Hydaelyn Role-Players
Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Printable Version

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Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - FreelanceWizard - 04-29-2015

I got a proposal from a member recently that I thought had merit, but I wanted to run it past the community as a whole to see what you all think about it.

The idea is an "RP in Progress" area that's something like a "live thread" in Reddit-speak. Someone who's currently RPing somewhere, or who wants to start RP somewhere by being available there right now, would make a post indicating the location and their character name. That would then let people see where to go to strike up some RP that's not in the usual hot spots. This would only be open RP; closed scenes would not be posted here.

Originally, the idea was to have an auto-pruning forum for this purpose, but then I figured we could actually employ other systems. So, please vote on whether you'd use such a system and what your preferred mechanism is. I'll leave this poll open for, oh, 7 days. Feel free to comment on or ask questions about the proposal below.

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Kage - 04-29-2015

Psst. Is the poll here or some where else? There it is

I remember a few months ago someone made/had a thread similar to this? People posted in the thread if they were somewhere and IC, people could see they were and decide to go RP with them or not.

This is the idea right? Could you possibly go into more detail about them because I feel like I don't know enough on any to make an informed decision.

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Desu Nee - 04-29-2015

(04-29-2015, 12:41 PM)Kage Wrote: Psst. Is the poll here or some where else? There it is

I remember a few months ago someone made/had a thread similar to this? People posted in the thread if they were somewhere and IC, people could see they were and decide to go RP with them or not.

This is the idea right? Could you possibly go into more detail about them because I feel like I don't know enough on any to make an informed decision.
From what I gather, you would post being in a place, and calling anyone around RPC wanting to rp to rp with you if you wanted.

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Nebbs - 04-29-2015

Yes i would use it, if it was easy to do and it could accommodate the changes of a character moving about.

It may also be useful to allow for group RP posting, otherwise we get many many individual posts.

Then maybe a dashboard with RP hotspots (based on counts), and filter by an area.

You would just need Name, location, for how long
Then maybe set a forced time-out of 3hrs?

ofc if like me you assume everyone is IC then you can use in game lists to find them Smile

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Warren Castille - 04-29-2015

Could be nice. Maybe auto-prune on a 24hour basis (or shorter? 12?) so that people don't get their hopes up way late to the party.

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Kage - 04-29-2015

Well I was curious how the system would be implemented and how the three ideas would work. Perhaps a mock up.

To be honest, I was just curious about the auto-pruning. I assume it's just set to erase posts/threads after a certain time limit.

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Unnamed Mercenary - 04-29-2015

I could see it working with maybe a 3-hour auto-prune. Anything more than that, and the scene could have really deviated away. (Not to mention many of the open-world events are about 3 hours, form the ones I've seen).

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - FreelanceWizard - 04-29-2015

Yeah, the auto-prune would just zap posts after some time limit (I was also thinking about 3 hours). That way, it'd always be up to date.

For a live stream out of the chat server, that'd just be a box on the left side (or maybe I'd bring back the forum intro page for it) that shows posts in real time. People would hop into the chat channel for it, make their short post, then hop back out, and it'd appear on the forums. It'd only display the last 10-20 posts, which would serve as the pruning, and there'd be a timestamp display.

For Twitter, I'd set up an account (something like @RPCInProgress) and use a bot to retweet tweets at the account. Alternatively, we might decide on a hashtag and just have something on the forum show everything posted under that hashtag. As with chat, it'd only show the last 10-20 tweets along with a timestamp.

For the wiki, it'd be a lot like the various Wikipedia noticeboards; I'd probably install LiquidThreads and use that to manage the page, possibly with a cron job on the server to archive old ones off periodically.

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Gegenji - 04-29-2015

So, like Eorzean Foursquare? I could get behind that.

"Judge has entered the Quicksand."

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Warren Castille - 04-29-2015

(04-29-2015, 01:07 PM)Gegenji Wrote: "JUDGE has entered the Quicksand."

Show Content

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Dasair - 04-29-2015

I voted for a few options, entirely because 'if it was there, I'd use it', but after hearing them explained, I like the auto-pruning Forum one the best.

If a bunch of people have things going at once, they might be bumped off pretty quickly with the chat option. And I can see people posting into a 'limited space chat' that removes posts not based on time, but based on how many others are also posting being.. an issue for some prople? Such as people also being conscious of that, and maybe forgoing posting altogether, because they don't want to bump someone else's RP notice off.

But those are just vague thoughts based on what I'm picturing for this; it might not be like that at all, necessarily.

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Mercer - 04-29-2015

I think a hybrid system between chat and forum could work, if that is possible.

Like the chat system would be running like a ticker, updating to show new threads being made in the RP in Progress forum. That way people can see that RP is happening, while also giving people a chance to see who is RPing where and communicating exactly who/where they are meeting up.

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Kage - 04-29-2015

I voted for the auto-pruning and the shoutbox but I have much more reservations about the shoutbox.

Depending on the activity it sees, the shoutbox may be too limited in the amount of posts it displays, for that reason I think the auto-pruning forum section would probably work the best out of the current options.

Unfortunately I really don't think twitter would be all that great since I imagine that it requires a twitter account or people to actually -use- twitter.

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Merai the Vixen - 04-29-2015

I kinda made a thread like this with this idea....but it seemed to die Sad

It was "instant rp".

RE: Proposal: "RP in Progess" live area - Chris Ganale - 04-29-2015

I am all for this idea because otherwise my characters loaf around our FC house and do no progression until I get fed up with stories not progressing, think that enough time has passed, and just write it into their wikis.

That said, I suggest that perhaps two or more of the systems be used as a redundancy, such as the chatbox and a forum thread, so that people don't miss out. It may seem excessive but having a backup couldn't really hurt. Admittedly, though, this is from a military-experience mindset that says have a secondary for everything because just when you think you've idiot-proofed something, they send you a better idiot.