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Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Printable Version

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Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Melodia - 07-08-2015

So, I finished the MSQ and I loved it. Lots of great stuff.

But I find myself with mixed emotions of the game now, and I am wondering if I am alone or if other veteran MMO players can relate. I am happy I finished, but I took my time and in a way feel a bit left behind others. Not in a negative way, but in a "Damn....I feel slow" way. I hit 60 and in a way it was a bit underwhelming. Maybe it was the lack of reward. When we hit 50 we got a cool set of armor, could start that relic quest, etc. Here, we just got a new skill and literally told "Your item level isn't high enough so go buy some gear or farm this dungeon."  So I felt a bit like "Oh....that's all?" at the end. Am I wrong for that? Just feel a bit conflicted there.

And with Alexander and the law tomes....I sort of feel like this game has become a world where the hunting groups thrive and folks who tend to be casual like myself, really, in a Darwinian sense, struggle to keep up with the game itself. And it's made me less excited to log in. And I hate that feeling. Lol. So someone talk to me.....am I wrong? Is this normal? I just feel like I was happy and disappointed all at the same time as this doesn't feel like the game I've loved for the past year plus. HALLLP!

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Gegenji - 07-08-2015

Well, we WILL be getting the nice set of gear and a relic to work on in the future for hitting 60. It's just not in the game yet. Just like we don't have /fistbump or the other new Recruit-a-Friend rewards yet either. It's all coming down the pipe, though, so the old standby of "look forward to it!" applies here.

Also, the hunt groups are just the ones who are going to be super-geared and even I'm pretty amazed by some of them (I saw one last week already in full i180 and the Ravana EX i190 sword and shield). I got Chachan to i170 (the level needed to enter Alexander) in a few days just by doing the daily Expert and Trial roulettes for the bonus Law and a couple accessory upgrades from doing the daily "beat this up" hunts a couple time. No actual serious grinding or A/S Hunting involved. It'll be even faster if you help out your friends on their first time through the level 60 stuff too.

So, I suppose, my best suggestion is to be patient - 50 had so much to do after the fact because so much was added after the fact. I don't think vanilla 2.0 50 had much to do at that point either, but I wasn't there for that. Blush

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Chris Ganale - 07-08-2015

Pretty well echoing Chachanji here. I've got Tahz at i173 right now with only two pieces being Valerian (holy shit, that word was in my auto-correct) instead of law and I only do daily roulettes. Half my stuff is upgraded because I've done the daily hunts nigh-religiously every day after I figured out they were a grand total of 110 seals a day plus some nice bonus xp pre-60.

Further, 3.0 may feel unfinished for those of us who started well after 2.0 launch and were spoiled by having all content immediately available to us. Relic weapons weren't available until 2.1, after all.

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Magellan - 07-08-2015

I hear ya Mel. I haven't even touched HW, and I'm already feeling the burnout. I log on, feel like there's no way to feel that rewarding sense of accomplishment I so love, and go play other games.

It happened so fast too. One minute I was all 'lalalala I love ARR'. Then HW came and I was just 'meh.'

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - -no longer matters- - 07-08-2015

I've recently returned, I had to get myself to 50 (I was 42 on War Siren, and 46 in Nico) do all the ARR story content to go back to level 30 once I unlocked my preferred class, and Now I'm dungeon grinding to get back to 50 to do HW content.. but I am having a blast. 

I did play back in 2.0 (then quit, then came back in 2.1 - 2.2) then quit for Wildstar (regret that.) and now I'm back because they finally released my FFXI class of choice Dark Knight (a class I played and loved through good and bad times in XI and I'll do it here too!!). So I'm just thrilled to have my class back.

But that said maybe I'm still having fun because I had to progress, then go backwards to get back to where I was dunno.

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Vodka Tears - 07-08-2015

(07-08-2015, 08:58 AM)Gegenji Wrote: Well, we WILL be getting the nice set of gear and a relic to work on in the future for hitting 60. It's just not in the game yet. Just like we don't have /fistbump or the other new Recruit-a-Friend rewards yet either. It's all coming down the pipe, though, so the old standby of "look forward to it!" applies here.

Also, the hunt groups are just the ones who are going to be super-geared and even I'm pretty amazed by some of them (I saw one last week already in full i180 and the Ravana EX i190 sword and shield). I got Chachan to i170 (the level needed to enter Alexander) in a few days just by doing the daily Expert and Trial roulettes for the bonus Law and a couple accessory upgrades from doing the daily "beat this up" hunts a couple time. No actual serious grinding or A/S Hunting involved. It'll be even faster if you help out your friends on their first time through the level 60 stuff too.

So, I suppose, my best suggestion is to be patient - 50 had so much to do after the fact because so much was added after the fact. I don't think vanilla 2.0 50 had much to do at that point either, but I wasn't there for that. Blush
It had a little more. The relic quest was available, and you got your artifact armor. Coil was there, but it took a little while to grind tomes to be geared enough. Mythology tomes got you ilvl 90 gear, and until 2.1, you could only get 300 a week, so it was slow going. 
There's a little less in Heavensward, but at least roulettes let you grind more than just WP and AK @_@

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Tumensuns - 07-08-2015

I think there should have been some job related starter outfit for lv60. You can buy ilvl150 white items from a vendor at Helix so you can actually queue for the lv60 dungeons but it doesn't feel as good as the first time hitting 50. I think they should have had some nice questline given after you finish your lv60 class quest that lets you unlock a starter outfit, unique to the class, so you have a better transition into experts and primals.

That said though, getting gear isn't as big of a slog as 2.0 was. I got to 179 with little effort. But I do agree that there is a huge disconnect between leveling to 60 and being 60.

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Gegenji - 07-08-2015

(07-08-2015, 12:25 PM)Tumensuns Wrote: You can buy ilvl150 white items from a vendor at Helix so you can actually queue for the lv60 dungeons

... I didn't know this was a thing. Surprise
I seriously was running around in HQ 58 stuff and level 57/59 greens for what felt like AGES since the dungeons were not cooperating.

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Sin - 07-08-2015

There is a little less than 2.0, no doubt. About one less primal, one less story dungeon, and the relic chain.

But the experience is mostly the same. Hit max level, hit max gear level, do max level content.

It's just the MMO formula.

I see where you're coming from on the lack of accomplishment, gear wise.

Still, I found accomplishment in actually hitting sixty and taking my time and enjoying every quest, and finishing the MSQ.

I imagine the game will feel a bit more complete with the second set of gear coming out with the new tomes.

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Aya - 07-08-2015

I don't even have HW yet, so you're not slower than me! ^_^

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Aaron - 07-08-2015

My only gripe is that mad ilvl gap from 145 to enter the last story mode dungeon to 170 for Alexander. 

I hate tome farming because dedicating almost half of to a full hour to dungeons each time for law is a pain in the ass. I got other shit to do lol.

Not really complaining though, so far im enjoying everything.

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Seriphyn - 07-08-2015

Yeah, welcome to 2.0 for 2015.

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Lilia Lia - 07-08-2015

I feel exactly this way.  I hit level 60 on Miner and Weaver, and it felt like... not much.  Until I get the Weaver tome I can't make the fancy gear, and even when I can, the materials are going to be almost as expensive as the finished product.  So it feels like I'm just chasing a huge gil sink.

Also I was pretty excited about the new job outfits and those are nowhere to be seen.  Pretty big let-down.

I also liked the story but it feels like there's no end-game yet.

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - V'aleera - 07-08-2015

The new job outfits should be coming in two weeks with Esoteric tomes/red scrips.

RE: Mixed Feelings - HW, Lv 60, and Stuff - Edgar - 07-08-2015

I paid 50 bucks for this expansion, just for them to tell me Alexander and the new AF gear were not in the expansion, despite being part of the advertisements and even being selling points.

This is not a fucking kickstarter, Square. I paid for a finished game. I did not invest in a demo for a future release.