Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Printable Version +- Hydaelyn Role-Players (https://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/mybb18) +-- Forum: Role-Play (https://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/mybb18/forumdisplay.php?fid=27) +--- Forum: Town Square (IC) (https://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/mybb18/forumdisplay.php?fid=21) +--- Thread: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] (/showthread.php?tid=8162) |
RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - K'nahli - 11-19-2014 Despite everything, K'nahli was not totally oblivious to K'tahjha's brief hesitation. She blinks slowly, somewhat showing her lack of enthusiasm for her next question in the process as her gaze grows a little more dull with expectancy. "If it worries you so then simply speak your mind. It matters little that I remain here from what I can tell. Even were we to somehow lose track of our quarry it would be naught but a thorn in the side against losing you" she spoke with the same blunt tone as before, though still perceivably not in the same fashion that one would relate to the girl's usual aggressive tone. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Izmina - 11-19-2014 K'tahjha immediately shakes her head, her mind quickly retracing the route they had taken. She is confident she can retrace their steps closely enough to be able to scent the hunting party. She speaks just above a whisper, afraid to spook  what ever creatures waited below. "I was surprised is all. I can do it." The girl waits her sister's decision with baited breath, hoping to be trusted with this task no matter how easy it might seem to a more experienced huntress. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - K'nahli - 11-19-2014 K'nahli's eyes narrow a little with apprehension as she eyed the girl closely before allowing a slow nod in approval to eventually follow. "If anything happens then just call for help, and if it does then do not tarry yourself long before doing so... lest you end up in the Black Shroud or some such". K'nahli leans a little closer in to K'tahjha and briefly explains what she is to tell K'iara before withdrawing again to patiently watch the girl make her departure. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Izmina - 11-19-2014 K'tahjha listens intently to her sister and as she turns to go back the way they came, she pauses to commit K'nahli's current location to memory. Then with a determined nod, more to herself than the huntress, she begins picking her way back towards where she last saw the hunting party as quickly as she dares. Winding in and out of the brush and brambles, paying attention to her foot placement, trying to make as little noise as possible while still making good time. She pauses to catch her breath and realizes she is scared and her heart thundering in her ears makes it hard to hear. Before she was relying completely on K'nahli to spot predators and keep her safe. Tahj takes a moment to reorient herself and scan for any potential predators, then heads off at speed. Just as she was certain she was lost and her heart started to sink, she picks up the scent of the hunting party. Sighing in relief, Tahj immediately seeks K'iara to relay K'nahli's message. Pausing a second to regain her breath and calm her heart rate that was skittering in her chest like a scared rabbit Tahj smiles proudly at the older huntress. "K'nahli says there's a herd of large, plant eating animals, a little shorter than than sandworms but with lots of meat traveling due east. She says some of them have horns." RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - K'nahli - 11-19-2014 K'nahli watches K'tahjha closely until she vanished into the darkness. In truth she couldn't help but feel a little concerned for having been the one that sent her off alone with such little experience, even if the distance they had travelled wasn't very far at all. The girl sighed quietly to herself before turning once more to slowly press forward up to the summit again and keep a close eye on the animals in the hopes of perhaps learning a little more of them before they would commit to engaging the beasts. The were still a little far off for her to discern very much about them in this dark light but her best guess was for a similar approach that they would take with Sand Drakes; to attack their... soft(?)... underbelly. It certainly didn't look as intimidating as their large front side, but even if they were a little less concealed than the sand-kissing abdominem of those fire-spitting, Sagolii beasts... they certainly appeared to have quite powerful legs. It wouldn't be wise to underestimate their speed merely from what she has seen while they were relaxed and grazing, she thought. K'nahli hummed silently to herself as she gave it some further thought; her eyes never straying away from the slowly-departing creatures. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Twinflame - 11-26-2014 "I don't want to be Nunh. Other people want me to be Nunh, and the tribe needs me to challenge Yohko either way. That's a pretty big difference." The meat K'ile cooked was mostly not salted. He kept the cooking platter hot by occasionally adding a new coal, letting the meat sizzle and brown thoroughly -- likely far too thoroughly for Xha'li's taste -- before putting that meat in a covered urn that would keep it warm and preserved until the hunters returned to eat it. Occasionally he shuffled a piece of meat off to Xha'li for salting, which would dry and preserve the meat so that it lasted longer. Those would be eaten later in the evening or saved to be packed in pouches and eaten throughout the next day. As K'ile worked, he occasionally glanced at the Elder, but he didn't engage her in conversation. He didn't know how. He did say to the air around him, however, "If I do win, I'm expecting the other Tia to get uncomfortable about it and start challenging me. Frequently." RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Clover - 11-27-2014 K'mih was a bit late joining the group of huntresses, but she still managed to be there on time not to miss the actual hunt. She followed closely like just another huntress, holding her axe with both hands in an eternally nervous position. In such an unknown and potentially dangerous land, she found comfort in the fact that the best huntresses were coming along, led by K'iara herself. Nothing bad should happen, right? No animal would hurt her as much as her own sister did. [...] As K'tahjha left and K'nahli thought she was completely alone, a familiar male voice could be heard from the darkness behind. "One of them is mine." K'rahto Tia seemed to emerge from nowhere, stopping his steps at a certain distance beside the lone huntress. He placed the non pointy extreme of his lance on the ground, holding his favourite weapon with one hand. His eyes were fixed on the sight of their preys; they'd been there from the moment he appeared. It was obvious that the Tia hadn't joined the main group. He didn't want his elder sister to give him orders; he didn't want to be the anyone's shadow, an useless Tia among the best huntresses. So there he was, walking freely, following no one. His head didn't move, nor did his focused and serious expression change. Only his eyes took a glance to the side, where the female was. A challenge, perhaps. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - K'nahli - 11-27-2014 K'nahli's chest suddenly seemed to tighten. It were even as though such a reaction came faster than her ears - already standing tall in vigilance - would prick up in alarm as a voice suddenly carried toward her from a very short distance away. She couldn't fight against her expressive features as her eyes came to suddenly grow much wider from their previously, narrowed and focused position, resulting in her surprise to become more than evident had her face been visible to this person who intruded on her moment of solace and thought. K'rahto Tia. The unique and recently unnerving voice of a particular miqo'te, and one that K'nahli herself had become far, more accustomed to identifying than she'd have truly liked. Little did the girl have to deal with this particular boy as of late, at least directly, and had she been the type of person to count her blessings then truly she'd have at least acknowledged that one, single, silver lining against what seemed to her as a perpetual fleet of ever-darkening, storm clouds. Though avoiding his presence forever would not be something that she could reasonably hope for, but even so... "why here and now?" she found herself asking with a hint of frustration as her eyes pressed down into the ground before her, removing themselves from the beasts as though they had suddenly stopped being important, stopped existing. His arrival was preceded by the closest thing that she had to a good mood in several days... why was it that timing was always something that was decided upon so terribly for those who chose to consort with the girl? The miqo'te's brief yet simple statement had yet to sink in with the girl. Her mind was too consumed with identifying the source of his highly discomforting feeling that she still found herself struggling against even now, that feeling that just seemed to writhe and twist through her very being - like an unwelcomed and discomforting parasite that simply would not relent with it's barbaric intent to make it's presence there as distressing as possible for the host. "What...." K'nahli finally spluttered out before stalling in hesitation as she struggled to find any appropriate words to respond with. Even had she still retained the capacity to be emotional, false anger might not have even been something she could muster against this particular miqo'te right now.... not while he was in this position where he commanded such a strange power over her. It was, in a way, infuriating that this pest could actually make her feel so horribly inside, but even while thinking that, the girl could simply not bring this feeling out of herself to fuel her usual, venomous flare of spite and anger to both dismiss and vengefully condemn him in the only way that she could. No, it was something far more than such a convenient reason, but still something that she struggled vehemently with so much as coming to understand. He held the lance to her throat in such encounters, and she was but a disarmed fledgling whom knew not what to do. "..if you were signalled as an additional scout then you would have best served us searching untrodden ground..." the girl finally muttered in response. Though it was, in part, condemning his presence here, it was delivered with neither a scolding nor totally, disapproving tone, as much as she'd like to have given him any reason to move elsewhere; anywhere. Though in retrospect, it would not be as though such a manner would likely sway the tia in any case. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Clover - 11-27-2014 The Tia's eyes travelled back to the front after she spoke, unfazed. "This was untrodden ground until I saw you," he explained. "No one sent me." His head turned then, taking a look to the darkness behind them with cold eyes. No one had come yet; perhaps it might take a while for the clumsy kid to reach the other huntresses, if she ever did. "Well, then..." he added later in almost a breath, and his eyes slowly moved to the female's figure. His spear abandoned its relaxed position, getting visibly ready. "How many do you think you can take down before the others arrive?" There was a smirk in his features as he said that; a dangerous one. Whatever it was she decided to do, K'rahto wasn't going to wait for the huntresses. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - K'nahli - 11-29-2014 "Take....." K'nahli responded almost immediately, though her sentence quickly trailed off as she withheld herself from speaking any further, her eyes revealing all but her complete disbelief with the lancer's suggestive words. Surely he wasn't serious? It was true that K'rahto had always struck her as the arrogant type of person, but surely he was not so reckless, so foolish as to engage such large and alien giants without the rest of the party there to support them? Regardless of how weak this game could doubtfully, yet still potentially prove to be, there was at least one, wretched beast lurking not very far away, out in the barren plains of Thanalan that would surely tear him - and maybe even her by association - asunder should they so boldly move to act on their own. K'nahli blinked hard as she studied the male's body language. Everything about him suggested that there was no mindless jest behind his words,but mayhap he was only seeking K'nahli's approval - any voice at all to egg him and be the tipping point that would push him on to commit along to his eager intent. "K'rahto, wait... you can't be..." K'nahli suddenly spoke again as she attempted to reason with the male and steal him away from this seemingly, sudden over-excitement which he was experiencing. The anxiety that had poisoned the tone of her voice moments ago had subsided for now as this unforeseen matter took precedence and distracted both her and surely, she believed, K'rahto too, from the memories of their last intimate encounter out on the dunes days previous. Instead, however, it was replaced with a look of complete shock, a gasp accompanying her dramatic change in expression as she helplessly watched the tia quickly press on down the hill in ill-heed of her hesitation, with a pace that's stealth was equally as impressive as it's unrestrained speed. K'nahli's eyes quickly grew large with sheer disbelief as the suddenness of the situation took her completely off-guard. "Wait!" she quickly called after him despairingly, her voice coming a little too loudly in the process - though luckily not compromising their presence. K'nahli grimaced with apprehension as she watched the silhouette of the male flee far and beyond the reluctant hand that reached out toward him, before she too, after a few seconds of hesitation that left her glued to the spot, quickly brought herself back to her feet and decisively raced after K'rahto. Instinctively reaching back across her shoulder as she continued to nimbly hop and scurry her way downhill, the girl proceeded to remove her bow that had been resting across her body until now, bringing it now before her in readiment as she tried her best to quickly close the distance between her and that suicidal idiot. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Clover - 12-01-2014 Words wouldn't stop him. They barely registered in his mind. All his focused eyes saw were the prey he was rapidly yet silently approaching, spear in both hands. Against an unknown enemy, his determination -perhaps his reckless nature- was strong. If K'nahli didn't want to play the same game, he'd dance alone, like he'd always had. A few seconds separated him from the imminent shower of blood, but then... RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - K'nahli - 12-01-2014 K'nahli's natural agility proved to be much in her favour. The addition of the natural difficulties that came with running at such speeds over this uneven terrain while armed with a lance as opposed to a simple bow certainly had proved it's merits too. Against all expectations, K'nahli had quickly managed to close the distance that had been put between her and the hastily, fleeting K'rahto, despite the youthful tia's own rather impressive speed and the head start he had so readily offered himself. It all happened so quickly that the girl hardly had time to think; against all preservative instincts which she had for her own, precious bow, the girl quickly cast her weapon aside into some nearby shrubs before pushing forward with all that she had and closing in for the final few yalms. Bringing herself into a very, brief alignment with the tia's flank, the girl wasted no time and suddenly leapt toward him with all of her strength, wrapping her arms around his body and successfully tackling the rogue fool down toward the ground. Together, the two miqo'te hit the arid ground with a hard landing, though their momentum was not so easily lost. K'nahli was forced to embrace to the male more tightly as they were both thrown into a harsh roll that violently carried them across the rocky ground a fair distance away from where they had started, before they finally came to an eventual stop. Despite some inevitably acquired cuts and bruises the girl - at least - was perfectly fine, and with that unhindered state, she made sure not to give the tia so much as an ilm of room that he may quickly recover himself and resume with his reckless intent to prematurely assail their prey. Sitting on top of him now, K'nahli gripped K'rahto firmly by his exposed shoulders and shoved him hard into the ground with all of her strength, uninterested in any wounds his exposed back may have already acquired from their tumble across the floor, until he was successfully pinned down to the best of K'nahli's ability. "What in the seven hells is the matter with you, you arrogant fool?" K'nahli suddenly hissed lowly, bringing her face in a little more closely to his than would normally have been comfortable in an effort to keep their so-far, bumbling presence discreet from the nearby herd... assuming they hadn't already detected the pair's scuffle. "Even if you had landed one while it was yet unawares, what would you have done had the others grouped up and charged?" Her vibrant glare seemed to glow in the darkness of the night as they narrowed sharply in greeting with K'rahto's, momentarily dazed expression. The girl's previous discomfort with his mere presence still remained forgotten to her, even with this proximity as the sudden rush of adrenaline had forced meaningless thoughts from her mind. Though her eyes remained fixed upon the tia's as though expectant of a reasonable answer, she knew none could possibly come. K'rahto, as always, had merely sought new means to irrefutably prove himself as an incompetent fool. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Nauta Lyehga - 12-02-2014 K'yohko was easy to find. He lingered within his tent, the fabric serving as a door tacked lightly open. He had hoped he speak with K'ile, but it seemed that K'ile would not come. He supposed it should not surprise him. K'luha had not made up her mind either. K'yohko tried to silence his pensive mind with meditation. If he could not hunt, perhaps the winds would tell him about those who were hunting. His ears flicked up to the full height, taking in the sounds of the wind just outside the tent, and his tail wrapped around his waist to settle in his lap. _____________________________________________________________________________________ K'iara breathed out lowly, climbing to a small raise in the rocky outcropping to survey the land. And, to look for her scouts. K'nahli was a competent huntress, if not the largest ball of depression and angst in the tribe. K'iara inhaled the air softly, tasting it for their scent. They were slow to report back today... The sound of feet running hard against the dirt caught K'iara's attention. She turned and slid back down the hill, stepping forward to meet with K'tajhta. She hadn't realized the little one was going along with them on the hunt. Her ears perked forward and she knelt down to be on the same face level as Tahj as she spoke. K'iara gave a small nod of understanding and whistled to catch the rest of the group's attention. "Herd grazing. Let's go." she barked briefly, starting to step forward lightly. "Tahj, can you lead us back in that direction?" She didn't wait for a response from Tahj to continue walking. If Tahj couldn't do it, K'iara's nose could find it. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Izmina - 12-02-2014 K'zhumi approached the Nuhn's tent quietly. Her ears flickering actively. The new smells and sounds had her on edge, the place felt different. As she reached the tent opening, she saw K'yohko in meditation. She paused uncertainly outside the tent, unsure if she should interrupt. K'tahjha nods proudly as K'iara asks if she can lead the way back to where she left K'nahli.  Weaving as silently as she can through the shrubs and thorns. Tahj backtracks to where she last saw her sister as swiftly as she can. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Clover - 12-02-2014 It was odd, how the world could change so quickly in a matter of seconds. As the Tia ran and his heart beat with thirst for blood, an unexpected force pushed him down with sheer violence; it was almost as if Azeyma herself had hit him with thunder. When he managed to understand what the hell was happening, the slight pain on his back was swallowed with a sharp inhalation. K'nahli was sitting on top of him, breaking the invisible barrier of physical contact in ways only the huntress could: violent and raw, like she'd always been. But she was also closer than she -and anyone- had ever been to him; warmer than she'd ever wanted to be. For a moment, all K'rahto could do was stare up into those burning eyes, his own wide. The meaning in her words barely registered. The hunt hardly mattered. Animals killing animals; that was all they were that night. That was how he felt the next moment. His eyes narrowed dangerously under a deep frown. His teeth bared right before a violent impulse took control of his senses. Abruptly, Krahto grabbed the female's arms and forced her to roll to the side until it was her underneath him. This time, it was his hands pinning her down to the ground, to the new land they had almost tasted. No words happened at first, but neither did silence; his own breath rang into his ears like a storm he couldn’t control. The Tia stared down to the huntress like a predator did to his prey, a prey he’d been forbidden to bite. He couldn’t, he wouldn’t. So he just tightened his grip on the girls arm with shaking hands, and spoke in half a whisper, half a growl. “Wouldn't you rather... see me devoured by the beasts…? K’nahli Yohko…†At that moment, when restrain and hatred seemed to consume his very soul, different sounds came to his ears. The huntresses had arrived. |