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The Story— PROLOGUE —
In the present-day, Seventh Umbral Era, year 5 (or 6?) the character "Ian Carlson" met with a strange fate in the South Shroud. An object plummeted from the heavens and crashed into the marshy camp tranquil surroundings, while most dismissed it as a simple meteorite, he came up to it, and found a woman there, vivid purple hair, creamy divine perfect skin. When approached, she asked him where she was. Responding with the camp tranquil locale, and the continent/Eorzea realm, the woman looked at him strangely, not understanding those words. He asked if she had any amnesia, but instead shook her head telling him she had none. As she walked off, he looked into his scholar devices to check her aether, and to his surprise, she had none, not even a connection. He theorized, she may not from this planet at all, nor even a voidsent.
After this, several weeks had past... he mentioned the event to one named Nuzui Hojima while in the Carline Canopy. He hasn't seen the purple-haired beauty since, and he believes she is purposely avoiding him somehow. He met with others after telling his story to Nuzumi, they gave him some advice, potentially seeking out information from the ossuary in Thanalan, but knowing he wasn't exactly welcome there, he mentioned Coerthas, and suddenly found a potential lead! He rushed quickly out of the Canopy in Gridania, rain or not, and headed off to Coerthas to find out if the other researchers there saw any strange objects fall to Eorzea during that day.
Ian Carlson headed out the White Wolf Gate, so that he would not arouse suspicion, although due to his stern and collected state, he was quite different than most relaxed lalafelleans as he dashed and mounted out of Gridania. As his faithful chocobo dashed through the Central and then North Shroud, he came upon the wanted mark "Phecda", fortunately for him, it was off his path, he quickly dashed off once more toward Fallgourd Float, a short rest ensued of course. He soon found himself dashing into the Bobbing Cork to escape the rain and rest, stabling his mount nearby so he could use it after the rain had passed, he waited there, sighing in relief that he might be one step closer.
While resting in the Bobbing Cork, he met with a woman named Nalli Blythe, a kind woman, perhaps a bit energetic to a fault, but she opened up to him as they conversed. The rain had stopped while they conversed, but he was so interested in her due to her kind nature that he lost quite a bit of time.... As fate would have it, he soon explained what he was doing, as odd as it sounded to other passersby, the woman listened intently, she raised the question about it being the only time he's seen her, and he responded affirmatively. He mentioned about his affliction as well, responding with an "Oh dear" or similar, she agreed it was quite an affliction. Ian offered the woman to come with him to Coerthas if she desired.
The beautiful woman, Nalli agreed to the excursion, saying the friend she mentioned during the conversation, could wait a while longer. The rode off to Coerthas, finding snow and blizzards. Commenting on the snow positively, they soon arrived in the "First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena," where they stabled their chocobos. Ian looked a bit solemnly at the soldiers and buildings... while he had been here many times before, it all looks more... welcoming yet... a bit sad, due to what had happened when he stepped foot into the Steps of Faith and helped defend Ishgard.
After going inside the main tower of the Observatorium, the two conversed, exchanging compliments, and even offering hugs to eachother... ian explained to Nalli that she had quite the qualities he looked for in a woman... she started to think that he was quite the complimenter as such. Humbling himself to no end, rather forgetful of his current ask. The two of them blushed and embarrassingly looked at eachother like a newfound couple even. Onlookers smiled a bit warmly, sometimes whispering that they should express their emotions further. Before long though... Ian soon went into his normal trance of staring into a lovely maiden's eyes... and soon he realized that he should head off to find out information on his lead. They ran quite quickly, Ian still flustered all the while, he almost runs right off the stairs right before the first platform. Nalli gently pats him to soothe his senses as such.
They soon head up to the next platform, where many books are gathered... he soon finds a ladder that might let him reach, but the steps are too far apart for his short stature, Nalli on the other hand climbs it with ease, and soon plucks a book for him to read.... He soon finds a bit in the book, finding a table and setting it down to read from a chair. The book stated that there was indeed an object that day, and that the observers could not tell what the object was due to flame and whatnot blocking their view. The logs stated that onlookers saw Ian go to the object, but after he had, memories seem foggy, as if erased. Nothing more was pursued as the onlookers didn't give out the name of Ian, in fear that his status as a White Mage or otherwise may hinder their own lives. While it doesn't confirm anything further than what he had known, he now has physical evidence tying him to the day and time....
After putting back the book... Ian had asked Nalli if they could, after this had been resolved... get together. She soon replied that she, was taken. Ian soon went to sulking in a corner... but when Nalli went to console him... he shot a glare, unlike he normally does... his scholar device going down and activating, and the eye under it going purple. A woman's voice soon replied in a bit of a harsh tone, saying that she shouldn't tug his heart strings so. The woman was taken aback, wondering if this was Ian still. The woman responded that it was indeed not, and instead, it was the woman that Ian had been searching for, "Ryuri Akatsuki."