Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Looking for Contacts - Printable Version

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Looking for Contacts - Rosin Legault - 03-06-2015

Hello and Good evening!.

I have recently returned to Eorzea and will be around a lot longer than I was before.

A little bit about the man behind the Character, I spent the last 8 years in the Military for those years I performed my duties as a Mortuary Affairs Specialist, due to certain issues I thought it best to leave the Army and pursue my education in the Culinary arts and have since been working happily as a Chef.

On the Gaming front, I have been involved in several MMORPG's including Rift, SWTOR, WoW, TESO, and Guild Wars 2. I have been involved in Heavy Rp in all of these games but due to deployments and various real life issues I had to leave. As for other games I have also done many Table Top games such as Dungeons and Dragons, World of Darkness, Adventure!, Traveler, and Anima.

Now onto the the character himself.

I am looking for contacts for my character Matthias Lyon, a former Mercenary who has since retired his sword in an attempt to leave a violent life behind him. The background is very open, I have had time to work on his personal background but I would like to not discuss everything here. I am very easy to work with and I enjoy fitting anyone who is interested into Matthias's life.

One point of interest:

1.) After Matthias's wife died he left his daughter behind with guardians, feeling that his life as a Mercenary was no place for a child to grow up. I am not going to try and force anyone to play this role, but it is something that would be nice to fill in and add a bit more to the character. If you are interested in this particular story please let me know and I would love to work out greater detail with you.

That's all I have, if I missed anything I apologize. If this post was too long I do not apologize.

Feel free to contact me in game or here, as I stated the Characters name is Matthias Lyon.

P.S I apologize for any grammatical errors.