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How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Printable Version

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RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Kage - 02-18-2014

The big factor is from whom are these actions being carried out by. If it's not a friend Kage would be pissed and mostly likely swifcast a flare on whoever did it.

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - McBeefâ„¢ - 02-18-2014

(02-18-2014, 02:28 PM)Theodric Ironheart Wrote: I'd assume most Lalafell and Miqo'te would find it degrading to be picked up and treated like pets. I'd love to see a situation where a Miqo'te or Lalafell knocks someone unconscious for trying to treat them like toys. I guess I'm just cynical but it seems like there's far too many people out there trying to go for the 'cutesy' angle within this community. It just seems excessive and has become the norm rather than the exception. Heck, my character is something of an anti-hero and is meant to be an antagonist at times and yet he's constantly subjected to attempts at hugging him. It just seems rather weird.

One thing that's interesting, is that by the racial stats, lalafells are really in the grand scheme of things, roughly as strong as most other races. The average plains folk is only 10% weaker than the average hyur, meaning that a lalafell on the upper curve of strength could easily overpower an average or bookish member of another race. So really, despite their size, if you pick up a strongish lalafell, and they elbow you in the face, it's probably with about the same force as if a Roe did it. Something to think about before you next try to cuddle one of the little scamps.

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Edgar - 02-18-2014

Let's not get off-topic here.

I understand these are interesting sources of discussion, and all, but for a second we got dangerously close to the Miqo'te behavior debate again...

Quote:I'd assume most Lalafell and Miqo'te would find it degrading to be picked up and treated like pets. I'd love to see a situation where a Miqo'te or Lalafell knocks someone unconscious for trying to treat them like toys. I guess I'm just cynical but it seems like there's far too many people out there trying to go for the 'cutesy' angle within this community. It just seems excessive and has become the norm rather than the exception.

I cringed with pants-shitting fear when I read that. I really don't want to see a flame war start in this thread, so please, let's not get so into it we start talking about the community and its interpretations of what is "appropriate" behavior for a specific race, and simply focus on the topic at hand.

If I'm overreacting, I'm sorry, but it is a sore subject for me, and several threads have me petrified.

(02-18-2014, 04:53 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: One thing that's interesting, is that by the racial stats, lalafells are really in the grand scheme of things, roughly as strong as most other races. The average plains folk is only 10% weaker than the average hyur, meaning that a lalafell on the upper curve of strength could easily overpower an average or bookish member of another race. So really, despite their size, if you pick up a strongish lalafell, and they elbow you in the face, it's probably with about the same force as if a Roe did it. Something to think about before you next try to cuddle one of the little scamps.

Cuideag's character "Jajara Jara" is a prime example of this. Even when she panics she causes destruction.

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - jupiknight - 02-19-2014

It's like this post was made for my baby!~

My character Meyla is absolutely horrified and panic-stricken if anyone is more than a foot close to her. She either curls into a ball, then bolts, or loses her cool and hurts someone. It's difficult for her having a couple new friends who are usually quite touchy and huggy- but she just simply can't handle it. I am going to develop her over time to cope with certain things, but for now, she absolutely loses her mind.

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Nako Vesh - 02-19-2014

Nako doesn't mind being touched by friends and family. She doesn't appreciate it much from strangers though, particularly in the case of men being overly flirtatious.

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - John Spiegel - 02-20-2014

I have three characters.

John - Ah, the complexities of his soul can best be explained with a pinwheel, but I will try to decipher. Since he became an adult (decades ago), he doesn't mind physical contact but straight up hugging and kissing total strangers (or receiving such) is straight up bad news. He's no problem invading personal space but judges the person before doing such. He's also been the victim of headslaps usually for being himself (courtesy of his daughter/Ki'lari/Azriel) or the disher of headslaps to those that needed it. I consider him touchy-feely, usually out of his playful nature to annoy someone.

Alex - His demeanor is much like his father's (John) was as a child. He's generally soft-spoken and reserved. Couple that with his life training as a monk (Fists of Rhaglr yo!) and he mentally analyses a person's motives as they're reaching to touch him. He's aware of slow handed combat (via pressure points) so he's on edge when a stranger pokes him. He has on a few occasions flipped some random person that approached him from behind and poked him.

Grace - Being Alex's twin, she too grew up learning to punch and kick things with chakra. She was and is the wild child. She's outspoken (but polite about it) and does NOT like to be touched. She has her father's playful nature coupled with her mother's quick temper. Quite a few times she's turned the tables on some poor fellow trying to hit on her resulting in them running away, some bodily harm (particularly a headbutt). Men should know better than to interrupt a highlander woman eating her breakfast!

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Hayden - 02-20-2014

Well, there are two of me to discuss.


He being a jovial and happy blue collared Roeg will generally chuckle, smile or simply shrug it off. This being from friends, guild mates and relations of course. He always welcomes a hug from a well meaning friend or guild mate, and has been known to hoist familiar Lalafell up onto his shoulder on occasion!


She's a highlander who loves a good hug! She is always eager and willing to hug almost anyone, even a total stranger! Emily is a cheery young gal with an eagerness to belong and feel a part of things. She loves to spread cheer and joy and will giggle and blush if hugged or kissed.

I do have a seldom played Alt, Azreiel. she is Emily's mother...hug her at the risk of losing an arm...

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Mimiko - 02-20-2014

When it comes to friends or people she finds attractive, physical contact is very welcome. She loves hugs, being tickled, patted on the head and scratched behind the ears. Mimi just loves affection and love.
But she hates it when she's singing or playing her mandolin in taverns, when patrons pinch or slap her backside. She hates it even more when people grab her tail using it to pull her back to them while saying "C'mere purrty girl!". Such actions usually result in a kick to the groin or a punch to the nose.

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Maril - 02-20-2014

Sastra doesn't mind if people poke her or put a hand on her shoulder, so long as it is motivated. If she was patted on the head for no reason, she might look at the person and question the act. When it comes to more friendly situations and flirtatious, a number of factors play in, such as her mood and how much wine she's had. She's not the type to touch others as such, unless she's saving them from diving off a cliff or similar.

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Cheezie - 02-21-2014

X'Zanza: Doesn't like to be touched unless it is by close friends or family, she dislikes it when persons who are non Seekers touch her as well as she is quite Xenophobic and it wouldn't be unlike her to shy away from people and hide behind her sister...or just light your pants on fire....whatever comes to mind first.

Hei: Is a former sailor and is used to contact with others as living in close quarters its somewhat unavoidable, and it doesn't bother him much if another person touch's him even if he does not know them.

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - TheShii - 02-21-2014

Eshkin is very adverse to physical touch, to the point that he might be more inclined to cause physical harm on another if they clung to him. brushing against him in passing might just make him uneasy but not overreact. As a paladin/templar tank type he can withstand a great deal of pain. If there's anyway that someone could touch him and get away with it, aside from the random passerby brushing is if they were fighting him. He doesn't think twice about physical contact through fighting or murder (he is garlean after all)

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Ridegmuve - 02-21-2014

Hmmm It's an interesting question and have not really put real thought into it until now....

Iliette- I think for Iliette it's not the person but the intent that matter, she is a fighter after all. She is a fighter so there will be some skin on skin action (punching people like it's no-one's business or stabbing them with either a dagger or lance). I tend to make her vary of strangers, much preferring to get to know a person through fighting then talking. The only time I ever made her really skittish of touch is when a loved one touches her, she doesn't really know how to react. Friends once more she is not skittish or anything, but she expects a hug from the front and a knife in the back...

Jikk'a - Hmmm.... He is a hermit by nature, so he doesn't like most adventurers that he sees, seeing them as destroyers to his precious forest more akin to robbers and killers. The only people he sees as an exception are bards and musicians, but even then he tends to be picky. He because of not having contact with many people actually enjoys weird or unusual behavior from others, being them overly touchy or anything and finds it wonderful and interesting. (much like "Yaaay, I'm not the only weird one!") If he doesn't like something, he will let you know quickly!

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Rythulian - 02-21-2014

Khiu’a isn’t a huge fan of touching, growing up with peopleconstantly invading your personal bubble kind of wears away the appeal of it after a while.
That’s not to say that he’s completely against it though. Hewon’t flinch or try to get away. He won’t snap or try to fight it. Instead he’ll tolerate it, whether the action happens to be a hug, a clap to the back or something else. He’s a healer, touching tends to come with the territory and as mentioned above, he’s used to it.
And it’s not as though he out-right hates touching others. No, his preference for avoiding contact stems from the factthat he’s bored with it. He’s tired of having someone hanging onto his arm, of having someone constantly in his space. It’s frustratingly normal for him to have someone there. For once he’d just like a little spaceto himself, a new personal bubble that he can actually have control over.

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - UltraFennec - 02-21-2014

I imagine X'vhatikih is alright with sharing personal space with people, tribal life lends itself to that I think. Sitting shoulder-to-shoulder at a packed table in a tavern is okay, threading through the bustling streets of a city is fine, etc. Unwanted touch...if it was normal like, someone put a hand on her shoulder and it annoyed her, she'd just shrug the hand off or push it off, but it wouldn't really be cause for anything more than "Why ya gotta be like that?" An enemy trying to send a message, as it were, would be likely to be more rudely brushed off with sharp, bold commentary, or fight/flight if she thought she could get away with it.

Surprise touch, on the other hand, generally elicits fists or claws being applied to people. She's had enough close calls back home with 'interested parties' that most unannounced touch registers as an unwanted advance to her subconscious, and results in reflexive measures to cut that off quickly.

I think that's how she ended up in the Pugilist's Guild most likely. She came to Ul'Dah to further her dance prowess, not punch people for a living! Frustrated

RE: How Does Your Character React To Physical Touch? - Val - 02-23-2014

Val is very skeptical of others touching him. Due to the absolute fear of god put into him by his fiance, he isn't entirely fond of other women touching him unless it's strictly out of friendship. In fact, while he used to be relatively smooth about it, now Val is just incredibly awkward.

To top that off, he's rarely ever fully relaxed. He expects most people that are too physical to be up to something, especially when it comes to anyone near his lady, so they're usually treated as such until he gets to know them better.