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Voidsent possession questions - Printable Version

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Voidsent possession questions - Kurt S. - 04-11-2015

Alright since I've rewrote Nah's past a bit, tweaked a bit of it at least. Right now she's en route back to Gridania with Theula'sae to go stalk her mom. See if Zeean's suspicions were right, the course of action reinforced and tempered by Kahn'a. See if she is possessed or not.

For Ramen's case she's got a lot of aether, the ability to black mage and well is kinda sorta in Amdapor Keep(HM variant) alone..again... about to enter it in a few days time when she's confident in her axing ability. So she's prolly susceptible to possession.

What I'm curious about is how the possession works among a few dozen other things I'll probably list down.

1. First of all what are the possible ways one could be possessed? I can hazily recall that Cocobusi shtick wherein he made a deal with the demon pot or something. Are they usually deals with the devil kinda thing? How easily can they invade someone else's body or can they let's say weaken the host then invade?

2. How long does it take a voidsent to rewrite someone else's personality? I mean if I recall right the voidsent takes over the body and erases the previous owner right? So they get this shiny new body.

3. Okay so I also remember the whole THM storyline wherein they goaded the voidsent out of Cocobusi and then roasted it to oblivion. My question is, if the Voidsent stays too long in a host body would there really be no way to bring the host back? When I say too long I mean like a year-ish. Do they even last that long?

4. Exorcism, is it possible even without a huge surplus of aether? Is there like a way to do it. Is it even really and practically possible?

5. If the voidsent in the body senses danger will it try to defend the host body or does killing the body work to it's advantage?

6. Voidsent feed off the aether of their hosts right or are they just using it a vessel?

7. In relation to question 6, suppose they do feed off aether, do they simply discard the body once it runs dry/low on it and what happens to the body? Does it die?

8. Like how much aether does it take to actually goad a Voidsent out of a body, I mean I'm just pulling stuff from what I remember in the THM storyline, or are there other factors involved that allowed them to goad the voidsent out of Cocobusi and trap her in the physical realm wherein they proceeded to roast her alive?

9. A kitten like Nah can't take on a voidsent alone can't she? Now what if the cartographer Theula'sae were to help? The most I've let her do and implied she can do is help the flames with the Amal'jaa and the Serpents with the Ixal. 

10. Is the voidsent's strength dependent on the host body? Like for example the body can only do Fire but the voidsent can do Firaga, the strain of Firaga would greatly tax the body yes? 

11. Just what exactly happens to the voidsent if the host body dies? Is it like a Soviet terror drone that'll just jump to the next serviceable body or will it have to find some way back to Eorzea and search for someone to make a deal with all over again? Will it manifest itself, battle the hunters then look for another body to invade?

12. Are there any special tools needed to take on a voidsent? Like some charm or something? Or is it alright to just use the nearest burtgang/conquerer/etc?

RE: Voidsent possession questions - Hyakki - 04-11-2015

Succubus card information on possession:
[Image: 9dba515045.png]

RE: Voidsent possession questions - Kurt S. - 04-11-2015

Now if only the image wasn't broken for me.

RE: Voidsent possession questions - Cliodhna Eoghan - 04-11-2015

(04-11-2015, 01:18 AM)Ramuhnuh Wrote: Now if only the image wasn't broken for me.

Succubi manifest on the physical plane by forcing their souls into the bodies of deceased women. Once the transition is complete, the resultant creature is said to be both fair and fey to look upon. Still more disconcerting, researchers claim that these voidsent occasionally exhibit the personality traits of their deceased hosts. succubi occupy the third and fourth rungs of the voidcent hierarchy.

i can see it so there you go o3o