Hydaelyn Role-Players
OoCly being Meta'd in the Grindstone, and where to request an arbiter - Printable Version

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OoCly being Meta'd in the Grindstone, and where to request an arbiter - Caex Vaeriar - 04-11-2015


Today, at the Grindstone, my character was rather on-edge. Due to this, he was RP'd as being on-edge, and trying to keep himself at the far-right end of the line. 

One of the Arbiters came and requested him to be in the line. Rather rudely, at that, so my character scoffed at their interaction with him, and I made clear in the /em text that he was, indeed, in the line. 

At this point, it broke down to vulgarity with the other character, at which point my character did what he would do with anyone who spoke to him that way - he called them a whore. 

To say the least, the interactions escalated IC, and now I'm banned from the Grindstone IC. 

I'd like to know if there is anyone to discuss this with further, as I feel this was OoCly unreasonable and a huge breach and an IC metagame. 

((As a note: I removed all names for privacy reasons.)
Quote:Caex'ra Vaeriar glances to his right at the blue-haired miq. A slight pulling of the lips upwards to show dominant, sharp canines. In his eyes, if one could see them, a rather feral look as he glanced right, then back left, then right again, "Th'ell... G't 'n line."
Arbiter A: "Oy."
Caex'ra Vaeriar scoffs, turning back to his right.
Arbiter A pokes you.
Arbiter A: "Get in line if you're getting in line, or you won't be fighting."
Caex'ra Vaeriar blinks, being poked by a strange light-haired miq, and turns his head. to look towards them, smirk, and waves them off with a hand. Keeping in the line yet keeping himself at the end of it.
THE RP SHOULD HAVE ENDED HERE. There was a small gap, no larger than one person at most, between me and the person to my left. Reasonable distance, not far out like they make it sound* 
Arbiter A: "... I don't think you understand, sweetcheeks.  I'm an overseer, and you're out of bounds.  If you want to fight?  GET.  IN.  LINE.  I'm not about to tug on your dick and play balls-slap to make you obey."
Arbiter A grins at him tauntingly.  Gods, she hates people like this.
Caex'ra Vaeriar glares, he plants his feet, rather firmly, in his spot, "Fuck off, y'whore." He'd say flatly, looking her head on. He reaches back, pulling his spear out, and planting it, rather firmly, to his left - showing the perfect line he was in, "If y'got problem with m'standin' a' th'end, y'can right fuck off."
Arbiter A: "Oops!  Guess you're not in for tonight then!  And you just wish I were a whore, butterdick."
Arbiter A openly laughs at his attitude, flipping him off as she goes back to the rock.
Chachanji Gegenji takes his place at Warren's side! He may feel a little proud about it...
Arbiter A: "Edgelord at the end isn't in line."
BattleWarden: "A moment."
BattleWarden: "You're not new. You disrespect my overseers like that again, and I'll castrate you with my fists. Take a walk, you're not welcome here tonight."
Caex'ra Vaeriar: "Y'can try if you want." He'd say, simply, shaking his head, "But y'whore was th'one that opened that gaping, cock-cravin' maw o'hers t'com badga' me f'being' in line."
BattleWarden looks the fighter evenly in the eyes. He's not being goaded into a fight.
Caex'ra Vaeriar scoffs, shaking his head. He feels a chill run up his spine, glaring to the right, and instantly moving to the man's right. Again - a clear indication of his wish not to be completely surrounded, obviously. Though that tiny gap would surely offend someone. Oh no!
BattleWarden: "Welcome, all of you, to this week's Grindstone. This is certainly a change from last week's gathering... Still, it's good to see a mix of faces old and new. Since there's so many, I'm going to go over the rules."
BattleWarden: "First rule: No killing. This is a martial tournament, not the Bloodsands or a slaughtering field. We're not here to prove ourselves by killing each other, we're here to best one another and above all else - learn how not to be bested."
Darien Onchar >> "If you aren't fighting, you should stand behind the line. Not in it."
Caex'ra Vaeriar glances to Darien, quirking a brow. He growls a bit, "I 'ntend t'fight." He'd say with a low growl. "If th'overseer's whore didn't whine so loudly 'bout me wantin' the end o'the line."
BattleWarden: "Second rule: No magic. No aether. No poisons. No tricks, no traps. This isn't about deceiving your foe into a victory, this is about-" He stops and turns to Caex.
Arbiter A smirks over at Cakes and flips him off again, giving him a little wave.  "Maybe if you stopped calling me a whore, limpnuts, you'd be fighting tonight."
BattleWarden: "Call my wife a whore one more time."
Caex'ra Vaeriar: "Whore."
BattleWarden charges and shield bashes Caex're to the floor.

At this point, he assumed he could meta an attack on my character. He did not roll until I requested it. He even went on to say in OoC text that 'This is why he enforces his own rules'
Caex'ra Vaeriar: (Roll for it.)
[22:04]Random! Warren Castille rolls a 85.
[22:04]Random! You roll a 870.
[22:04]Caex'ra Vaeriar steps to the right, instantly dodging the attack. "What's wrong?" He'd say, smirking at the paladin as he charges by, "Y'whore too busy whisperin' in y'ear that y'can't seem t'see her wettin' 'erself over a tiny gap?"
[22:05]Caex'ra Vaeriar puts his weapon away, scofffin and turnign around, "You're not worth my time."
[22:05]Caex'ra Vaeriar: "Weak."

Quote:1:57]>> BattleWarden: No offense but this is goin' a bit OoC. If you think a gap in the line is an issue, I can happily point out plenty of others to you. ^_^
[21:57]>> BattleWarden: Like that massive one between Andras and Percival/t <
[21:58]BattleWarden >> They don't keep dancing away to be at the end, though.
[21:58]>> BattleWarden: I wanted to put my character at the end of the line because ICly he's uncomfortable being shoulder-to-shoulder
[21:58]>> BattleWarden: Thus, he hsowed agitation WHEN HE TOLD THE ONE WHO TOOK HIS RIGHT, then went and stood on the outside.
[21:58]>> BattleWarden: Everything I did was IC /
[21:58]>> BattleWarden: But freaking out over a tiny gap? Is OoC
[21:59]BattleWarden >> I get that, but everything I did was IC too. I mean, you just called the guy's wife a whore, in front of three dozen people.
[21:59]BattleWarden >> Technically, we should be brawling. But I've got an event starting in 30 seconds
[22:01]>> WBattleWarden: So OoCly going to ask - am I being ICly meta'd out, or no?
[22:01]BattleWarden >> ICly, I don't mind much OOC.
[22:01]>> BattleWarden: Feels meta to me, since he's been in line the whole time
[22:05]BattleWarden >> Now it's an IC ban. lol
[22:05]>> BattleWarden: Shrugs
[22:05]>> BattleWarden: It's meta as hell but it is what it is.
[22:05]>> BattleWarden: Like I said - she came over to bug him about a gap that
just... was inconsequential
[22:06]>> BattleWarden: He only stepped to keep the outside, never leaving the
[22:06]>> BattleWarden: so yea, it's meta.
[22:07]>> BattleWarden: I'm too upset right now to be able to actually RP, unfortunately. So that's why I had to leave. My appologies for that.
[22:08]BattleWarden >> Me too.
[22:08]>> BattleWarden: But seriously. She made an IC deal out of something OoC
[22:08]>> BattleWarden: He was -clearly- in line
[22:10]>> BattleWarden: Caex'ra Vaeriar blinks, being poked by a strange light-haired miq, and turns his head. to look towards them, smirk, and waves them off with a hand. Keeping in the line yet keeping himself at the end of it. <- shoulda ended RIGHT THERE.
[22:10]>> BattleWarden: But she pushed it OoCly
[22:18]>> BattleWarden: Also, fun fact. Before Caex said anything rude, >> Sei' Castille: "... I don't think you understand, sweetcheeks.  I'm an overseer, and you're out of bounds.  If you want to fight?  GET.  IN.  LINE.  I'm not about to tug on your dick and play balls-slap to make you obey." << Vulgarity was thrown at him ^^
[22:18]>> BattleWarden: But please tell me if I offended her OoCly, and I will appologise for that.
[22:18]BattleWarden >> Openly disrespecting her by shrugging her off when she's an oversee was the first mistake. She's a boss here. You were wrong.
[22:18]>> BattleWarden: I made clear in my post he was in the line.
[22:18]>> BattleWarden: Multiple times
[22:18]>> BattleWarden: and he was
[22:19]BattleWarden >> In the smuggest, douchebaggiest way.[22:19]>> BattleWarden: there was barely a person's distance AT MOST between him and the next guy
[22:19]>> BattleWarden: the alternative is for me to walk up to the guy to my left, and rub my shoulder on his
[22:19]>> BattleWarden: and tell him how muscular he feels

[22:34]>> BattleWarden: so can we resolve this OoCly, or no?
[22:35]>> BattleWarden: Becuase I do feel this is a breach on metagaming and would like it resolved proper

[22:04]Random! BattleWarden rolls a 85.
[22:04]Random! You roll a 870.
[22:04]OnlookerB: ((LOL!))
[22:04]OnlookerC: omg ))
[22:04]OnlookerDi: ((damnit toff, you've infected warren))
[22:04]BattleWarden: (Welcome to why I enforce my rules OOC.)

RE: OoCly being Meta'd in the Grindstone, and where to request an arbiter - Edvyn - 04-11-2015

this might be better off in the grindstone thread or as a PM to the organizers

RE: OoCly being Meta'd in the Grindstone, and where to request an arbiter - Caex Vaeriar - 04-11-2015

I thought I had tried to post in the Grindstone thread, however I might have had the old one (pulled up via google.) 

would you possibly be able to direct me to where I can link this post to them? as I feel this is an IC/OoC issue, I would like more help.

RE: OoCly being Meta'd in the Grindstone, and where to request an arbiter - Warren Castille - 04-11-2015

So your character is allowed to be an edgelord but no one's allowed to give him grief back? Grow up, you instigated a fight with the people running an event ICly and then they responded ICly. There's no "meta." You were a cunt, and you got treated like one.

Turns out there's consequences to being an anti-social gives-no-fucks person with no respect for anyone: You miss out on social privileges.

Edit, for posterity:

If anyone else wants to come to the Grindstone and get mouthy with the Overseers, you're free to do so. You, too, will be told to leave.