Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Eckerd Kvislyn - Printable Version

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Eckerd Kvislyn - Eckerd - 08-19-2015

I. Basic Information
  • Character(s): Eckerd Kvislyn
  • Linkshell(s): None!
  • Primary RP Linkshell: None!
II. Roleplaying Style
  • Amount of roleplaying (light, medium, heavy):
  • Light/Medium at the moment, which is mostly due to my recent absence from FFXIV roleplaying, as well as the game itself, which has made it a tad challenging to dive back into the RP scene. However, as an attempt to reignite some confidence, I've made the decision to remake Eckerd from the ground up to be closer to the character that I originally wanted him to be, but couldn't quite pull through. Not that there aren't any similarities between his current and previous self - believe me, there's a bunch - but all the small details from his backstory, to his family and relationships, as well as his personality, are more or less altered. Improved, even, if luck would have it. Time will tell.
  • Views on combat and injuries in roleplay:
  • When it comes to combat, I've become rather familiar with two specific mechanics during my time spent roleplaying. One of those relying purely on luck and rolls, and another focused solely around emotes and decisions made by the players themselves. Out of said two, I highly prefer the latter, but rolls certainly have their uses - I completely get that! That being said, with combat based around emotes comes the OOC element, and I'd highly appreciate some form of contact if I'm about to get falcon punched by another player. Not that imagining poor Eckerd fly through a couple of buildings while slowly turning into mush wouldn't be entertaining - it would - but it'd definitely be nice to have a say when it comes to mutilating and/or killing off my own character. 
  • Views on romance in roleplay:
  • Three letters: OOC. No, really - it's essentially what either makes or breaks a thing like this. Or so I've noticed. You could be the best roleplayer that's ever set foot in Eorzea, and your character could have insane chemistry with my character, but if there's absolutely no communication between both parties OOCly - or  - there IS communication, but it's extremely forced and/or apathetic, then there's very little chance for a truly dynamic story to be able to be told between those two characters.

    After all, romance in RP - the way I see it - is supposed to be a gateway into exploring a wide array of emotions and the personal growth and hardships that come with two characters sharing such a bond with each other. If no such intent exists, then there's little to no reason for an IC romance to begin with.

  • Views on non-romantic roleplay (family ties, etc):
  • It depends! Definitely approving of - and hoping for - some family-like bonds to form between my character and others, given the time and chance for it. A good, tight-knit Free Company would also fit the mold without a hitch, obviously.
  • Views on lore:
  • As for the lore itself? I like it. I really, really do.
    As for the lore as a part of roleplaying? Well, obviously, there's a reason why said lore even exists in the first place, so I'm usually trying to avoid any of the bigger pitfalls (timeline errors, etc.) whenever possible, as I'd imagine most roleplayers do. I'll admit that I've chosen to steer clear of magic when it comes to my character, simply so that I won't go making any lore-breaking emotes while dealing with fireballs, bolts of lightning and borderline shady hocus-pocus trickery any time soon. 

    Also, I completely forgot to mention that Eckerd is actually the bastard son of Ifrit's cousin, Blazit, and a one-armed circus performer. Pretty sweet, ain't it?

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
  • Says, Shouts, Linkshells and Emotes generally fall into the IC category for me. Everything else is something I'll consider purely OOC, unless a situation arises where they should be considered IC as well.

III. Other Information
  • Country: FIN
  • Timezone: UTC/GMT +2
  • Contact Info: PM me here or hurl me a /tell in-game!