doesn't mean the frustration and anger is any easier considering you are trying to play and level with friends. We managed to get on Balmung after hours of my buddy not being able to get on. It is a real chore considering we have limited time to play together. The last 3-4 updates from SE is "severe limitations to logins" with not much else. I have seen a few people voice their concerns about the 'maintenance' being done as merely wiping the servers to boot out all the people AFK for hours. A rumor without facts but sounds like it can be true even in the slightest. I logged in to a guy bragging about going AFK since 9:30 in the morning and just came back in the evening from work. It really baffles me as to why SE has not implemented something as simple as a AFK logout timer. You don't want to ruffle feathers? Make it a 20 minute timer. If you are stuck in the bathroom for more than 20 minutes then you might have a problem. Sometimes real life happens and you can try to get back in whenever you take care of whatever business you have. ..but to force everyone to try to keep logging in because you are afraid you will be locked out after you get home from work? That just isn't right. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Tsori - 08-28-2013 You have to understand here, I for example, spent three hours battling the 1070 full error to get online, after sitting in a queue of 637 people for another hour. Once in, I'm not leaving. My game has been logged since the second day of early access and I'm not going to log out just so someone else can get on and do the same. Yes it sucks...that's a given, but its the same as anyone else will and does do. Time however has come at least for people to understand that the capacity of SE servers isn't the issue, but rather the login and instancing servers in the data centres, it's these that are being upgraded. Currently the worlds are not full of players, that isn't the issue, the issue is that the servers responsible for placing and moving those players in and out of instances are responsible for the entire data center instead of them being grouped per say three to four realms. Hence once these are added to, accessing the server will be fine as there seriously isn't that many people on at one time. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - denizenx - 08-28-2013 I don't mean to discredit anything you just said but you don't work for SE and I highly doubt you have worked on any MMOs. :/ All we can do as fans and players of such games is speculate but I am sure there is more to it than just that. They are beefing up the NA/EU data servers the last update I read. They are going to make them bigger and allow character creation back on servers again in due time. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Mewnie - 08-28-2013 (08-28-2013, 05:22 AM)Tsori Wrote: You have to understand here, I for example, spent three hours battling the 1070 full error to get online, after sitting in a queue of 637 people for another hour. Once in, I'm not leaving. My game has been logged since the second day of early access and I'm not going to log out just so someone else can get on and do the same. "I'm logged in. FYGM ![]() Actually, I wouldn't and have not done the same- probably because I am a considerate human being without an insufferable level of entitlement ![]() RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - denizenx - 08-28-2013 (08-28-2013, 09:32 PM)Mewnie Wrote:(08-28-2013, 05:22 AM)Tsori Wrote: You have to understand here, I for example, spent three hours battling the 1070 full error to get online, after sitting in a queue of 637 people for another hour. Once in, I'm not leaving. My game has been logged since the second day of early access and I'm not going to log out just so someone else can get on and do the same. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Tsori - 08-29-2013 Selfish? Maybe. But when im paying money for this time, i expect to be a little selfish. As i said, it sucks you lot cant get in, but at the same time why should my fun stop? RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Asyria - 08-29-2013 (08-29-2013, 05:46 AM)Tsori Wrote: Selfish? Maybe. Technically, if your character is in game and you, the player, are not in front of your computer, then you're not having fun are you? And you're preventing someone (who also paid the same money you did!) who *could* be having fun, from having any (at least in the game). So I can't answer your question, because the question itself is unrelated to the situation. Now I'm not trying to guilt-trip you or anyone else. I'm simply stating my opinion as you stated yours. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - lady2beetle - 08-29-2013 (08-26-2013, 11:26 PM)denizenx Wrote: I have seen a few people voice their concerns about the 'maintenance' being done as merely wiping the servers to boot out all the people AFK for hours. A rumor without facts but sounds like it can be true even in the slightest. Why is that a concern? I say go for it! However, I think that's not the case, because the last maintainance took 3 hours. It does not take 3 hours to kick off AFKers. Oh, well. It would be nice if that was their temporary bandaid. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Tsori - 08-30-2013 (08-29-2013, 10:09 AM)Asyria Wrote:(08-29-2013, 05:46 AM)Tsori Wrote: Selfish? Maybe. This is true. But by logging out I will then risk my fun by putting myself in a situation where I cant then play when I wish. And your right others did pay the same..however..not to me, so thats really not my problem. I paid square for the product, I expect use of that product at my whim. It just so Happens that staying logging in is the only way to achieve this. This is why I present the question to you all, I know at least half would do the same were they on the other side of this. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Naunet - 08-30-2013 (08-30-2013, 01:39 PM)Tsori Wrote: This is why I present the question to you all, I know at least half would do the same were they on the other side of this. I wouldn't do it, and I didn't do it. Even though for the past week I've only had a few hours each night to play thanks to being ridiculously busy with moving out of my apartment. Yes, this meant that most nights I didn't even get to play. Am I annoyed? Mad? Pissed off, even? Hell yes, especially considering now that the 29th is past, I have to wait until Monday before I can even think about playing again, because my CE box is waiting for me in Texas, while I'm... not there. But I'm not nearly so self-centered to waste space on a server when I'm not actually playing just so I could make the most of my time later. It's flat out rude. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Kerynean - 08-30-2013 At any rate, with the amount of complaints SE has received over there being a lack of an AFK timer I don't see why it wouldn't end up being implemented soon enough, it'd be the most logical move. I'm thankful I don't have to camp out - first time my shitty timezone has actually worked out for me, haha. Servers open up at about 1-2pm my time so I'm thinking about creating an RP character for Balmung when I come up with a good idea for one, hopefully I'll be able to get in. Still, it's kind of irritating not being able to play in the morning when I want to. :V RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Corelyn - 08-31-2013 Eh, I, for one, have been shown it could be MUCH worse. Due to a bit of attempted identity fraud, my bank card was deactivated as a safety measure by my bank while I am sent a new one. Squeenix decided to bill me for my preorder mere HOURS after this. Two days AFTER release. Needless to say, it was declined. So they locked out my account due to possibly suspicious activity and my ability to play was revoked entirely. Now, in order to get in by tomorrow, I'm stuck nursing an eBay auction for the Digital Collector's Edition that is, at current, gonna wind up running me $90. But if I can get in by the start of my shift tonight, it's worth it, and I'll have the CE stuff to boot. ...that is if this jerkoff that wants to resell it doesn't eventually outbid me in the next hour... But if I have to shell out the extra scratch... well... at least I JUST got paid. ^_^; Yay PayPal and linking directly to a bank account. More on topic, though, I am hoping they at least decide to give some free transfers. I've seen a lot of people that rolled on Gilgamesh because their chosen server filled up first. Those people could leave to make room, and the same with all the others who don't want to be there either due to overpopulation or whatever have you (can't stands us nasty RPers, precious /gollum), and the same goes for Balmung, I'll bet. We'll have room, I should hope - even if it means people simply reroll on different servers to make room on our two servers. RE: Balmung/Gilgamesh Overpopulated - Bloodwillow - 08-31-2013 Negativity seems to be setting in reading some posts.  Kinda feels like everyone is angry about not playing, but don't take it out on each other and their opinions. ![]() Such a touchy subject. |