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Breaking point - Printable Version

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Breaking point - Asmodean - 07-17-2015

What would it take for your character to snap? Would it be simple raw anger or would be a psychotic snap?

Everyone has their break points, and everyone has their own things that can make them snap. For Asmodean controlling himself has become harder and harder in the past year but thanks to him having avoiding connecting with others, he has never had anything to push him over the edge.

Now, however with a few people he's started to work with or simply spent some time speaking with, the threat of him snapping is there. All it would really take would to have one of them to come to harm before him, for Asmo to enter a rage. While he has trained with a warrior soulstone, but the one in question isn't a a standard soulstone with it's own drawbacks. If fact it in part would the reason he couldn't normally control his rage. Then the next problem would be trying calm him down from that enraged state.

Lucky for him he' rarely out in the field with anyone he might worry about so this might not be that much of a problem.

RE: Breaking point - Jerciex - 07-17-2015

To make Jerciex lose his mind and to "rampage" for real... you need to cause serious damage to his friends or Gridania. If you kill or hurt someone close to him... be ready to feel his anger.
Reaction depends on how serious case is and what is reason behind.

(edit.. misunderstood topic at first. Was mistrailing, sorrY!)

RE: Breaking point - Viola - 07-17-2015

Viola, with the way she is, would probably snap if anything happened to her "father".
And I don't mean snap into a fit of rage. There [will] be blood, and everything will be painted crimson. The ground. Her armor, her face, her hair. EVERYTHING.

It won't be a pyschotic break. It'll be a sociopathic break. Years of training and conditioning undone within a single instant. She can't handle that sort of loss, and it would truly show when she goes on a rampage, most likely ending in her death.

RE: Breaking point - Cato - 07-17-2015

Graeham would snap if anything ever happened to those he cares for most. A little cliche, perhaps, but they're what keep him grounded. If Eorzeans began slaughtering innocent Garleans then that, too, would make him break since he's striving to preserve both Eorzea and Garlemald.

RE: Breaking point - Aduu Avagnar - 07-17-2015

As some of the Red Wings found out, Magical Feedback tends to send Nako a bit on the Crazy side.

RE: Breaking point - Jana - 07-17-2015

One could argue that Jana has already snapped.

RE: Breaking point - Kellach Woods - 07-17-2015

I don't think Kell could reach that point at this point in time.

Not because he makes rational decisions, but mostly because of the opposite.

I mean if he didn't clock people for outright calling him a retard, he won't easily lose it.

RE: Breaking point - LadyRochester - 07-17-2015

While harming those she cares about, insulting her intelligence, and/or taking advantage of her might send her into "I will coldly try to undermine you"-mode, there's only one thing that will probably make her snap to the point her logic is completely blinded by fury, and that's getting in the way/harming her research/magic somehow. 

This character sees magic and research as her sole purpose in life, so harming or taking that away from her is like taking a part of her soul. It might feel extreme, but magic was always an "escape" for her and something that offered her a motivation to live and something to do. Magical research is pretty much what keeps her together, she uses it to cool off and to build herself up. It's a bit ironic, that messing with her "structure" will make her completely collapse.

If she snaps, it will start off as extremely explosive and uncharacteristically emotional of her, however, once she has calmed down, she'll grow colder and begin to look into different ways to ruin the person. If this person has done enough harm she will happily attempt to bring them to absolute ruin and misery before she manages to finish them off.

Now that I think of it, there's another thing that has made her snap in the past, but she's far less dangerous in this case. Stupidity. If she or those she cares about happen to be put in harm's way because of other people's incompetence, she can be sent into an explosive fury, but not to the point she will want to physically harm the others (After all, she is aware of the fact stupidity/incompetence isn't on purpose) But she'll get extremely verbally abusive and cruel if she's rubbed the wrong way. This is the easiest way one can get her "bitch-streak" to show, even in situations she will regret later.

RE: Breaking point - Corelyn - 07-17-2015

It's pretty easy for Corelyn: get a zombie (any undead, really, but zombies have the biggest effect) to touch her. She will immediately lose her shit and either attempt to gun down anything that moves in a blind panic or slip into a catatonic panic mode.

For Dail'a, it's pretty difficult since he's usually fairly easygoing and it's generally difficult to rustle his jimmies, as it were. However, if one manages to find and push his buttons enough, he's got a really quick temper with the things that do get under his skin, and will flip his shit on people pretty quickly for angering him.

RE: Breaking point - Hammersmith - 07-17-2015

Hammer's a rage trainwreck in constant motion.

RE: Breaking point - DoomsdayClock - 07-17-2015

Lho'a tends to self destruct when his pride is shattered. ( this happens very often ). Being ridiculed or overlooked in public settings...manners of disrespect...or just not percieving him as a threat can cause him to loose all of his composure. Usually this is when he seems the most imature and volatile.

RE: Breaking point - Gegenji - 07-17-2015

Two of my characters have technically already hit their breaking point at some point in the past - Gogonji's plot, in fact, was basically wrought entirely from his doing so. Returning home to show off his findings and prove he was right to his father, only to find the place razed and Garleans poking around for survivors did very little for his mental state. And, even after being defeated and learning that his family was - in fact - okay, he still maintains a lingering hatred of Garlemald for pulling what it did.

Chachan might have come close to the same, but he found out about the razing as the refugees arrived at Ul'dah... and the news was coupled with learning that his family made it out okay - which helped a lot. Considering his love of friends and family, I would figure seeking one of them fatally wounded or outright killed in front of him would be the breaking point. As for what he would do, I'm less certain since I hope such a situation never happens to him. My best guess would likely be Eorzea's Most Violent Temper Tantrum, with little Chachan going after the offending party with all the bundled up rage a little muscly popoto armed in the highest quality weapons and armor could manage.

RE: Breaking point - Virella - 07-17-2015

I have no idea as I've put her trough deaths of relatives already. However if she lost another lover, or her child, that probably would break her.

Got no idea what she would do. May be shutting herself off, may be turning into a heap of rage, or just kill herself off; I can never tell with Vi, she does as she pleases.

RE: Breaking point - K'nahli - 07-17-2015

My main, K'nahli, likely wouldn't tolerate anyone being rude or aggressive to any of her family(her tribe at large that is), but if any serious harm came to either her father or sister in particular, then that would undoubtedly damage her. How she'd react would depend on the means and circumstance. If it were a person for instance, then she'd likely flip into a psychotic rage were anything to happen to her sister.

As for my Au Ra, he is normally rather stoic but he would become rather defensive if he didn't like the way someone was dealing with Yura; his master/companion sort of thing. If they made any actual attempt to hurt her however then he would eagerly paint the floor and walls with their blood, however - with varying intensity. If successful, then a snap would likely occur.

RE: Breaking point - Griffith! - 07-17-2015

Marten doesn't have a breaking point. He is perfectly calm and rational. Or so he would have you believe...

Basically the only thing that would make Marten snap is all of his plans falling apart at once. He isn't the kind of person who handles failure well.