Hydaelyn Role-Players
Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - Printable Version

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Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - Erenhil Stark - 03-24-2015

I am fairly new to Final Fantasy XIV and have noticed that there really hasn't been many updates for Gilgamesh as of late. Has the roleplay community died there perhaps? If so then I'll just have to do what's needed to make my way to Legacy Server.

P.S. I do apologize if this was placed in the wrong location!

RE: Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - Aya - 03-24-2015

This is entirely hearsay, but I have heard that there is another site for the Gilgamesh RP community that they may be using en lieu of this.  My understanding is that Gilgamesh's RP community is still going strong but that it is smaller and tends to be occur in more close-knit groups.

I have no personal experience with it though, so I may be wrong on either Smile

RE: Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - Erenhil Stark - 03-24-2015

(03-24-2015, 12:03 PM)Aya Wrote: This is entirely hearsay, but I have heard that there is another site for the Gilgamesh RP community that they may be using en lieu of this.  My understanding is that Gilgamesh's RP community is still going strong but that it is smaller and tends to be occur in more close-knit groups.

I have no personal experience with it though, so I may be wrong on either Smile
Aya, you are awesome! I'll just have to broaden my search! Thanks very much for giving me just a tad bit to go on.

RE: Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - Zhavi - 03-24-2015

A quick google search brought me to this site: http://www.gilgamesh-rp.com/

RE: Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - Erenhil Stark - 03-24-2015

(03-24-2015, 12:08 PM)Zhavi Wrote: A quick google search brought me to this site: http://www.gilgamesh-rp.com/
I actually found that one as well! But thank you for posting it.

RE: Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - FreelanceWizard - 03-24-2015

I've put a couple of additional stickies up to help guide people to gilgamesh-rp.com. That's not me trying to get rid of Gilgamesh players or a prelude to removing their forums or anything like that, but merely a way to help improve the visibility of that site as I know some people use it instead of or in addition to the RPC. Smile


RE: Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - Zhavi - 03-24-2015

(03-24-2015, 12:11 PM)Erenhil Stark Wrote:
(03-24-2015, 12:08 PM)Zhavi Wrote: A quick google search brought me to this site: http://www.gilgamesh-rp.com/
I actually found that one as well! But thank you for posting it.

Hehe, I thought you might, but good to be sure! In any case, my best on your rp endeavors and don't feel shy about posting in and around here, either! Smile

RE: Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - No Longer Exists - 03-24-2015

*The brim of Ye Ole Black Hat on the floor lifts slightly*

Once upon a time, Gilgamesh's RP Community shared the RPC but there were (to put it politely) creative differences among individuals. Some viewed Balmung as a towering monolith of RP that stole the sunlight from the other server and others saw the fading of the RP on Gilgamesh as a sign that Balmung's RP was more legit. Everyone had a differing opinion on the reason, which is why only rumor remains of why there's little to no presence from Gilgameshians on the RPC. Regardless, for reasons that I witnessed and will not divulge because I feel they may come off as rude and incendiary, the Gilgamesh community decided to open its own forum and (for the most part) sequester itself. 

As a hat that tends to wind up on various servers (worlds, if you will), I have said it before in various threads and I will continue to say it until the bitter end. The ONLY true difference between the two worlds is style. Gilgameshians have a particular way about their RP, their events, and their connections. Balmung's players are the same way. One isn't greater than the other save in scope: There are more RPers on Balmung than there are on Gilgamesh. That's not conjecture, that's just a statistic born of personal observation. The quality of RP is no different between the two worlds and communities. 

To wrap things up, that is why you won't see much activity for Gilgamesh world. 


*The hat stills*

RE: Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - Haven's Fox - 03-24-2015

We do have a secondary site to the RPC now as listed above. It's been no secret that Gilgamesh is on the smaller side compared to Balmung. So our items can tend to be caught in the tied of other good topics.

While forum participation does not give a direct example of activity. The folks on Balmung are way more active than a good bit of people from our server. That coupled with most FC's having personal sites for members cuts down on the global topics a bit of the time. Even with a dedicated site and FC pages the RPC is a great resource for RP topics already brought up for everyone.

We are still enjoying our time in this game nearly a year and a half later. ^^

RE: Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - Aya - 03-24-2015

(03-24-2015, 03:33 PM)Haven Wrote: We do have a secondary site to the RPC now as listed above. It's been no secret that Gilgamesh is on the smaller side compared to Balmung. So our items can tend to be caught in the tied of other good topics.

While forum participation does not give a direct example of activity. The folks on Balmung are way more active than a good bit of people from our server. That coupled with most FC's having personal sites for members cuts down on the global topics a bit of the time. Even with a dedicated site and FC pages the RPC is a great resource for RP topics already brought up for everyone.

We are still enjoying our time in this game nearly a year and a half later. ^^
Miss you guys!!

RE: Can't help seeing that there is nothing really listed for Gilgamesh - Haven's Fox - 03-24-2015

Blush I still wish we have an official RP server from SE so we can all be friends/enemies and get into troubles together... or drink I vote the drinking!