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Character from the Far East? - Printable Version

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RE: Character from the Far East? - Random Encounter - 10-25-2014

Thanks Sounssy, I know about the fall one (got it bookmarked since forever) but anything extra is always welcomed xD

RE: Character from the Far East? - Aldotsk - 10-25-2014

Anyways, the Doma existed in FF6 with reference of Murakumo, Masamune (from FF13-2 knowledge) and samurai as a castle without machine and empire's influence. However FF14 does state that (I am pretty sure it does), Garleans have invaded Doma. Now, even if Cyan was not really holding Japanese name, he was a samurai and Doma guards were wearing Ninja outfit styles like Yugiri in FF14.

FF14's Tatami Mat also states in game that it is from Doma and also keep in mind that Tatami mats are all Japanese

"People hailing from the Far East claim that wishes written on small slips of parchment and tied to the bamboo will come true. (Magical wish parchment sold separately.)"

Now, the description above is Ornamental Bamboo for outdoor furnishing.

Open Hearth for furnishing item is also part of Japanese culture too.

[Image: gallery_515d801464ef09ae68c1dce05c83a7cd.png]

I mean, the game furnishing does hint these items to exist as Japanese culture oriented in far east. It's really easy to assume that they may hold Japanese names and some may not.

Like Sounsyy said, despite that he/she is lore expert than any of us - I don't see what's really hurting any of us to roleplay as a character that we want.  There are plenty of new Roleplayers who have never done roleplaying and are trying out by making up their story to fit with 2.0's story mode given to them - or even any roleplayers who just want to enjoy what they want to do really. Can't really just brush everyone off and say that they are not good RPers. 

All aside, I think these items above have proven enough for Japanese culture to assume that they may have Japanese names. NPCs for Ninja characters have confirmed with the name of Oboro, and Tsubame. 

The names are Japanese. So people aren't just making it up, but it's a very accurate assumption and that their guesses have been much correct as of right now.


*chucks the phone across the Six Flags park*

RE: Character from the Far East? - Sounsyy - 10-25-2014

Update on Doma. It was, indeed, razed to the ground and is no more.

Courtesy of the MSQ "The Mother of Exiles" Journal text:
Quote:Lady Yugiri, the leader of the refugees, explains that her people have come to Eorzea in search of asylum. After their rebellion against the Empire failed, imperial forces set about razing their homeland of Doma, leaving them no choice but to flee.

RE: Character from the Far East? - TheLastCandle - 10-25-2014

(10-25-2014, 12:25 PM)Sounsyy Wrote: Update on Doma. It was, indeed, razed to the ground and is no more.

Courtesy of the MSQ "The Mother of Exiles" Journal text:
Quote:Lady Yugiri, the leader of the refugees, explains that her people have come to Eorzea in search of asylum. After their rebellion against the Empire failed, imperial forces set about razing their homeland of Doma, leaving them no choice but to flee.

Damn that Kefka.

RE: Character from the Far East? - Kage - 10-25-2014

But Kefka poisoned Doma. Doma hasn't been poisoned just... well... >>

Inb4 Kefka working for Garlean Empire.

RE: Character from the Far East? - Random Encounter - 10-25-2014

White Raven was probably as close to Kefka as we'll see, in terms of mass slaughter.

RE: Character from the Far East? - TheWizard - 10-25-2014

I always felt it was safe to assume that the Othardian people from the Heavensturn event were from a city-state not yet controlled by Garlemald since why would they let emissaries out to Eorzea? Unless they were spies of course...

RE: Character from the Far East? - Aldotsk - 10-25-2014

I think some parts of Doma were conquered or at least some parts of Othard were razed and not everywhere else

RE: Character from the Far East? - Merri - 10-25-2014

(10-25-2014, 02:59 PM)Aldotsk Wrote: I think some parts of Doma were conquered or at least some parts of Othard were razed and not everywhere else

Canonically, it's been established that essentially all of Othard has been conquered. As per the Rise and Fall of the White Raven,

Fall of the White Raven Wrote:Though it came at a heavy cost, Othard was conquered, leaving the realm of Eorzea the only land on the Three Great Continents outside of Imperial control.

This was all supposedly prior to the fall of Ala Mhigo, so Othard has been under Imperial control for some time now. Doma's resistance ended in the empire using a show of force to push the surrounding nations into submission, so that they too wouldn't rebel against Imperial control. That's why Doma was decimated.

RE: Character from the Far East? - TheWizard - 10-28-2014

Just gonna leave this here...


RE: Character from the Far East? - Kamome - 01-20-2015

I wanted to post a couple of helpful materials I came across while performing research for a Doman character concept and writing their RPC Library entry.

First, a really awesome list of Japanese bird names and their corresponding kanji expressions. There is a nice variety here if you are hoping to imitate the naming convention we see with the NPC characters Karasu [Crow] Redbeak and Tsubame [Swallow] Sunrise.



Second, a quotation from the Ninja quest NPC, Oboro Moonrise, about the worship (or rather, non-worship) of The Twelve in Doma:

“My people do not worship your deities twelve. Our gods are all around us─in the trees, in the soil, in the crashing waters before you. Close your eyes and open your heart to the sound of the rushing falls, that you might purge your mind of all worldly thoughts and distractions.”

It was very sad to see the nay-saying and assumptions in this thread! Playing a character from Doma, Sharlayan, Garlemald or elsewhere aligns very well with the in-game character lore. Many NPCs describe the player character as a non-Eorzean. There is no need for every character to be a comprehensive expert on their homeland, and I can imagine many character types who would be nomadic or unaffiliated with a particular country, despite their origin.

Good luck to everyone with their future character writing. Hopefully further expansions and patches will give us deeper knowledge of the Near and Far East! Aht Urghan was, by far, my favorite expansion in FFXI and I miss the Near Eastern aesthetic and gear design (*swoon* Blue Mage) very, very much.

RE: Character from the Far East? - Kamome - 01-22-2015

Quick question--

Does the Echo still allow for adventurers to understand foreign languages? Is this still part of the lore or was it scrapped/1.0-only? Do most of you RP the Echo? I saw this was asked before in a much older thread, but wanted to get the current status.

I'm wondering because I'm getting ready to RP my main, who is a fairly fresh Doman immigrant (~2-3 months) and she would still be struggling with a new language. I want to begin RPing her tonight but this is the last thing I am stuck on. I might just have to tweak her backstory a bit and make her a less recent immigrant.

RE: Character from the Far East? - Chris Ganale - 01-22-2015

None of my characters have Echo, but if the 2.5 cutscene I watched yesterday is any indication, it still allows language comprehension because the player could understand an Ascian while Moenbryda could not.

RE: Character from the Far East? - Warren Castille - 01-22-2015

(01-22-2015, 12:49 PM)Kamome Wrote: I'm wondering because I'm getting ready to RP my main, who is a fairly fresh Doman immigrant (~2-3 months) and she would still be struggling with a new language. I want to begin RPing her tonight but this is the last thing I am stuck on. I might just have to tweak her backstory a bit and make her a less recent immigrant.

There's actually a relatively good chance that your character would already be familiar with Eorzean Common as a language (or whatever they choose to call it). The Garleans seem to speak it, and trade with Othard/the rest of the world was commonplace until very recently. Domans certainly have their own language, or at least catalogue of words if the ninja quests are any indication, but there doesn't seem to be a hard language barrier in place.

As for the Echo, there are some who play it and some who don't. A lot of folks shy away from taking that sort of mantle for their RP, and there are plenty who feel they're the hero so it's not a big deal. You'll find folks in both camps.

RE: Character from the Far East? - Sounsyy - 01-22-2015

(01-22-2015, 12:49 PM)Kamome Wrote: Quick question--

Does the Echo still allow for adventurers to understand foreign languages? Is this still part of the lore or was it scrapped/1.0-only? Do most of you RP the Echo? I saw this was asked before in a much older thread, but wanted to get the current status.

Per 1.0 lore, the Echo did not grant the ability to understand all languages to everyone. In fact, it seemed limited to a very select few. (ie. the Player Character and his/her Path Companion - NOT Minfilia) However, in 2.0 the Echo appears to grant everyone the ability of full-comprehension. (ie. the Player Character and Minfilia who may or may not be the only canon surviving Echo users.)

So either Minfilia learned to speak Sylphic and Ascian in the last five years, or there was a Retcon of Lore. So, you may freely choose which you feel further advances your story or character. I generally prefer 1.0's take on things, but I also cannot fault anyone who claims the Echo insta-grants them full auditory comprehension of all things as it is, as of today, technically canon lore now.