Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Inactive] Tonberry Trading Troupe <T3-RP> - Printable Version

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Tonberry Trading Troupe <T3-RP> - Nazerin - 04-04-2015

"We come from all walks of life, from different backgrounds, different social tiers...
Each has their own story, their own reasons for what led them down our path...
How it started matters little enough, it's where it ends that matters most..."
W'sano Bajihri 

So here you are.. for whatever reasons fate has lead you to our door, we won't ask and you don't have to tell. Who you are now doesn't have to be who you've been... We write our fates with our own hands, and refuse to let others dictate how the story goes! Misfits, rejects, loners, idealists... all are welcomed to join us at our table.  So pull up a chair, a stool, or prop up against another patron and enjoy a good meal, a cold drink and listen to the tales spun by those around you. No one knows whom they'll find gathered at the "Wanderer's Lantern"...  One can be certain of a few things... the meals are good, the company's better, and nobody here judges another because none of us are what we seem...  

Structure: Heavy Roleplay
Timezone: Americas
Races: Open to all
Alignment: Neutral
Type: Tavern & Mercenary
Age: 18 + OOC
Recruitment Status: Open
Guild Leaders: Ereshkigal Atropos & W'sano Bajihri

"O brothersss of rancor, take up thy lanternsss,
The truth we shall illuminate.
O sistersss of rancor, take up thy knives,
To cleave our foesss with barren hate.
Through this we ssseek our just reward;
Our goddess's glory be ressstored."

~rumored Tonberry  chant
overheard by lone surviving adventurer
in the Wanderer's Palace

"So what is a tonberry you ask? Surely you've heard tales of the green skinned residents of the Wanderer's Palace. The ones garbed in the brown cloaks, endlessly wandering about in search of the hapless idiots foolish enough to step into their ruins unprepared. Armed with only a single lantern in one hand and a viciously sharp knife in the other, these silently meandering assassins will stalk their prey relentlessly... only their final breath or a disabling injury prevents them from slaying that which they've marked for death. From where did they come? What has gives them the hatred that seems to drive them? None seem to know for sure.. and those stupid enough to "investigate" tend to return scarred by the terrors they witnessed within those darkened halls. All that is certain is that those deceived by their appearance and demeanor often don't live to make the mistake a second time.

So why name ourselves after such a beast? Simply put.. because they embody the very traits we see within ourselves. Silent, lethal, and driven by a hate of something deep within our hearts. For some it's an injustice thrust upon us in our youth... for others it's a build up over a lifetime of being abused, ignored, or shamed. The reasons don't often matter, only that each of us have chosen to step out of the light that blinds so many to the truths of our world.
Instead we walk a darker path in the shadows of what others refuse to see, hear, or feel. And those whom we stalk within this shadow world have come to fear us almost as much as the fabled beastmen we named ourselves after...

Silent, lethal, and often overlooked until the moment we choose to strike. "

~W'sano Bajihri

The Tonberry's are a group of mercenaries made up of all manner of backgrounds and skill sets, who've banded together out of our shared hatred for stupidity, ignorance, and corruption. Together we strive to create a place for those who don't seem to belong with anyone else, for the ones that wander not in search of a higher purpose, a grand "calling", but a place where we're not judged for our pasts, for who we are, or those we call friends.

Outcasts whom don't care if you like us, or accept us. We refuse to struggle to fit in, to accept the "social norms" of others.. We are who we choose to be, and our fates are not decided by some "divine will" but by our own hands, and through our own deeds.

There will always be a place beside us for those with the spine to stand for what they believe and spit in the eye of the "established".. who tempt fate with every breath and stand battered at the end of the day defiantly extending their middle fingers to the dying light with a smile and that gleam at promises we'll face the same shit tomorrow without flinching...

Want to hire us? If the pay's good, and the cause interests us, we may just sign on... but understand we're not here to be "heroes", we're here to get the job done. Our methods range from cutthroat assassinations and back-handed tactics, to simply sending our favorite mages in to reduce whatever to ash... and we happily apply them to the tasks we're paid for.

Just be careful what you come seeking to have us do... or you may find a blade at your own throat.

Deep in the lush forest of Gridania one can find a safe haven with a thatch gate surround it.  The heavy wooden doors push open to reveal a welcoming place that draws you in where the chairs are free and the beds are warm.  You can find a roaring stone fireplace, many tables filled with laughing patrons whose ales run over and a bard standing center stage pinning a fine jaunty tune. This can be your home away from home when the wanderlust calls or maybe even you call it home when that lust is sated.

For whatever reasons fate has lead you to our door, you’re here now. We won't ask the whys or hows and you don't have to tell. Who you are now doesn't have to be who you've been... We write our fates with our own hands, and refuse to let others dictate how the story goes! Misfits, rejects, loners, idealists... all are welcomed to join us at our table.  So pull up a chair, a stool, or prop up against another patron and enjoy a good meal, a cold drink and listen to the tales spun by those around you. No one knows whom they'll find gathered at the "Wanderer's Lantern"...  One can be certain of a few things... the beds are soft, the meals are good, the company's better, and nobody here judges another because none of us are what we seem...

What's the Wanderer's Lantern?

The Wanderer’s Lantern is an inn and tavern owned by many and run by its proprietress, Adelina Lee. This saucy little Lalafell will hand you a key and point you in the right direction for cold ale, a hot meal or an even hotter time in the Lantern’s spa. We have open air rooms available as well as keyed rooms for guests that would like a little more privacy for their stay. If one would like to extend their stay to something more permanent, arrangements can be made and an individual key given for a reserved room of their choosing.

OOC Information

The Wanderer's Lantern is a place for casual RP for our members, their friends and anyone who is looking for a quiet place to chat. We'd be willing to host FC meetings for other FCs, "secret" societies and so on and so forth.