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Ishgard - Lore leves roleplay and you - Printable Version

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Ishgard - Lore leves roleplay and you - Virella - 03-17-2015


Lore, leves, roleplay and you

Hello and welcome to my collection on my favourite topic, Ishgard and it's people!

After seeing Harpeizanae gathering of levequests upon the RPC, I felt the need to start digging into more and more lore, especially with roleplaying an Ishgardian Elezen myself.

Figuring out most likely lots of others would be interested to see all this heap of information I'm slowly gathering by digging trough forums, questlines, leves and what not, I decided that people might appreciate it if I would post it here as well!

Far from finished, and lots of more topics, adjustments to come, I invite you all to correct me if I'm wrong, so we may together make a thread filled with Ishgardian information for us roleplayers.
Afterall, how handy would it be to have a guide to look at when creating a new character, because I pray to Halone, I will see more Ishgardians around in Heavenwards.
With that I do ask, please give me screenshots, quest, and the names of leves, so I can include it in here. And of course, I will adjust this all accordingly if needed!

At the end of each topic, I will include my more personal thoughts on the matters. I will be “Author's notes”.
On some topics we will be left guessing at most, so I cannot help sometimes to have my own thoughts thrown in there, just to give a better view on how on live in Ishgard may or may not be.

Once more, this is far from the final product, and I expect to be a very big topic by the time I'm done.
I will try to go digging on a topic or two each day, given this is indeed very time consuming to do. For now I shall simply approach one topic at the time, and perhaps in the future I will put them down in a more orderly fashion.

Critique,remarks, suggestions and what not are more then welcome, seeming I wish to make this a collective lore guide for Ishgardian (and ones having to deal with them) roleplayers!

Not Suitable For Work parts will be marked.

Enjoy the read!

Virella Douront, your friendly Ishgardian Astrologian






RE: Ishgard - Lore, leves, roleplay and you - Virella - 03-17-2015


“Does my presence make you uncomfortable? Be at ease, my child. If you are a goodly, righteous woman, then you have naught to fear from an inquisitor.”
Inquisitor Brigie, Camp Dragonhead, Coerthas

Feared by outsiders and disbelievers, the inquisitors serving the Holy See are one of the most remarkable sights within Ishgardian society.

They are tasked rooting out any form or shape of heresy within their society. Often by any means necessary. In the special inquisitors' office interrogations are shown to go hand in hand with paralysis potions “to thwart unbelievers from self-harm during a just and lawful interrogation”.
These interrogations are far from a delight to endure, let alone witness them, possibly causing the inquisitors themselves to have sleepless nights. Leather collars are used in these interrogations.
It is safe to say, whatever goes on in these chambers, it would be a nightmare to endure such a thing, seeming even dragoons thrown into the clutches of the inquisitors are prone to get driven mad, and turn against the Archbishop.

Rarely their actions are to be questioned, even when provided with information against their claims of heresy onto the subject.*

A popular way to deal with these so-called heretics, whether they be guilty or not, is to fling them down Witchdrop. This is the ultimate way to see whether or not the person is a scaleskin in disguise. Taking a leap down the cliff appears to be the way to prove your innocence, when being trailed, even if this costs one's life.
If one dies at these trials, it is said Halone will judge them worthy or not to join her in her Halls.
Bowmen are kept near these trials,so they can strike down the heretic if need be, if they happen to be scaleskin in the end. Next to this, other weapon-wielding men and women can be spotted at these occasions.**

Imprisoning people is not a thing the Ishgardian inquisitors shy away from. Foreigners are given no slack either, for one who is found upon Ishgardian soil has to obey to their laws.

They may very well have a role into sending the female family members of unbelievers off to workhouses. "Unbelievers are thieves of sorts for they withhold the sweat of their brows from the crusade. What has been stolen must be given by another".

Author's notes:
All in all, inquisitors seem to be respected greatly, and in my opinion are probably one of the most dangerous Ishgardians to cross paths with, whether your character is from Ishgardian roots, or happens to be an outsider. Drugging people up, next to torture and false heresy claims who may cost ones life. I wouldn't wish to get on their bad side.

Roleplaying one could be very interesting, seeming corruption is very possibly within their ranks.

*Mainstory Quest Scenario – Blood for Blood
**Mainstory Quest Scenario – In the Eyes of Gods and Men
http://xivdb.com/?leve/128/First-They-Came-for-the-Heretics– Collars used by the inquisition.


“Purity and Loyality!”
Ishgardian clerics

Whereas other city-states appear to be more open regarding this subject, Ishgard holds a strict rule upon it's women. Women are meant to keep themselves chaste and pure. This is shown off with wearing peridot. If a woman does not wear this particular gem, she is to be mistrusted in the eyes of other Ishgardians.
Although, not entirely unexpected,noble women have found their way to show off their supposed purity, yet mean a very different thing with it – oversized gems being the way to appear suggestive instead of chaste, while keeping oneself to what society deems proper.
“Pure as peridot” is a saying used by the Ishgardians on this matter.

Marriages are a thing within Ishgard as well. As well assassinations on Ishgardian weddings. In fact, it appears that weddings are notorious for having assassinations take place, to the point other city-states are aware of this.
One could say this means that Ishgardian weddings aren't just out of the name of love, but possibly also a political weapon.

Like everywhere unfaithfulness to one's partner happens. Ishgardians aren't any different from this.*

Women seem to have to repent for the sins of their unbelieving male family members. They are being send off to workcamps if a family member were to get caught of not actively being a part of the Crusade.

Due to Ishgard's policy on outsiders, one can say that engaging in a relationships with someone from another city-state is frowned upon, at the very least. With nobles so far being shown off as Elezen only, I would think half-breeds are most likely far from expected, let alone couples of two different races.


Whoring is a common theme in Eorzea,and Ishgard is not exception despite the clerics chanting of purity and chasteness. Life of the common person within Ishgard seems far from pleasant, and it is no surprise some women degrade them to this way of living.**

Sexual abuse may or may not be a weapon used by the inquisition, given the nature of collars, the fact people get driven mad when being trailed within these chambers, inquisitors have nightmares haunting them and need sleep potions in order to gain rest.

The Gladitors in Ul'dah use Coliseumwear in order to show off their bodies, although it appears it has it's in Ishgard it has it's uses as well. It is not uncommon for Ishgardian nobles to carefully sneak in subligars into their possession.
Next to nobles have suddenly start importing leather harnesses, despite it being far from summer in Ishgard.
It is safe to say the Ishgardians have a knack for these things, or at least the nobles.

Author's note: Oh boy, Ishgardians are surely a mess. They appear to indulge in sex actively, whoring, cheating and what not, yet with their cry out for chasteness and purity, one can only imagine that Ishgardians are keeping their lips sealed upon these matters.
I imagine that whoring, overly suggestive behaviour in public are highly frowned upon in public, due to the Church's influence onto the Ishgardians. It wouldn't surprise me one could be found punished, if they were not careful enough.

As well for women I could imagine toying about with their peridot jewellery in front of men, would be a highly suggestive invitation.
Next to that all, I really cannot see Ishgardians but looking down onto people if they were to get involved with another race/non-Ishgardian, given how paranoid they are in regards of outsiders. Perhaps even making them an outcast of society. If they were to be found out, of course.

*Npcs within Camp Dragonhead -http://i.imgur.com/LjXmpmk.png
**Main Quest Scenario – The Reason Roaille
http://xivdb.com/?leve/486/Wear-Your-Patriotic-Pin– Women's sexuality/peridot
http://xivdb.com/?leve/494/If-You%27ve-Got-It,-Flaunt-It– Women's sexuality/peridot
http://xivdb.com/?leve/426/The-Wages-of-Sin- Workcamps
http://xivdb.com/?leve/125/Supply-Side-Logic– Ishgardian marriages
http://xivdb.com/?leve/128/First-They-Came-for-the-Heretics– Collars
http://xivdb.com/?leve/367/The-Sting-of-Conscience- Inquisitors' sleepless nights
http://xivdb.com/?leve/126/Springtime-for-Coerthas– Leather harnesses
http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/124683-The-Origin-and-Lore-of-Equipment– Coliseum gear

Astrologians & the Observatorium

“300 years ago, Ishgardian Astrologian Aduenel the Younger convinced the Holy See that he could predict the comings and goings of the Dravanian Horde by studying the movements of the heavens, and thus secured funding for the construction of the First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena and its grand astroscope.”

Sightseeing log on the Observatorium's history

Astrology is far from a recent thing for the Ishgardians as the sightseeing log shows off. Not quite as old as the other very typical Ishgardian job, dragoon, it appears to be something what gets practised within Ishgard, and not quite so in the other city-states.

This all has to do with the nature of the job itself. Astrologians are the first defence against the Dravanian Horde. They look into the heavens in order to see their movements years ahead.
This doesn't mean Astrologians are keen on wasting their skills of predicting the future, as Forlemort in the Observatorium tells us - using their time on anything else but calculating the Horde's movements is being brushed off as frivolities.

Their work seems a very delicate one, as several NPCs state they need amply time to observe the heavens. As well countless books, maps, mathematical tools and globes are scattered about in the Observatorium.
They forget to eat while on the job,and their fingers are prone to freeze within the cold nights of Coerthas. Despite their tendency to get caught up in their work, they are fed well. As well it appears Astrologians overwork themselves, given some sleepy NPCs are around the place.
They do not seem to enjoy on getting disturbed either, let alone by outsiders.

Bickering between the Astrologians seems to be a thing as well.

Despite all that, the Astrologians are happy enough to gain new students within their ranks in order to lessen their workload. In fact, it seems they do quite some effort to welcome them and provide their students with proper material.

It is also here in the Observatorium we learn that the Halls of Halone is a constellation of cobalt-silver stars – the place Ishgardians believe they will go to if they were to die in their efforts against the Dravanian Horde. (Funnily enough, this only seems to count for the Races of Men. Daimbert in Whitebrim Front tells us that chocobos do not go to heaven.)

As for their outfits, they appear to wear pointy hats with glasses, and fingerless gloves. These gloves allow them to still continue to do their work in cold nights.

House Durendaire protects the Observatorium, and sooner not have sellswords interfere with their business of doing such.

Author's note: Expect this section to become a lot bigger once we know more about the job. I'm terribly hyped myself.

NPC - Forlemont in the Observatorium
NPC – Ludovoix in theObservatorium
NPC – Jocea in the Observatorium
http://xivdb.com/?leve/307/Rise-and-Dine– Quality of their food
http://xivdb.com/?leve/247/Skillet-to-the-Stars– Forgetting to eat said food
http://xivdb.com/?leve/366/Open-Your-Grimoire-to-Page-42– Observatorium new students
http://xivdb.com/?leve/127/Through-a-Glass-Brightly– Fingerless gloves

RE: Ishgard - Lore, leves, roleplay and you - Virella - 03-17-2015

And reserving this as well.