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Your IC reaction to Au Ra - Printable Version

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RE: Your IC reaction to Au Ra - Kalooeh - 04-29-2015

Kal will be curious and probably very rude with finding out about them, and probably touch/grab their tails or horns a lot "These are sweet! You ever kill anyone with them? Can you feel when I do this? Why you grow these things?" etc.

Dheina will be somewhat freaked out by them. Curious, but mostly she's going try to avoid them and watch them to see if they're likely to be problems and make sure they're not actually demons/voidsent out to kill everyone or screw up the twelveswood. She'll likely be a lot more harsh than she is with most others for any minor things they do while in the shroud. She has pretty standard issue with strangers in the twelveswood and their appearance doesn't help. She's friendly enough over all and willing to help people, but if there is a situation where the elementals may get upset or say no for help with something she'd be unlikely to do it or try her best to keep something from happening, because it will effect a lot more people than just the person who did something wrong.

Sam will be wary, but they tend to be wary enough with most people. They'll figure as long as they're not causing problems it's not an issue, and it'd be interesting to learn about them as well.

Armi will probably be fairly cold to them at first because of appearances but would give them a chance.

Cardea will likely be all over them and making friends. She's kinda weird to begin with an not really judgmental of people unless they have issues with Dusks/Elezen. Her interest tends to be largely superficial anyways and she tends to not care much about what goes on with most people around her, so her line of thought with them is "even if they're a threat to everyone, long as they don't cause problems with me personally I don't give a shit"

Samhain won't really give a shit and I may remake her as one anyways. Not entirely sure since I'm not really impressed by the females though. Not a major character I play right now though so not a big deal.

RE: Your IC reaction to Au Ra - Erik Mynhier - 04-29-2015

I think this is a situation similar to the 1800s and people in asia or europe. Many with a decent level of education (admittedly a rare thing there and in eorzea) would have heard tales of the Auri but never saw one, just as in real life from that time people would have heard tales of europeans (in asia) or the reverse but had never seen someone of that group.

I have a feeling the way it was set up in the 2.3/4 quests there will be some lore based ic racism and that many rpers will take it and run. That said I am willing to bet Erik will react positivally with the first one he meets, may even become protective of them.

RE: Your IC reaction to Au Ra - Rila - 04-29-2015

Oh Rila would be absolutely fascinated by them. Though she'd wonder at what the rest of their bodies look like and want to poke at their scales and their tail. So I could easily see her being unintentionally offensive to the first Au Ra she comes across IC.

RE: Your IC reaction to Au Ra - J'lyneth - 04-29-2015

Lyneth will probably just flop down next to one and offer to buy them a drink. That's how she usually deals with new people she encounters. As for the massive wave of them coming up? So long as they don't seem like an invading army she'll probably just roll with it. I may change my mind after I see a bit more of their in-game Lore and get a feel for what the culture is like.

RE: Your IC reaction to Au Ra - Rusty Knight - 04-30-2015

Alueaux will be throwing a considerable amount of criticism and distrust their way; despite everything saying they are no way related to Dragons/Dravanian's to an Ishgardian I doubt many will simply overlook the similarities between the two and draw a conclusion from that.

Looking forward to some heated confrontations, especially in Coerthas/Ishgard and its outlying areas!

RE: Your IC reaction to Au Ra - Taki'a_Venn - 04-30-2015

Possibly dumb question - but where can I learn more about the lore and culture of the Au Ra?

RE: Your IC reaction to Au Ra - Harmonixer - 04-30-2015

(04-29-2015, 04:09 AM)Erik Mynhier Wrote: I think this is a situation similar to the 1800s and people in asia or europe. Many with a decent level of education (admittedly a rare thing there and in eorzea) would have heard tales of the Auri but never saw one, just as in real life from that time people would have heard tales of europeans (in asia) or the reverse but had never seen someone of that group.

I have a feeling the way it was set up in the 2.3/4 quests there will be some lore based ic racism and that many rpers will take it and run. That said I am willing to bet Erik will react positivally with the first one he meets, may even become protective of them.

It was an amusing mental image of a incredibly burly au ra male cowering behind Erik while a Lala was screaming at him.

Someone should draw that.

And @Taki'a_Venn

We are at as much of a loss as you are on the subject. There's not much to work with at the moment. Perhaps once we get naming conventions later next month! Your best bet is the Benchmark character creator and official websites.

RE: Your IC reaction to Au Ra - Iex - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 12:45 PM)Taki Wrote: Possibly dumb question - but where can I learn more about the lore and culture of the Au Ra?

Currently the extent of it is as I understand:

The Au Ra believe themselves offspring of the Dawn Father (Raen) and Dusk Mother (Xaele) (creation myth)

The Raen were warring but eventually settled down to a life of peace and tranquility hidden from sight. They are somewhat isolationists except for the rare occasion of one wandering out on their own.

The Xaele are tight knit nomadic hunting families that constantly live in a world of warring and bloodshed, maybe with each other maybe with something else on the Steppes of Othard.

That is basically what we have at the moment.