Hydaelyn Role-Players
Despite the scandal - Printable Version

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RE: Despite the scandal - Qhora Bajihri - 04-18-2015

Not to mention the "Moegramm Had A Little Lamb" quest in Lower La Noscea. I had been all oh, teehee when Momodi was talking about escapades with menfolk or whatever, but then this quest gets all giddy about the constant implications of "attachment" to sheep. Yyyyep. It's right out there in the open. Never experienced that in another MMO, nope. And that has nothing to do with players whatsoever.

I had always been of the mind that yes, miqo'te are culturally promiscuous, in different ways across the two clans, yes, but not at all of the monogamy set whatsoever. It wasn't until my miqo'te character's family (that had conflict not unlike the postmoogle quest) imploded that her mindset on that changed. Even then, she wouldn't expect other miqo'te to suddenly have a different culture simply because she's had ample reason to reject her own.

But while there are some people who are exploring the culture, other people are going to be shallow or short-sighted and only interested in jubblies. C'est la vie.

RE: Despite the scandal - Faye - 04-18-2015

And... what was that one NPC's name.... Longhaft? Longshaft? The one with all the lolzy obvious innuendos and his platoon of (all female) soldiers constantly competing for his.... ahem... affections? The NPC's in the Golden Saucer gossiping about Godbert's statue being anatomically correct or Senor Sabotender touching a girl's butt? The "Puff Puff" back in the Dragon Quest event? Even though these examples were all played for laughs, there's no shortage of sexual motifs in this game.

RE: Despite the scandal - Cato - 04-18-2015

Mm. The game's pretty mature in that regard. Even WoW, which was rated as suitable for a lower age group has its fair share of suggestive jokes and themes. 

As with most things, however, it's all about there being a time and a place for it. Plus I don't think a lot of people realise that innuendo and crude jokes can come off as very creepy when they come from another player rather than a NPC.

I have a pretty dirty mind myself so I don't really care if people start spewing all sorts of suggestive stuff but I'll admit there's times when I'm either not in the mood or they just come off as desperate.

RE: Despite the scandal - Kellach Woods - 04-18-2015

(04-18-2015, 03:02 PM)Faye Wrote: And... what was that one NPC's name.... Longhaft? Longshaft? The one with all the lolzy obvious innuendos and his platoon of (all female) soldiers constantly competing for his.... ahem... affections? The NPC's in the Golden Saucer gossiping about Godbert's statue being anatomically correct or Senor Sabotender touching a girl's butt? The "Puff Puff" back in the Dragon Quest event? Even though these examples were all played for laughs, there's no shortage of sexual motifs in this game.

HUNBERCT LONGHAFT and his well-oiled lever.

The "Puff-Puff" is DQ tradition at this point and I wouldn't really count it as part of FFXIV. Word for word they reused the same gag as in DQ8 (where it's shown that what's being rubbed in your face isn't exactly breasts) which was fine considering the game's rating but snurbles would certainly feel... hairy.

Still, I wholeheartedly agree, be they implied and dark or barely overt and comedic, there's no shortage of it in-game.

RE: Despite the scandal - McBeefâ„¢ - 04-18-2015

(04-18-2015, 11:11 AM)Knahli Wrote: I have no problem with RP'ers who happen to ERP but I admit that I just get annoyed whenever I see an actual ERP'er; probably largely do to the fact that almost every, single one of them just happen to be miqo'te - and while I know I should just ignore it, I can't help but feel my main's race is just the victim of some debaucherous image and I already despise the stigma that miqo'te are, for whatever reason, often slapped with. Even the terms "Catgirls" and "Catbois" have started grating on my nerves a little lately.

I like looking at roleplayers and seeing what their comments are or just to see if anyone is an RP'er in general, though whenever I see a miqo'te in hempen underwear or whatever I just find myself hoping in vain that it's not another one. I've seen SO many in the Quicksand lately and it just throws me for some reason. Especially when you're just there, enjoying the scene in the Quicksand(OOCly in my case) and then you notice there are two people targeting each other next to you and doing... twelve knows what.. 

I don't know. I guess it's just that I love this game and the sweet and innocent(outside of the story) nature it almost perpetually carries along with it. Seeing people turning it into a porn experience for themselves just turns me off.... especially when there's at least one character out there who doesn't look too, f*cking unlike mine.

Maybe I'm just being a judgemental prude about this particular topic though. I just hold a few things "sacred" and it annoys me to see people sully it into something else. There's actually a game set to come out in the future that a friend and I intend to play and it's one of the most innocent things imaginable, but due to the fact it allows you to create your own worlds/towns/levels and such, didn't the developers find themselves receiving and answering this question that was listed along with another 20 or so submitted by fans of the upcoming production....

"Is it permissible for users to create their own hentai games?"

I have no fear or dislike for sex but jesus... why must it be brought into absolutely everything by these people?  *headdesks*     

Idk. I'm a ERPer.

It's not obviously all I do, but I have no issues with RPing sex things if that's where an RP goes.

Sex is part of life. I don't RP for sexual satisfaction, but I don't like shaming those that do.

I think such words tend to drive people into camps, I think someone can RP seriously and also have intimate things be involved.

RE: Despite the scandal - Fox - 04-18-2015

(04-18-2015, 03:02 PM)Faye Wrote: And... what was that one NPC's name.... Longhaft? Longshaft? The one with all the lolzy obvious innuendos and his platoon of (all female) soldiers constantly competing for his.... ahem... affections? The NPC's in the Golden Saucer gossiping about Godbert's statue being anatomically correct or Senor Sabotender touching a girl's butt? The "Puff Puff" back in the Dragon Quest event? Even though these examples were all played for laughs, there's no shortage of sexual motifs in this game.

There's even that really early quest in Limsa Lominsa where it's so hinted on the NPC farmer is a sheep... Uh... diddler.

RE: Despite the scandal - Kyrio Lamansque - 04-18-2015

Going back to the OP, since I'm so very late to the party.

First, yes, I'm a ERPer.

OOC communication is wonderful. At the very first inklings that there might be relationship and/or sexy flings first seem to be better than a fifty-fifty shot. I'm not afraid to break out a whisper to figure out what's up. And if it's going to be a relationship, to set up ground rules. To detail the no-nos and things that are and are not comfortable. 

As far as the game goes.. there's sexual content all over the place. From the flirting around the docks of Limsa and Costa.. to the place north of Drybone.. there are a couple of.. uhm.. Ladies of the Night there to greet you first thing, giving you the ole 'come on'.

RE: Despite the scandal - Saefinn - 04-19-2015

People seem to think ERP is weird and then stigmatized people for it, but even RP itself is stigmatized, there's a number of people that find it odd or weird and even go to extent of trolling RPers, have you tried explaining RP to a normal person? It's an odd experience. So I would expect RPers to be a little more understanding or tolerant of their peers, after all , if we want people to be tolerant and unt derstanding of us, then we should first be able to do it ourselves.

ERP comes in many forms and as long as all parties consent, it's their business and nobody else's. I run plot focused RP, so for me any kind of ERP would need to make sense IC, and people's characters in my group do fall in love, so if they sneak away and do the deed, makes perfect sense.

RE: Despite the scandal - ArmachiA - 04-19-2015

I think the term "ERPer" is used for people who use RP for sexual gratification. If that isn't you, you aren't an ERPer. You're a roleplayers who ERPs.

Though, while I'm not against ERP at all, I have to wonder what character growth is coming from ERP that happens rather often. I understand growth from a character's first time with a partner, a character's first time at all, a character who hasn't seen their partner for awhile due to plots, almost dying, or even making up after a huge fight. I've erped, but I've also faded to black when I felt like it would just be another sex scene with no real growth. The characters know how the other would have sex at that point and it isn't very surprising. ERP can also take a loooot longer than regular RP. So, true question, whats the rational for doing it quite frequently?

Again, not judging. I really don't care how often you ERP, it's just a question.

RE: Despite the scandal - Verad - 04-19-2015

(04-19-2015, 06:59 AM)ArmachiA Wrote: I think the term "ERPer" is used for people who use RP for sexual gratification. If that isn't you, you aren't an ERPer. You're a roleplayers who ERPs.

Though, while I'm not against ERP at all, I have to wonder what character growth is coming from ERP that happens rather often. I understand growth from a character's first time with a partner, a character's first time at all, a character who hasn't seen their partner for awhile due to plots, almost dying, or even making up after a huge fight. I've erped, but I've also faded to black when I felt like it would just be another sex scene with no real growth. The characters know how the other would have sex at that point and it isn't very surprising. ERP can also take a loooot longer than regular RP. So, true question, whats the rational for doing it quite frequently?

Again, not judging. I really don't care how often you ERP, it's just a question.

I think this is something of an unspoken double-standard that's applied to ERP, this notion that it's all right when done for character growth. It's not one we apply with any great frequency to clean roleplay, and there are a number of times where players engage in what are frankly mundanities - chatting at the Quicksand, for example - in ways that don't foster character growth. I can tell you that there is a marked absence of character development when I have Verad selling dubious goods at the QS, and in that case the point isn't to foster his own development but just to provide something fun to which other characters can react, nor do I put much stock in whether they experience any significant growth from interacting with him. Further, there are a number of players who attend the Grindstone regularly, but aren't necessarily going through character development because of it. The RP fight in and of itself is the point.

So, then, for some the ERP is the point of the ERP. There is pleasure to be gained from it. Some of it is definitely sexual satisfaction. I don't think people should be shamed for that, although perhaps they should be more upfront about that purpose to find other likeminded people and help those who are uncomfortable with it choose to fade-to-black or avoid entirely. But I certainly don't think it's a problem because it doesn't foster character development or anything. RP doesn't in general.

Setting that aside, it's possible for an ERP-heavy storyline to address issues of sex and sexuality quite frankly, but I don't think many people are playing for that sake. If somebody's writing Story of O or adapting Nymphomaniac in Eorzea, I don't know of it.

RE: Despite the scandal - Tiergan - 04-19-2015


Sometimes ERP is for narrative purposes/character relationships. Sometimes its just someone getting their rocks off. Sometimes it's something in the middle where folks are getting their rocks off while immersed in their character and that character's overall narrative. People engage in it for a lot of different reasons. I don't think anyone should be ashamed of enjoying what they enjoy so long as you're considerate of everyone around you, everyone involved is on the same page, and no one is causing other people discomfort by pressuring or shoving them into unwanted situations.

Most of us likely have a story where we've been severely squicked out by people herding us towards RP that we didn't ask for, sending unprompted whispers with unsolicited lewd requests, or straight up just walking in on some folks doing the dirty in public without any regard to anyone nearby. These are all situations where people were not being considerate of others.

It's okay to have fun - but a person's right to have fun extends only up until the point you start making other people feel forced into something uncomfortable, harassed, or afraid. Then you're just being a jerk.

RE: Despite the scandal - Hammersmith - 04-21-2015

[Image: tumblr_nl730093Fn1seiycio1_540.jpg]

We know which one is the better choice here, IC and OOCly.