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Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Printable Version

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RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Telluride - 02-04-2015

(02-04-2015, 05:49 PM)Gegenji Wrote:
(02-04-2015, 05:47 PM)Sounsyy Wrote: That's how I'd play it anyways, but to each their own. My character isn't badass enough to dodge a bullet. Or even catch a bullet. Survive a bullet - sure! Unless, you know, mortal wound.

Sounsyy would just go into the lore details on how the gun being fired isn't being properly utilized according to the gun-play style mentioned in passing on a minion's flavor text, and then the bullet would just cease to exist.

Let's add to the lore quandary:

Limit breaks with Firesand weapons. How will that work?

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Warren Castille - 02-04-2015

(02-04-2015, 05:51 PM)Telluride Wrote:
(02-04-2015, 05:49 PM)Gegenji Wrote:
(02-04-2015, 05:47 PM)Sounsyy Wrote: That's how I'd play it anyways, but to each their own. My character isn't badass enough to dodge a bullet. Or even catch a bullet. Survive a bullet - sure! Unless, you know, mortal wound.

Sounsyy would just go into the lore details on how the gun being fired isn't being properly utilized according to the gun-play style mentioned in passing on a minion's flavor text, and then the bullet would just cease to exist.

Let's add to the lore quandary:

Limit breaks with Firesand weapons. How will that work?

I think that one's fairly obvious.

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Sounsyy - 02-04-2015

(02-04-2015, 05:54 PM)Warren Castille Wrote:
(02-04-2015, 05:51 PM)Telluride Wrote:
(02-04-2015, 05:49 PM)Gegenji Wrote:
(02-04-2015, 05:47 PM)Sounsyy Wrote: That's how I'd play it anyways, but to each their own. My character isn't badass enough to dodge a bullet. Or even catch a bullet. Survive a bullet - sure! Unless, you know, mortal wound.

Sounsyy would just go into the lore details on how the gun being fired isn't being properly utilized according to the gun-play style mentioned in passing on a minion's flavor text, and then the bullet would just cease to exist.

Let's add to the lore quandary:

Limit breaks with Firesand weapons. How will that work?

I think that one's fairly obvious.

LOL I still think instead of the bunny rabbit if a Ninja botched their ninjitsu they should just automatically Mijin Gakure... but that's just me.

/poofs Chacha out of existence using obscure dungeon chat bubble text.
(I joke... but when Tam-Tara HM first came out I wouldn't leave until I had translated all the Eorzean words written in blood on the walls.)

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Telluride - 02-04-2015

(02-04-2015, 05:54 PM)Warren Castille Wrote:
(02-04-2015, 05:51 PM)Telluride Wrote:
(02-04-2015, 05:49 PM)Gegenji Wrote:
(02-04-2015, 05:47 PM)Sounsyy Wrote: That's how I'd play it anyways, but to each their own. My character isn't badass enough to dodge a bullet. Or even catch a bullet. Survive a bullet - sure! Unless, you know, mortal wound.

Sounsyy would just go into the lore details on how the gun being fired isn't being properly utilized according to the gun-play style mentioned in passing on a minion's flavor text, and then the bullet would just cease to exist.

Let's add to the lore quandary:

Limit breaks with Firesand weapons. How will that work?

I think that one's fairly obvious.

Also relevant:

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Edgar - 02-04-2015

(02-04-2015, 04:37 PM)Aeylis Bloodbinder Wrote:
(02-04-2015, 04:30 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: This is a game where people can kill a giant robot by punching it to death, 

FFXIV: the real UFC.

And punching appears to be more effective than the bullets the Maelstrom and Yellow Jackets use.


Merlwyb is a badass up until the giant robot made of steel shows up. Then she can't do fuck all. 

Why is this, you ask? Simple. That thing is the boss. YOU have to fight it. So they pull a slight ounce of realism out of their asses and say that flintlock pistols don't work well on heavily armored targets in this universe. Yes, you then proceed to punch it to death, but it works, and suspension of disbelief kicks in, because it's the Boss, and you need to be able to kill it using your current skillset.

In other words, this game is realistic when it needs to be. But the same can be said about just about every other game with fantastic settings or elements. Take the FPS genre, for instance. How do you cure a million gunshots that leave you on the verge of death, seeing blood in your vision?

STAND BEHIND COVER AND TAKE A FEW BREATHS. Pain, pain, go away, come again another day! Poof, the bullets never happened.

Then for some reason your NPC buddy dies to a headshot to cause emotional turmoil. Realistic when it needs to be, just like our game.

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Telluride - 02-04-2015

(02-04-2015, 06:27 PM)Edgar Wrote: In other words, this game is realistic when it needs to be. But the same can be said about just about every other game with fantastic settings or elements. Take the FPS genre, for instance. How do you cure a million gunshots that leave you on the verge of death, seeing blood in your vision?

STAND BEHIND COVER AND TAKE A FEW BREATHS. Pain, pain, go away, come again another day! Poof, the bullets never happened.

Then for some reason your NPC buddy dies to a headshot to cause emotional turmoil. Realistic when it needs to be, just like our game.

Yet another case in point:

[Image: stab.png]

There's no armor like plot armor... until your writer wants cheap heat.

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Melkire - 02-04-2015

(02-04-2015, 06:27 PM)Edgar Wrote: Take the FPS genre, for instance. How do you cure a million gunshots that leave you on the verge of death, seeing blood in your vision?

STAND BEHIND COVER AND TAKE A FEW BREATHS. Pain, pain, go away, come again another day! Poof, the bullets never happened.

Oi, oi, to be fair, this is a curse of the modern FPS genre. Big Grin

As a fanatic of the old-school and arena shooters, I can testify to the fact that many a game that does not adhere to CoD's health-regen model are at least somewhat less fantastical, what with medkits and other various health pickups that amounted to bandages and adrenaline and what-not.

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - TheLastCandle - 02-04-2015

This is why Left 4 Dead/L4D2 remains the greatest modern FPS of all. IMO.

I can see it now. Machinist barges in, shoots down everyone, raids the cabinets. "PILLS HERE" comes over /shout.

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Edgar - 02-05-2015

(02-04-2015, 07:24 PM)TheLastCandle Wrote: This is why Left 4 Dead/L4D2 remains the greatest modern FPS of all. IMO.

I can see it now. Machinist barges in, shoots down everyone, raids the cabinets. "PILLS HERE" comes over /shout.

*Imagines Merri shouting "Grabbin Pills!"*

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Aeylis Bloodbinder - 02-05-2015

I'm just wondering how the firearms will be with machinist, because the way it looks, it seems more gadgety then anything.  Which (although OOCly I'm all over that) ICly I wouldn't implement that type of new technology to my character's story...she's more, use a musket like the pirates do.

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Zyrusticae - 02-05-2015

Pretty sure there will be bog-standard musket-style looking guns available for Machinist like any other class or job has regular-looking weapons sub-50.

You can ignore/handwave the turret and gadget thing as not being IC for your particular character. That's what I'm doing, anyway.

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Kinono - 02-05-2015

(02-05-2015, 12:23 PM)Zyrusticae Wrote: You can ignore/handwave the turret and gadget thing as not being IC for your particular character. That's what I'm doing, anyway.

Yep. There's a big difference, I think, between being able to us/simply owning a gun and being an engineer capable of building a flying turret. I'd be all for meeting a character that does do that, but in my particular case, simply owning/carrying the gun would be all I'd aspire to for now.

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Lost River - 02-05-2015

My character Ophelia will be having all the things with Machinist; turret, weird gun and all. Why? Because even before the machinist was announced, she was a Magitek engineer. So, yup. It totes her 10/10.

RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - K'nahli - 02-05-2015

(02-04-2015, 04:57 PM)Telluride Wrote: For that matter, we Eorzeans aren't smart enough to figure out how to fight the primals outside of their own tiny little defensive havens. I mean, HOW are these primals destroying everything when they do not come out of their lairs?

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RE: Gun Control: How deadly are they in Eorzea? - Hiro - 02-05-2015

I had a big rant over the firearms technology in an old thread...

From the designs I've seen and knowledge of firearms history and technological advancements...

Garleans follow the fantasy basis of Magitek, mechanics with fudged workings that are McGuffined simply by saying: Magic does it. It makes it difficult to gauge however I'd place them at: Late Percussion Cap styled weaponry.

Personally picturing their weaponry with mechanisms similar to a late era revolver: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colt_Army_Model_1860

With the same type of ammunition utilizing some form of advanced paper cartridge (alchemical magitek thing) or an early form of metallic cartridge.

The weapons present elsewhere fall between flintlock, percussion, and early "needle" guns, as the bolt action rifles shown are reminiscent of such weaponry, which would also support the theory of Eorzeans have the advancement into Paper Cartridge ammunition though that would be considered high end. Given the whole theme of Machinist and how they look I'd wager they're individuals on the cusp of modern weaponry or engineering their own versions of "magitek" which would effectively the transition into metal cartridge ammunition.

Also, a misconception that black powder weaponry isn't comparable to modern firearms in all aspects, in terms of stopping power and accuracy, Percussion Dueling Pistols were accurate for their use and were as powerful as an M1911 Colt, their penetrating power is really up to the type of ammunition used at that point. Just because your armor stops it does not mean your body can handle that sort of impact force. That said, as mentioned above, dodging bullets isn't something any considers practical in reality, it's why armoring over vital points and maintaining cover is a thing rather than standing, dodging, and deflecting. Given how Final Fantasy XIV has handled it... its definitely something up to preference.

Having had the luxury of speaking with Koji during Fanfest Vegas for a while I did manage to get that they didn't really consider how Eorzea's, especially Garlean Magitek Technology, really lines up with our (Real Life's) modern history. We more or less chose things that worked with our image rather than trying to force together a chain of technological advancements. It's best to view it as: Garleans developed Magitek to it's point because they can't use magic, everyone else had free reign of magic and as such advancement of these sorts of technology is quite lacking though due to exposure to Garlean magitek and Cid as well as the necessity to counter act or at least understand their core mechanics has pushed advancement forward in a hurry.