Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Looking to find old aquaintances from Evindra and WRA - Printable Version

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Looking to find old aquaintances from Evindra and WRA - Twintania - 03-20-2015

(I wasn't quite sure of where to put this thread, please feel free to move it if I made it in the wrong section!)

New player reporting in. After a few bumps in other games, I decided to give FFXIV a shot. I'm somewhat aware a few peeps I met on Wildstar and World of Warcraft play in Balmung now, so I'd like to try and see some familiar faces again!

I played Wildstar a few months after launch as Eugene on Evindra, a Mordresh Warrior. Worth noting is I ocassionally hung around the guys from Nebcon.
As for WoW, I've been on and off in Wyrmrest Accord since Wotlk on different characters, more often than not as Ramses and Xucumatz.

So! If by any chance you recognize the name, I'd love to get in contact and back in the RP loop with some old faces.

RE: Looking to find old aquaintances from Evindra and WRA - Kuopo Kopo - 03-20-2015

I played off and on WRA, but my main server was Moon Guard.  Xucumatz sounds kinda familiar, but I can't be certain.  I had a UD DK named Vhydis.  I don't think I leveled him much at all, but spent a lot of time with RPing.  Did you ever participate in the Forsaken-only RP channel UndercityUnited?  If so, then there's a chance we crossed paths.  It was probably a while ago, though.

Anyroad, if you ever cross paths with Kuopo feel free to start up a random RP conversation!