Hydaelyn Role-Players
Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Printable Version

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RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - lady2beetle - 08-27-2013

(08-22-2013, 07:00 PM)Ashren Snow Wrote: First of all I just want to start by saying that the claims that duty finders have  a negative impact on communities is just superstition. I've been in Beta since Phase 2 started and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I have never been so frustrated trying to play a game than I was sitting in front of Copperbell or Hauke Manor shouting for hours trying to find a group.

On the other hand when the Duty Finder was added the very first group I got into was Brayflox and the people I ran with were incredibly helpful since it was my first time running it, they were chatty, friendly, and I was actually sad I couldn't play with them again (perhaps the only downside I can say to the Duty Finder).

Now with that being said, I'm all for this idea despite the above sentiments. Personally though, I'm not going to join a group with someone to talk about the weather or chat about your dog/cat. When I get into a group or a dungeon the most I usually talk is to explain a boss fight or something, anything else is just slowing things down especially when I'll likely need to run the same dungeon another 10+ times.

tl;dr: The Duty Finder isn't a bad thing, and neither is not wanting to talk and only wanting to progress in a group. However I am all for a server specific dungeon crawler group.

Pretty much everything Ashren said. My personal opinion is that the dungeon group atmosphere is hurt far more by certain dps-meters than by the ability to be paired up to random strangers. I've had no lack of amazing runs so far using the duty finder in FFXIV and I've run a lot of dungeons - something I'd never have been able to do without the duty-finder.

That said, I too, am all for something like this. Sometimes I want to meet new people in the duty finder, and sometimes I want to run with people I know.

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Rinh Hallani - 08-27-2013

I'm interested!

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Keru / E'ir - 08-27-2013

I'm very interested and want to join. Dps is the worst class to be right now because there are soooo many of us the Duty Finder is all "Okay Time to start a dun- Oh? a Dps well you can wait with the others" In my head that happens, though I'm overall happy with it all long wait times included(Yes I am dps). 

I also understand why Tanks and Healers are so uncommon, it's because they are two very important parts of a party, no one wants to be them because no one wants to be the reason the instance goes to poop.

Well I personally enjoy the dps role I'm an okay healer.

Also I'm Keru Lowry in game Big Grin

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Kyatai - 08-28-2013

Would love to join you all Smile
Unfortunately... right now, Chiane is straight up DPS.

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Rhylund - 08-28-2013

(08-28-2013, 03:37 AM)Kyatai Wrote: Would love to join you all Smile
Unfortunately... right now, Chiane is straight up DPS.

Straight-up DPS is welcome too! Just throw out there that you're looking to do a dungeon and, with luck, you'll end up with a tank or healer for the BAMinstaqueue.

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - KitKat - 08-28-2013

Oh oh. I want in! I'm currently an archer, but will eventually take up other classes just to level them all up.

How do I get into this group thing? (been running around solo since beta and haven't met any of the folks here yet)

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Rhylund - 08-28-2013

(08-28-2013, 07:42 AM)TheCurls Wrote: Oh oh. I want in! I'm currently an archer, but will eventually take up other classes just to level them all up.

How do I get into this group thing? (been running around solo since beta and haven't met any of the folks here yet)

I'll add you when I'm on!  I'm looking for people interested in helping to run the ship but thus far it's just my lady and I.

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Raidiese - 08-28-2013

Rhylund, I was right in the middle of sending you a tell and then you logged off! Curses!

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - KitKat - 08-29-2013

So I was in Haukke Manor with one of you guys, the game kicked me out with a 90k, I came back to a 3102, and then got stuck with a 1017. Then when it seems like I am in, I get hit with a 2002.

I'm trying to get back in!

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Keru / E'ir - 08-29-2013

Tis a terrible the thing these ogre's(errors) but no worries I started falling asleep so I left ^^ they weren't happy I was leaving but ehh

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Rhylund - 08-31-2013

  • Rewrote the original post; added pearl holders.

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Rahal - 09-01-2013

I'd be interested in bugging you guys for an invite as soon as I vanquish the 1017 NM Bouncy

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Martiallais - 09-01-2013

I'll definitely throw my name into the hat for this as well.

Zarek Windsoul ingame. Smile

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Rhylund - 09-07-2013

  • Updated pearl holder list.

RE: Balmung's Finest: Community Dungeon Crawling Initiative - Rhylund - 09-10-2013

I've added a poll to the original post to check interest in getting a Mumble/Vent/TS server for the linkshell. Please respond!