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What does your character find unattractive in others? - Printable Version

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What does your character find unattractive in others? - Blue - 07-10-2015

Due to the vast limitations in the character's creator of this game, it is nearly impossible to go with the factors that our real life society brands as unattractive traits in people (fat is so rare in Eorzea, I'd dare think it's probably considered a rare and beautiful trait, I mean, look at the millions them rich Ul'dahns pay for a fat cat!). Yet, obviously we can't all be attractive, or we'd all fall for the first one who flirts with us and be married by the minute, right?

So, without opening arguments of what is "right" or "wrong" to find attractive, and embracing the concept "to each their own", that everyone has different tastes, and without getting offended if you see your character's traits reflected into another RPer's definition of unattractive, what does YOUR character find unattractive in other people?

Physically and mentally, as a friend and as a potential soul mate. You name it.

What Jet'a finds unattractive:

- Pretty much all the other races, and the opposite clan (he's extremely xenophobic);
- Odd-coloured eyes (very "close" colors are tolerated for him however, like gray and light blue, or red and dark orange);
- Leonine tails;
- Over-elaborated hairstyles (the kind that you'd not bother putting up to go do the groceries or dump the trash outside);
- Visible make-up (not counting symbolic, traditional face-paint);
- Oversexualized attires.

- People who yell/speak loudly;
- Men not paying women due respect (note: Jet'a's idea of respect for women is a bit over-the-top, as he was raised with the concept that they are superior to men);
- Subdued women who let men command/order them about;
- People who do not follow a religion nor pay their deity due attention and rituals;
- Promiscuous/lecherous behavior in general on both genders.
- People who have no sense of privacy or are quick to invade personal space, whether it's his own or others'.

I'll think over the stuff for my other characters, cause I'll admit I never really thought about them as much (since Jet'a is so far the only character that I've had to deal with in terms of finding other people attractive or not).

I want to reiterate one more time that these tastes do not reflect my OOC ones. In fact, to avoid cases of OOC bleeding, I make it a focus to create characters that differ the most from my RL self. Secondly, not finding these traits attractive ICly doesn't mean that my character would HATE yours if he/she has these traits. It merely means my character wouldn't sleep with you nor vote you for Man/Woman of the Year. That's all.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Unnamed Mercenary - 07-10-2015

[[takes out the magitek mod device]]


I've moved the thread over to Character Workshop, as RP Discussion is for RP-related discussions and inquiries, storyline planning/discussion, etc.

Character Workshop is for more serious question on or about characters, developing characters, etc.

[[puts away the magitek mod device]]

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Blue - 07-10-2015

(07-10-2015, 02:04 PM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote: [[takes out the magitek mod device]]


I've moved the thread over to Character Workshop, as RP Discussion is for RP-related discussions and inquiries, storyline planning/discussion, etc.

Character Workshop is for more serious question on or about characters, developing characters, etc.

[[puts away the magitek mod device]]

Oops, had missed this new category. Thanks!

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Asmodean - 07-10-2015

For Asmodean:

- Oversexualized attires. It more a annoyance for him as often he been asked why he refuses to wear anything other then the full armor he dose.

- Over used make-up. Often used by other to hide flaw, Asmo never thought about hiding his own scars. What you see should be the real person not a mask.


- Controlling people. No has any right to control another for any reason. Slavers are the worse and will Asmodean openly attack them if he knows they deal in the slave trade.

- Manipulative people. People should be forward and true to their intention. Those who aren't become problems not just to those they try to manipulate but to themselves as well.

- Those who pry for information despite Asmo already saying he dose not want to speak about. He has a lot of problems in his own life and rather not burden others with his own problems. He as opened a bit more then others but he has his reason.

-Needless lying. Asmo has grown up in Ul'dah and has to come to most will try to trick him and lying to get what they want. However, he has come to hate himself for having to lie from time to time to keep somethings about himself secret.

AS you can see it more the person then their looks that Asmo has come to hate.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Aaron - 07-10-2015

Aaron generally has few things he makes apparent he doesn't like. Oversexualized attire on WOMEN is not one of them. Lol.

- Loud and crazy people. Seriously, Aaron used to be a drunk before he got himself together.  He doesn't need obnoxious reminders of how he used to be.

High Ego people - Aaron has the "nobody cares about you being a flame elite, that's not gonna make me kiss your feet" mindset. He doesn't care if you are stronger than him or weaker or better looking or richer. Keep that stuff in your head, you're only looking like a compensating idiot to him if you do that consistently. 

Edgy people (surprised right?) - Despite how he carries himself Aaron is not angsty. He's just generic about a lot of stuff and likes the color black. You will RARELY IF EVER hear him going about moping "it's all my fault, im a burden to you." Or "You're too light for my darkness" because wth? There's a difference between having legit sorrow and just being brooding because you constantly want sympathetic attention. If Aaron wanted sympathy he'd straight up ask for it. All that my darkness makes me do this and that or just because im a DRK means I need this mopey attitude is annoying to him. It really annoys him when people categorize him as among those depressing people too.

Most people that hang around Aaron can vouch he's not depressing as his vibe gives off. Just ask Berrod lol.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Jean L - 07-10-2015

-Super long hair (including super long beards, to him that's gross)
-Overly bright colors
-Men with no bodyhair at all

-People asking too many questions
-Holier-than-thou attitudes (a lot rooted in his upbringing in Ishgard)
-Refusal to do something for just yourself

-very small body types (even if he rejected the violence he still maintains the Horo ideals of the body)
-he finds most Lalafell creepy (except Papashan, Nanamo, and a few other exceptions)
-Ornate clothes 

-People that condone violence
-Being swift to judge 

(If these two ever met they would probably hate each other especially because Jade tends to hold his selfishness as a positive thing and Nekhii is altruistic and a bit holier-than-thou because of it. In writing this up I realized that they're near polar opposites.)

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Sigil.9054 - 07-10-2015

In terms of just-plain friendliness, Seldi gives most people a chance, even going as far as to try to be friendly with those she finds unpleasant. In terms of romance, however, those with the following traits need not apply.

- Non-Miqo'te
- Smelly
- Diseased or otherwise obviously unhealthy

- Hair-Trigger Tempers
- Holier-Than-Thou Attitudes
- Greedy/Gluttonous (to the point of consuming/hoarding resources needed by others)
- Lazy to the point of harming others
- Disrespectfully flirtatious

Really, I don't think she's unusual in that.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Sophia_Grave - 07-10-2015

Nine times out of ten, Sophia will only approach someone with some sort of ulterior motive. She behaves however she needs to in order to make the appropriate impression. Sophia's only requirement for friendship/acquaintance is that the person is able to offer something useful to her. I've actually not had the chance yet to RP Sophia approaching someone based on legitimate romantic interest yet, but if I had, I'd imagine she'd definitely avoid the following:

-Meekness. This is the big one, a timid person is an instant no-go for Sophia
-Unintelligent or witless. Being involved with Sophia is dangerous. She won't go for someone who can't handle a fair bit of intrigue.
-Overly chivalrous or affectionate. Sophia absolutely does not want to be joined at the hip with anyone no matter how perfect, and she can't stand chivalry or being doted on. She fully expects any sort of significant other to give her plenty of space when she needs it.

Overall, Sophia has a lot of bleed between her professional and personal life. 90% of her relationships are professional, but she does derive some internal happiness or pleasure from most of them, regardless.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - LadyRochester - 07-10-2015


- Lalafells, Roegadyn and Au-Ra. She doesn't seem too keen on miqo'te, despite her history, as to her, they are very close to tribal, primitive people. 
- Sloppy, dirty, and generally gross appearance. She likes her partners clean, thank you very much.
- Dark skin with very light hair. It just throws her off. 
- "Unnatural" hair colours with even more "unnatural" highlights. Green hair with pink highlights just isn't her thing, she sees it as too difficult to blend in. 


- Stupidity combined with arrogance. HUGE turn-off for her.
- Loud-mouthed rudeness. She'll try to be pleasant to those characters, but deep inside she's likely thinking of multiple ways to shut them up.
- "Tribal" people. She considers them somewhat primitive and likely not worth her time unless she needs them for a dirty job.
- Violent individuals. Much like "tribal" people, she sees them as little more than savages.
- Overly-moral people. She's extremely morally grey, so she'll likely scoff upon those who speak of being better than others because of their moral beliefs.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Zyrusticae - 07-10-2015

For T'rahnu:

  • Particularly gross people. She's okay with belches but farting, snot and mucus, particularly uneven teeth, particularly bad breath, and so on, all qualify under this for her.
  • Skinny people. Anyone that looks like she could snap them in half just by landing on them. This is mostly because she feels like she has to treat them with kid gloves, which just isn't something she's looking for.
  • Lalafell. Not because she's racist, but because she doesn't see what the point is. She just can't comprehend what she'd get out of such a relationship (physically, you know what I mean...).
Otherwise, she's not terribly picky. This is partly because she's not really into commitment and thus doesn't go into any long-term relationships, so even if she finds someone to be bland and boring physically, that doesn't mean they're outside of her strike range, so to speak.

  • Anyone who's clingy. She's just never going to be able to reciprocate those feelings.
  • Particularly mean or cruel people. She'd much rather not take chances with them getting abusive on her down the line (or rather, they may end up doing something that gets her to clock them in the face, which has an unfortunately high chance of being a fatality).
  • Anyone who believes in monogamy. Yes, this means a very high proportion of the population is outside of her strike zone. Again, she just cannot reciprocate those feelings.
  • Stupid people. For obvious reasons.
  • Anyone who lacks confidence. If they're uncertain then she will, in absolutely no uncertain terms, put them down immediately. No point in getting in with someone who could have second thoughts down the line.
  • Guys who want children. She can't, so this is a no-go.
  • People that judge her. While she considers this unattractive... she'd love to bed any one of them just to turn them into hypocrites.

WOW, that's a long list! I guess it would be easier to describe the people who she is interested in:

People, mostly men but sometimes women, who are interested in a quick tumble with no follow-up actions, no long-term romancing, and no consequences to their relationship after the fact. Folks who can compartmentalize their sex lives and keep them separate from everything else. And that's about it.

She has zero interest in romance, zero interest in starting a family (not that she could, outside of adoption), and zero interest in becoming someone's house sla- I'm sorry, I mean 'wife'. Very much an independent Miqo'te.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Caspar - 07-10-2015

I feel she is too emotionally immature to really acknowledge romantic desire for someone, so for Virara, this is more of a general list of things that she dislikes about other people.


Scrawny: Weakness is an immediate, high hurdle to climb if you want to appeal to her. There are other ways to demonstrate strength, however, not just physical. Virara also doesn't like it when others are shorter than her... she is sensitive about her height, bizarrely enough.

Overdecorated: Those who spend inordinate amounts of time on their looks baffle Virara. Why wear that flowing skirt? It will only make your bottom half cold. Why wear that revealing top? It exposes your heart to direct attack. She cannot fathom why others would put makeup on. This can conversely be infuriating, as Virara is lucky enough to look relatively pretty (In Lalafell terms, I guess) without having to make an effort, so you could say she's "spoiled."

Baldness: Virara is wary of baldies and tends to give them a wide berth. She is disturbed by the smoothness of their heads and their tendency to reflect light... On a side note, Otto Vann holds the dubious distinction of being the first bald person who is not geriatric that Virara has met, and she finds his chromedome very unsettling.

Facial Paint: Virara tends to assume someone who paints their face is hiding their identity and is thus dishonest. It is usually a wrong assumption, but still...


Cowardice: Obvious. Virara likes to fight; she doesn't demand that others do as well, but those who shy away from it even to their own detriment are not worth attention.

Sensitivity: Virara, being immature, is not in touch with her own emotions, and thus certainly not in touch with others. She particularly despises seeing someone cry, and usually responds in the most blunt, insensitive manner possible, even if they have good reason. Generally people with poor emotional control disgust Virara, who sees her own emotions as more like a continuous flow without distinction between different types. It is a fuel that strengthens your blows, and has no significance other than that. It is bad form to let it drive you rather than exploit it for your own benefit, as her Master taught her.

Insight: Virara hates it when people try to get inside her head, as introspection threatens her narrow worldview. If she thinks too hard about what she's training to do, she risks being overcome with doubt. When she matures, it's likely she won't be as adverse to this, but as she is now, trying to analyze Virara or cast doubt upon her actions will just as like earn someone a broken sternum as it will earn her ire. Master is the only one who deserves to understand her.

Abstract: People who 'speak in riddles' or are indirect; this includes talking about immaterial concepts Virara finds irrelevant. Although she sometimes comes off as dull and anti-intellectual, Virara is actually a voracious learner; she just has monomaniacal focus on her goals, and hates people who waste her time. Why use forty words to say what could be said in three? And why talk about something that cannot be seen or felt, like love, or justice? They won't fill your stomach, or make you stronger.

Dishonesty: People who aren't straightforward with her or lie to her directly. It's connected to people who speak in the abstract. Contrary to how she behaves, Virara does have innate sharpness under her naivete and like a bloodhound will swiftly ferret out when someone is being circumspect; this will almost immediately earn them her disdain.

Those Who Insult Master: That which goes against anything her surrogate parent, martial arts instructor, and ruthless captor taught her is abomination. She will despise those who actively challenge anything her Master has taught her. Strange then that she considers the woman her ultimate enemy.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Viola - 07-11-2015

Viola's a bit of a strange one; due to her very sheltered upbringing, she has very little (read; practically none) interaction with the outside world. She has no interest in others and generally prefers being alone, if, for some reason, is unable to follow her "father" around wherever he goes.

With that said, she is unnervingly loyal to him and will do more or less everything he asks without a second thought.

Outside of that, her only interest is her goals or what she's told to do.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - cuideag - 07-11-2015


... Kind of a tough one! Delial holds a very broad spectrum of beauty. Heck, some of the more attractive people she knows look like they've walked into doors a few dozen too many times.

- Elezen aren't completely unattractive but Twelve knows they aren't her first, second, or even third choice if she ever wanted to approach someone purely on physical appearance alone. The odd proportions really clash with her idea of physical beauty (the ideal being, naturally, highlanders and roegadyn).

- Really poor hygiene. She can't rag on people too much for being less than pristine, cause people gotta work and do what they do. But weeks of dirt and lingering funny smells don't sit well with her at all.

- Unfit or unwell appearance. The perfect, chiseled out of stone physique is indeed a lovely thing to see but not everybody is like that. Where she has issue is when a person is just so thin that it seems sickly, or are overweight to the point of actual obesity.

- Sensitivity. She's not one to talk too much about feelings and whatnot (not without a few drinks first anyway) and she honestly doesn't want to hear it from anyone else. There is a time and a place for bleeding heart time and as a general rule it isn't around her, with very few exceptions.

- Cowardice. With how often she seems to like jumping into messy situations, she prefers the company of someone who can and will have her back no matter what. Shy and timid people are kind of cute, sure, but if they're only going to turn yellow when it really counts? Nope, not interested in the least.

- Excessively abrasive/egotistical. A bit hypocritical on Delial's part to be sure because she likes to talk herself up when given the chance but it doesn't mean it doesn't grate on her when other people do it. People who can't communicate without swearing or insulting somebody/something every other word are really not worth her interest.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Aysun - 07-11-2015

Hmm. This looks fun. :3

For Aysun it is a bit odd, because her being physically attracted to someone is directly related to being emotionally attracted to them. She does not have one without the other. She's tried, and it's empty and not something she can do. Your character can be the most gorgeous man or woman in the world, but she won't find you attractive or be interested until she forms an emotional bond. Girl-talk about ("he's so sexyyy!") and flirting with people with whom this bond is not made is nearly impossible for her.

That said, once that bond is there, there's very little that she can call a flaw in that person. However, some things I think would still be an issue for her if they occurred, though this bond-making weeds out the really obvious things (hard to form that bond with someone who clashes with her personality blatantly, so I won't list those things).

  • Someone who is shorter than she is - Despite how much she abhors her height in her current relationship as an inconvenience (he's a freakin' Highlander!), being involved with someone she looked down to would be unnerving.
  • Poor hygiene (the distinctly offensive kind) - She bathes at least twice day; she's a bit neurotic about it. Coming home smelling like the morbol you ran into or like vomit from the bar? Completely gross, and she will tell you that. That said, coming home smelling of smoke and sweat from hard work at the forge seems completely acceptable.
  • Changes frequently. - Much make up to no make up to war paint. Blonde hair to black hair to red hair. Frequent, drastic changes to someone's appearance are unnerving to her, especially when they move far away from what is natural for that person. How a person looks is a big part of who they are to her and she feels she has to reacquaint with this new, changed person every time. If someone is consistently "unnatural" she would not be bothered.
  • Overly flirtatious people/someone who every other sentence is a compliment. - This just makes her uncomfortable way too often. She is terrible at taking compliments and does not want to be treated specially most of the time.
  • Public displays of affection. - She is rarely affectionate in public, with friends or lovers. Someone who forces his upon her would only make her feel uncomfortable. It's little to do with being embarrassed of the person she is with and more to do with not liking to show that side of herself to the world at large.
  • Liars. - Lies are intolerable, even little white ones, and she has a keen sense of when someone is lying to her. Don't do it.
  • Abstract (stealing this term from Caspar for different reasons) - Riddles and indirectness. While intellect and "smartness" do impress her, she does not like when people speak so damn fancily! She has more than once told someone to "speak plainly." This is mostly to do with her actual inability to understand people when they speak abstractly, due to a smaller vocabulary and lack of education in her upbringing. Simple terms and simple words for a rather simply educated girl, please.

RE: What does your character find unattractive in others? - Griffith! - 07-11-2015

Marten is pretty much uninterested in romance or even in purely physical relationships. It nets him nothing, gets him no closer to his goals, and is only a momentary distraction that actively hinders his progress. That being said...

  • Small people, here referring specifically to Lallafell, Miqo'te, and Au Ra women. He's more attracted to people bigger than him, especially physically imposing women, like Roegadyn or Highlanders.
  • He doesn't like weak people - not referring to people who lack physical strength or martial skill and ability, but rather people who don't help themselves. People who lack the will or ability to struggle against circumstance.

Other than that, it doesn't matter to him. Though I have stated, in character, that the only person that could stand next to him would "have to be my equal in every way" (because I still can't get over Griffith and love to steal his lines), so it's safe to assume that unless you're at least a match for him, he isn't interested. Ideally, his partner would be better than he is.