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[Balmung] Imperial Entanglements - Printable Version

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Imperial Entanglements - Chris Ganale - 05-02-2015

To further along Chao's story and get her going after some darker things relating to her magic, I'm arranging an event involving an attack by a Garlean assassination squad. I need approximately three individuals willing to play the role of NPC Garleans for this event. It is a semi-scripted event and the Garleans do suffer a total defeat, but it's also intended to be an incredibly-difficult battle that does a number on Chao. That said, the "script" begins and ends at "the Garleans lose" and the entire battle is open to free story-telling. On that note, I don't utilize dice systems. Any interested parties I would need to have a short discussion with because of her non-standard combat style.

tl;dr version:

What I Need: 2-3 people to play Garlean NPCs (Mended Imperial uniforms required)
When I Need It: Don't know yet, Soonâ„¢
Freeform/Scripted: Ending is scripted (Garleans lose), combat is freeform
Dice System: No

Any other questions or things I forgot to cover (I'm scatterbrained), feel free to ask.

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Unnamed Mercenary - 05-02-2015

Potentially interested, depending on when it happens.

Being a Garlean NPC was my first actually RP in this game. It could be fun to revisit actually being part of the Empire.

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Chris Ganale - 05-02-2015

I want to do it sometime in the next few weeks, but haven't determined a date yet. I'm borrowing another FC's front yard to do it at and I want to make sure I don't interfere with any of their events, so I've got to see what my work schedule allows for.

I had a sneaking suspicion you might show interest.

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Cliodhna Eoghan - 05-02-2015

hmm.....sound like fun if i dont have anything planned prior, count me in x3

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Chris Ganale - 05-03-2015

Well, I need to double-check with a fellow in one of my ls's that expressed interest, and if he's still up for it, that'll fill my quota. Don't want to have too many involved or it gets way too drawn out.

I'll make another post tomorrow yea or nay if I still need people, then I'll start seeing what date and time works for everyone. I can already say as a preliminary that my first pick would be a Friday evening/night, but that's not remotely set in stone.

Thanks ahead of time for being willing to lend a hand, guys.

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Cliodhna Eoghan - 05-03-2015

well if three is too many i can always drop out so the others can have fun :3 just let me know ether way o3o

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Chris Ganale - 05-03-2015

Three is my comfortable goal. I feel that three will present a recognizable threat (especially prepared as they will be for Chao's shenanigans) while still being small enough to keep the flow of posts reasonable. I don't know how many, if any at all, will participate from the FC whose yard we're going to blow up.

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Chris Ganale - 05-06-2015

Short reminder that I still need one more interested individual to play the role of a Garlean NPC. I know I want to have a magitek reaper involved, but I've yet to decide if I want three dismounts + the reaper or to put the third Garlean on the reaper. The only reason I'm setting such a low engagement force when we've seen Garlemald in duties throw upwards of 15-20 troops + reapers and vanguards at someone they want dead is to streamline the RP and make it fast and enjoyable for all.

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Desu Nee - 05-06-2015

I would do, and I even got the Garlean clothes, but I'm a Lalafel, and all my alts are level 1. Good luck tho.

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Chris Ganale - 05-06-2015

I don't see a problem with having a lalafell. Hell, the last written attack on Chao by Garlean agents was started by a lalafell.

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Chris Ganale - 05-20-2015

Still searching for that fabled third Garlean. I do feel as though I want a fourth now to ride a reaper but at this point I'll settle for just three.

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Unnamed Mercenary - 05-20-2015

Poked people in Regnum Garlemald or in Ad Victorium?

*crossing fingers he can make it still* I'll be on a two week hiatus while out of country.

RE: Imperial Entanglements - Chris Ganale - 05-20-2015

I'm not precisely sure how to go about doing that; asking in either thread seems to me like being selfish and causing clutter at the same time, and sending a /t or PM to the leaders doesn't guarantee word will get out.

And I can always delay it if need be. Gives Chao more time to enhance her new superweapon develop the µ arc.