Hydaelyn Role-Players
Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Printable Version

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Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Shade0017 - 05-18-2015

Hey all,

So for the longest one now I've told myself I'm gonna start roleplaying, then my FC was like "let's do coil!" So I joined in on that. Then crafting and gathering got in my way, you know, the game got in my way, but this time I won't be distracted! This is what I have in mind lemme know what you think. Smile

How do I put this. An Astrologin that focuses more on studying the celestial bodies and their effects rather than the fortune telling aspect I see a bunch of my friends going with. She'll run a sort of planetarium type establishment that will teach all who are interested about the celestial bodies in the sky and their purpose. I'm trying a real world scientific approach mixed with mythology from the game's lore.

I haven't decided if she will also teach astromancy to those willing. I've written up some cheat sheets for reference information that I'd love to get more feed back on.

I plan to have one of these for everything, the twelve, all the primals, even every day people(upon request Tongue ) so lemme know what you think.

As for the presentation bit, I thought using the star globe and a bit of magic one could use it to project the object in question, mixed with real observations at night out in the wilds.

Quote:Name: Hyda-2419
Type: Type O star
Constellation: -Insert some light dark name here-
Viewable(From Eorzea): All year from just before dusk till after dawn.
Description: The star Hyda-2419 has many names, but is most commonly referred to the mother star or the Northern star and represents the goddess Hydaelyn in all Astrological practices.

Hyda-2419 is believed to be a type O star or a blue giant. Roughly fifteen to thirty times larger than the sun that basks Eorzea and about 1000 times as bright.

The mother star encircles a mysterious object. A object that gives off no visible light and appears to have great mass. Under certain circumstances Hyda-2419 will become unstable and begin to start to drop closer towards the mysterious object. Some Astrologions suspect that this is a sign of darkness gaining a foothold in their struggle against Hydaelyn, but have no significant proof to support it at this time. For further explanations see, Zod-BH42.

Prediction context: good fortune, health and so on.

Presentation macro:

I apologize in advance, my brains kinda all over the place with ideas and planning so I hope this makes sense.

RE: Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Gegenji - 05-18-2015

That's definitely an interesting approach, and it'd be neat to see an Astronomer as opposed to an Astrologist. However, we'd still need to know how much the Eorzeans know about their universe and how the stars actually work. For example - the blue giant in your blurb. Would they know that there are stars out there that are, in actuality, bigger then Hydaelyn's sun?

In fact, can we fully say that the heavens in the FFXIV universe work like ours? For all we know, it could follow the Celestial Spheres model or something completely different from our Heliocentric system sitting on the arm of a massive galaxy. After all, somehow the Ishgardians are using the movements of the stars to accurately tell when the Dravanian Hordes are going to attack.

I still think it'd be a fun thing to play - using a scientific approach - but I'd keep an eye on the lore so that it fits the "science" as presented in the game.

RE: Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Shade0017 - 05-18-2015

I agree with everything you say, we just don't know yet(and maybe never will to the degree we want) and I'm making a lot of assumptions and speculations with what I have in mind.  There really is no way the people would use the same classification system we use, in fact having any scientific name at all is a stretch.  But, I really can't pass up an opportunity to maybe spark the interest of others through my roleplay. Smile

For all we know aether may play a role in how they can predict dragon attacks by the stars.  Let's say all the stars are connected through said aether, thus allowing events on one to affect the other.  So the dragons attacks could be revealed through the stars by this link and then it could be said that each stars position relative to the others could influence this link in certain ways.  For example, my birth star is currently passing close to whatever star is represented by ifrit and Zodirks(I'm pretty sure this is spelled wrong , Hydaelyn rival).  This would be a bad thing, it could result in a possible house fire, that would burn it to nothing but ashes.

It would be my characters job, hobby, whatever to discover such links and then let the others discover what said link means.  Just some more ideas. 

RE: Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Gegenji - 05-18-2015

Well, once we get some more lore (likely through the AST quest chain), I'm sure you'll have more information to go on. And then, if there's still some holes, then there's your wiggle-room to play around with it!

No categorization of stars? "This is a methodology of documenting the type of star based off its color, which I (my teacher/my school) created."

No set naming convention? "We give them a name based off which month of the Twelve it was discovered on, then a number based on day and year. For example, this would be Thaliak-161563. Its founder nicknamed it 'Andieux,' after their recently departed father."

So, feel free to play around with some ideas and get a feel for how your character would work! Only a month away until we get to find out more!

RE: Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Shade0017 - 05-18-2015

Surprise Do you have a link to your source for that!?  I didn't know anything like that was out yet.

RE: Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Gegenji - 05-18-2015

Oh, that's just stuff I made up, sorry. It's not actually real; I was just providing ideas on how you could provide material where the lore is lacking. Feel free to use it if you'd like, though. I've always been a bit of a space nut. Laugh

RE: Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Shade0017 - 05-18-2015

Oh, well that's mildly embarrassing.... Guess I'm itching a little to much for more information about this aspect of the universe.  A month is far to long for me... Is it here yet?  Actually I can wait for the expansion, just gimme that tasty lore!

I do like your ideas and will fit them in to my grand scheme.  This is turning out to be a lot more work than I originally thought.  This'll be fun. Smile

Thank you for all your replies. Smile

RE: Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Goodfellow - 05-18-2015

I'm not sure if it will be any help to you, but I asked some related questions a little while back in this thread.  Check out the second question answered in Sounsyy's first reply.

You're not alone in wanting to focus a little more on the skies above than the cards below, but we don't even know the model of Hydaelyn's solar system, much less the galaxy universe as a whole.  For all we know, the stars are simply the fixed firmament of some final Ptolemaic outer sphere.  I'm tempted to call the universe a contained set of concentric spheres, given the astrologians' weapon is a Star Globe, but we really don't know.

RE: Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - allgivenover - 05-18-2015

While an interesting idea, I'm very, very hesitant to give approval to the idea of going around using modern astronomy understanding in character. Stuff like "gas giant", "type-O", and "thirty times greater than our own star"  is making a HUGE number of assumptions regarding the cosmology of XIV's universe.

Additionally, I suspect that Astrologians only study the MOVEMENT of the stars and use that as a way to divine predictions and cast spells, it remains to be seen if they have a real scientific understanding of what they are - giant balls of gas undergoing nuclear fusion to produce great amounts of energy. I actually think it very unlikely they have that great an understanding, though I could be wrong.

RE: Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Ilwe'ran - 05-18-2015

Does those help a bit to your project Smile ?

[Image: Stellar_map.png]

[Image: Stellar_Map_FFXI_Art.png]

If you see the second one small, click here then on "full resolution"

PS : Those are from FF11, but maybe it can help with the way they name stars, etc. on FF14 ? I remember there was a topic about that on the official forum.
Found it : http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/142965-The-Astronomical-Society-of-Eorzea Wink !

RE: Astrologan, the stars, my ideas, feedback. Let's discuss! - Aduu Avagnar - 05-19-2015

they did state that we'll be getting a ton more lore on stars and constellations and the like come heavensward, so I guess please look forwards to it?