Hydaelyn Role-Players
Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! (Servers, performers, etc.) - Printable Version

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Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! (Servers, performers, etc.) - E'irawen - 02-11-2015

To cut right to the chase! I'd really like Ophelia's staff at the teahouse to be actual IC people. The teahouse itself is located in Aleport and has a very.. nature-y feel to it. (A lot of Ophelia inspirations come from any and everything celtic!)

But, I'd like to have waiters, performers, and maybe a bartender of some kind? It's a small place, at the moment I only have been using my personal room for a physical RP location, but eventually I'm hoping to upgrade to a small or medium house. One day...

It also has an inn attached to it, so if you'd like, there is an inn keeper/receptionist sort of position, too!

Your characters will be paid ICly, rest assured!  Plus, Ophelia is very friendly! She'd be happy to be a longterm connection! A fiery, iddy biddy sunseeker-midlander mix with both sass and a motherly-like quality to those in need.

Here is the wiki page for the place, as well as a menu if you're curious: 



The wiki says the in game location is a place in Aleport. This has changed to the personal room, though IC-ly, yes, the teahouse is located in Aleport. I just can't be bothered enough to remember my password to edit the page right now. >>;

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! - Inessa Hara - 02-11-2015

Inessa has IC experience being a bartender so I can come and do that for you.

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! - E'irawen - 02-11-2015


I should probably mention it is preferred to that you guys can make it to IC events and stuff, but not mandatory or anything.

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! - Inessa Hara - 02-11-2015

I can definitely make it. I usually don't have alot going on anyways. Tis why I made an Alt.  xD

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! - Jancis - 02-11-2015

Depending on the times this'll be, Jancis has experience in serving people. Though she has more experience cleaning and doing dishes, she can take orders and help patrons.

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! - Magellan - 02-12-2015

My character Sola is currently looking for a job in the Limsa area, and would most likely apply to such an opening

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! - E'irawen - 02-12-2015

Excellent. You guys are more than welcome to assume that you work there already, if you don't feel like RPing out an interview process or anything.  Also welcome to RP an interview! Either way, just give me a holler about times and what not that you're usually around for RP.

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! (Servers, performers, etc.) - Aya - 02-12-2015

Yay! ^_^

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! (Servers, performers, etc.) - Inessa Hara - 02-13-2015

My availability

Weekdays: 3:00pm-12:00am CMT.
Weekends and holidays: All day, every day.

Im on right now if you want to drop me a friend request.

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! (Servers, performers, etc.) - Magellan - 02-13-2015

Gotta work on fixing a few minor computer issues, but I should be free most of Sunday, possibly some Saturday. Other than that, weeknights EST, name the time and I can probably make it. Personally, I would love for Sola to have to go through an interview process (cuz there's no guarantee she'd be a good fit :p)

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! (Servers, performers, etc.) - Jikam Constans - 02-15-2015

Jikam has experience serving/being a waiter, and is also a dancer/entertainer! He can do both magic tricks and dancing, and is a rather spectacular showman. He can't read or write, though, so he will have had to heard of this place via word of mouth.

I'll be on pretty much all day today, message me when you are around, we can chat about it!

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! (Servers, performers, etc.) - E'irawen - 02-15-2015


Sorry for poofing the last couple days folks, had some health issues. I'll be in-game more often now and start messaging people. Smile   I have interest in setting up a grand opening type event soon, once I figure out some good, fun things to do in it.

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! (Servers, performers, etc.) - Jikam Constans - 02-15-2015

Seems I missed you! Shame. I will be on for the next few days though. If it gets to be a hassle, we can set up a specific time and date to meet!

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! (Servers, performers, etc.) - poetic-imp - 02-16-2015

Hello! I have currently moved one Mazhara Tia onto the Balmung server, and he is a travelling dancer. He could show up to help with the opening if asked, no payment required. He is a bit on the quiet side, but easy to get along with.

RE: Looking for people to work at Ophelia's teahouse! (Servers, performers, etc.) - Bopdoot - 02-16-2015

Hey hey, Amelia would love this.  She needs a job and is an aspiring bard.  She hasn't learned any instruments YET! but she has a beautiful singing voice.

She'll do anything tho: serving, cleaning, dish washing, singing...but you may not want to let her cook.. Dazed

I'll try to add you in game next time I'm on, if that's OK

My availability is usually weekdays 8pm EST and later. Weekends I'm usually available all day, depending on irl events. ^.^