Hydaelyn Role-Players
Peronal Housing costs potentially specified - Printable Version

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RE: Peronal Housing costs potentially specified - synaesthetic - 05-03-2014

Your opinion on the level and gil requirement for housing isn't the issue here, K'ailia. That's simply your opinion, and you're entitled to it! I don't agree with it, personally, because I feel that fluff content should not be arbitrarily restricted since the most common consumers of fluff content are casual players who may not be able to level to 50 before they get too bored to keep paying their subscription fee.

There's a large segment of MMO players who I call, for lack of a better word, casual players. This is not the "filthy casual" nonsense you see being spewed by elitist raiders, but actual casual players of the game.

They exist. There are many of them in my FC alone. Some of them who started when the game released are just now hitting the level cap on one job. There's a member in my FC who has been playing since Beta 4, was one of the first members of Unity, and he doesn't even have a single combat class at level 50--because he would rather craft and gather.

Not to mention pure crafters who don't give a damn about the rest of the game and just want to make things and gather things. These people are now locked out of personal housing unless they choose to play the game in a way they don't like to play it. Square runs the risk of losing these people as subscribers.

Fluff content is the "endgame" for casual players, just like Extreme Primals and Coil are the endgame for PvE players and Frontlines/Wolves' Den is endgame for PvP players. These players play in a different way than the other two groups. Lots of them don't even enjoy playing traditional PvE or PvP. And Square wants to force them to do so in order to actually access the content they want.

Regarding the "whiteknight" issue, I am only referring to players who believe that everything Square-Enix does is perfect and flawless and will relentlessly make ad hominem attacks against those who do not agree. Whiteknights literally kill games, because they push everyone else out and create a really sticky echo chamber of knob-slobbing. They prevent legitimate and useful criticism from being heard. The official XIV forums are already almost entirely dominated by whiteknights and Square seems more interested in banning the voices of reason and protecting those players who seem to enjoy nothing more than giving Squee the most sensuous and luscious virtual blowjob in the history of fanboyism.

This is a problem. Echo chambers are useless because they do not create discussion, debate or allow for the exchange of new ideas. You either fall in line with the popular opinion or you are shouted down, chased out. I was permanently banned from the official forums for daring to question the great Square-Enix and their majesty--likely because a pile of whiteknights decided to report my post (which was politely and eloquently worded, certainly not a violation of the community guidelines!) just so they could remove a voice of dissent tainting their precious echo chamber.

I'm a writer. When I ask for feedback from someone, I don't want to hear the positives. I already know my writing's good. I want to hear the negatives. I want to hear what's wrong with it. I want to know how to make it better. Square, on the other hand, doesn't want to make it better--they just want to make it profitable. If whiteknights drown out the voice of those who would keep SE on its toes, how can we expect this game to do achieve anything beyond mediocrity?

My opinion is that Square is making some really questionable business decisions here, especially considering the financial trouble the company is in. FFXIV saved Square-Enix from a premature death, but if they really wanted to crank up the profits, they'd stop arbitrarily restricting everything for no obvious reasons. Also they should get better servers because it's painfully obvious to anyone with any knowledge of how MMOs work that all these arbitrary housing restrictions are put in place to drastically limit the number of instance leases open at any given time. This means that they still aren't running the game on sufficient hardware. I'm sorry, but selling something you don't actually have is dishonest. When Comcast oversold bandwidth, people practically rioted in the streets, but when SE oversells server resources to the point they have to severely limit the play experience... nobody seems to care?

RE: Peronal Housing costs potentially specified - FreelanceWizard - 05-03-2014

And here I thought we could stay on topic, even after I sliced up the thread. Cry

This thread is closed. Sad