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New to roleplaying on ffxiv - Printable Version

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New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ValkyrieRangris - 03-20-2015


I was just wondering if this back story for my character would be acceptable?Or should I come up with a new one?
Any tips are welcomed.


Quick ideas now:

Tam-Tara based ideas:
  • Traveling Knowledge Broker gets an odd request for information by a young conjurer named Edda
  • Knowledge Broker feels something is off, she hears from the villagers that Edda is in Tam-Tara and heads there to check out the situation.
  • Shortly after she is greeted by Paiyo Reiyo and some adventurers leaving looking very shaken up.
  • The traveling Knowledge Broker is very baffled by the use of the little information she gave that had made Tam-Tara become what it is now
  • Traveling Knowledge Broker spends many hours investigating Tam-Tara
  • Despite having all the information she needs after weeks of coming back to Tam-Tara she keeps returning wanting to know more becoming obsessed with Edda's work

    Tam-Tara based ideas 2:

  • Traveling cook regulars are Edda, Liavinne, Avere, and Paiyo are always making her laugh they all seem to butt heads often but they share a common goal which I really admire.
  • Cooking for them becomes something very dear to me to see their daily antics.
  • Avere and Edda are dating but Avere is not very nice to Edda.
  • I confronted Edda telling her she deserved better and Edda just smiled at me with no response.
  • I thought nothing of it at the time.
  • I gave the group extra food and they went on their way to Tam-Tara.
  • Cooking for adventurers later on I heard about a mishap at Tam-Tara.
  • My heart quickly sunk and I rushed to the entrance of Tam-Tara.
  • There I saw Paiyo a mess leaving with a group of adventurers.
  • I entered Tam-Tara without any skills of combat hoping I be able to find Edda she was always the calm one of the group.
  • Everything was dark.
  • Torches suddenly lit as I walked by I heard a loud twisted laugh seeing Edda pale and with a cynical smile.
  • I ran as fast as I could getting lost Tam-Tara spending my time running from Edda.
  • Spending more time there made me see what truly was of Edda and it made me want to leave even more.
  • I spent weeks running from her waiting for someone and having her twist my thoughts.
  • I awaited for someone to come save me.
  • Months soon went by and time faded away.
  • I lived off of anything edible in my surroundings.
  • A group of adventurers found me one day helping me escape Edda.
  • My eyesight had change from being in the darkness for so long and my mind had also been broken.
    The Void Ideas:
    • A Conjurer gets a request to help assist a group of adventurers who are getting rid of a demon named Buso who has taken over a nearby Mineshaft.
    • Her duty is help assist the group while they defeat Buso.
    • The battle is successful but last second everything goes wrong.
    • The Void is very unhappy and drags the Conjurer to the Void.
    • Conjurer becomes trapped in the void.
    • Being tortured as entertainment, stealing her aether when needed but letting her stay alive for their enjoyment.
    • She awakes in Eorzea unsure of what happened but with a burning sensation in her head that will not go away.
    • She travels to the crowded streets of Ul'dah.
    • Orbs of light flow everywhere and twisted faceless demons dance around feasting.
    • The imprints in her mind and odd flash backs have seemed to effected her brain in a way that she is able to see the voidsent and who they are latched onto.
    • But also making herself in danger because of the voidsent knowing that she has this ability to see them.
      The Void Ideas 2:

    • An honest farmers daughter from Limsa who has two sisters
    • One sister is an archer
    • The other is a blacksmith
    • Unsure of what she wants she continues to live along side her father who hates his job, he wishing to one day be a rich merchant.
    • Both of her sisters went off to travel leaving her and her father alone
    • She loves her father but he complains a lot causing her to one day snap yelling at him
    • He takes her yelling at him very serious and forbids her from going outside
    • She thinks that he may be plotting something for him to get that wealth he wanted out of her
    • Shortly after her sister the archer returns maddened and sick she has been over exposed to Aether from her travels.
    • He hires a white mage to look into the archers health, she tells him that she has been over exposed and the only way to cure her is of voidsent blood
    • The father fetches his daughter and drags her up to an area that most people do not dare go to.
    • A voidsent appears and just stares at the man
    • "If I give you my daughter, can I have some of your blood?"
    • The voidsent seems interested and offers some of his blood for the human.
    • The voidsent takes the hyur daughter back to the void where she spends many of her years.
    • Her mind is blank she can not handle anymore of the void.
    • Seeing her as a used doll the voidsent release her back to Limsa where the once world she loved so dearly she could no longer remember.

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ArmachiA - 03-20-2015

I don't quite understand your backstory... are you a Norse Goddess? Those don't exist in FFXIV and Odin is a Primal, not a God.

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ValkyrieRangris - 03-20-2015

(03-20-2015, 07:20 AM)ArmachiA Wrote: I don't quite understand your backstory... are you a Norse Goddess? Those don't exist in FFXIV and Odin is a Primal, not a God.
Hello Armachi,
Character background was inspired by Norse mythology and Ragnarok Onlines Valkryie Rangris.My character starts off as a servant for Freya but causes problems for herself causing Odin to banish her to a different world to live as a mortal. I know god backgrounds are frowned upon but my character is weak and not god like in FFXIV just very socially off and not use to living as a Hyur.

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - Virella - 03-20-2015

Rework your background completely if you wish to be lore friendly.

FFXIV has awesome lore, have a look into it, you will surely like it. :)

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ArmachiA - 03-20-2015

So, your character is from Earthen God lore but was banish to Hydaelyn? I certainly can't tell you not to do that but, to be honest, you're not gonna find a lot of people who would be down with that and want to RP that you're character is a God... from Earth... while there is evidence of being able to travel between worlds - it seems that only Final Fantasy worlds are connected and Earth isn't Final Fantasy

Also you're character wouldn't be a White Mage. Period. A Conjurer, sure, but saying your character from Earthen God lore is going to get the blessing of the Elementals to be a White Mage and use the Succor is just against all lore ever.

I'm just trying to stick to the facts with lore, and not... interject my opinion.

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ValkyrieRangris - 03-20-2015

(03-20-2015, 07:51 AM)Virella Wrote: Rework your background completely if you wish to be lore friendly.

FFXIV has awesome lore, have a look into it, you will surely like it. Smile
I was not really interested in the lore to be honest. I rather build a character entering world like its fresh and build up from there.

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - Domri Blackblade - 03-20-2015

(03-20-2015, 07:55 AM)ValkyrieRangris Wrote:
(03-20-2015, 07:51 AM)Virella Wrote: Rework your background completely if you wish to be lore friendly.

FFXIV has awesome lore, have a look into it, you will surely like it. Smile
I was not really interested in the lore to be honest. I rather build a character entering world like its fresh and build up from there.


RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - Virella - 03-20-2015

(03-20-2015, 07:55 AM)ValkyrieRangris Wrote:
(03-20-2015, 07:51 AM)Virella Wrote: Rework your background completely if you wish to be lore friendly.

FFXIV has awesome lore, have a look into it, you will surely like it. Smile
I was not really interested in the lore to be honest. I rather build a character entering world like its fresh and build up from there.
And why are you asking for advice then? If not only to stir drama?

I'm really at loss here.

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ValkyrieRangris - 03-20-2015

(03-20-2015, 07:53 AM)ArmachiA Wrote: So, your character is from Earthen God lore but was banish to Hydaelyn? I certainly can't tell you not to do that but, to be honest, you're not gonna find a lot of people who would be down with that and want to RP that you're character is a God... from Earth... while there is evidence of being able to travel between worlds - it seems that only Final Fantasy worlds are connected and Earth isn't Final Fantasy

Also you're character wouldn't be a White Mage. Period. A Conjurer, sure, but saying your character from Earthen God lore is going to get the blessing of the Elementals to be a White Mage and use the Succor is just against all lore ever.

I'm just trying to stick to the facts with lore, and not... interject my opinion.
White mage because of a Valkyrie.

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ArmachiA - 03-20-2015

(03-20-2015, 07:55 AM)ValkyrieRangris Wrote:
(03-20-2015, 07:51 AM)Virella Wrote: Rework your background completely if you wish to be lore friendly.

FFXIV has awesome lore, have a look into it, you will surely like it. Smile
I was not really interested in the lore to be honest. I rather build a character entering world like its fresh and build up from there.

A...are you a troll?

Valkerie or not, the Elementals would never let her access the Succor. They control who gets to use it.

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ValkyrieRangris - 03-20-2015

(03-20-2015, 07:57 AM)Virella Wrote:
(03-20-2015, 07:55 AM)ValkyrieRangris Wrote:
(03-20-2015, 07:51 AM)Virella Wrote: Rework your background completely if you wish to be lore friendly.

FFXIV has awesome lore, have a look into it, you will surely like it. Smile
I was not really interested in the lore to be honest. I rather build a character entering world like its fresh and build up from there.
And why are you asking for advice then? If not only to stir drama?

I'm really at loss here.
So I have to build something cookie cutter? I was hoping to not be a fishmans daughter. I am cool with other people doing that but that is not what I am looking for myself. Oh well. I guess I will just roleplay else where. Thank you for the help anyway. Better to find this out now than to spend time into something that is not for me.

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ArmachiA - 03-20-2015

It's not about cookie cutter. Why would you roleplay in a game where you ignore the lore completely? That makes... no sense. The lore IS THE WORLD, if you ignore the world and the rules that govern the world... why are you here?

I like how you assume a fisherman's daughter would be boring though...

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ValkyrieRangris - 03-20-2015

(03-20-2015, 08:04 AM)ArmachiA Wrote: It's not about cookie cutter. Why would you roleplay in a game where you ignore the lore completely? That makes... no sense. The lore IS THE WORLD, if you ignore the world and the rules that govern the world... why are you here?

I like how you assume a fisherman's daughter would be boring though...
A world is something that can be built on without restrictions. I do not find roleplaying as a fishermans daughter exciting and I do not see it as an issue if others enjoy it. I do not like roleplaying as a fishermans daughter for myself though.

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ArmachiA - 03-20-2015

This world is already built however, it's built by the Developers and GMs of the game, so it indeed has restrictions. This world isn't built by us, the players, it's built by an extensive team at Square Enix. They gave the world it's own set of rules and checks/balances that - as characters living in Eorzea - our characters abide by (Because that is their reality, it is like Humans and Earth. There are certain rulesour reality has). They made they rules, completely ignoring them is basically saying "I do not want to live in your world" which again, why are you rping here then?

RE: New to roleplaying on ffxiv - ValkyrieRangris - 03-20-2015

(03-20-2015, 08:11 AM)ArmachiA Wrote: This world is already built however, it's built by the Developers and GMs of the game, so it indeed has restrictions. This world isn't built by us, the players, it's built by an extensive team at Square Enix. They gave the world it's own set of rules and checks/balances that - as characters living in Eorzea - our characters abide by (Because that is their reality, it is like Humans and Earth. There are certain rulesour reality has). They made they rules, completely ignoring them is basically saying "I do not want to live in your world" which again, why are you rping here then?
Real roleplaying can build the world around you. Its text based everything does not need to be accurate to what is really around you. How the world is described is based on your thoughts and writing not the graphics or going down to every mechanic that is built in the game.